On a desktop now so here are some relevant timestamps of dialogue to go with some of what I was saying earlier (I won't quote whole scenes, so watching the clips is recommended).
Ep 22: 06:50-10:15 covers Gaelio being hesitant to submit Ein to the surgery, with McGillis convincing him by reiterating Gjallerhorn's history and purpose.
Ep 23: 09:27-11:42 covers Gaelio regretting having Ein bound to the machine, and is consoled by McGillis
Also there is the dialogue from Galieo/McGillis confrontation in ep 25 (but there are multiple parts so I won't link to them)
Anyways, these mainly cover the "irony" aspect of McGillis potentially being the manufacturer of his own demise if Gaelio's side wins and they reform Gjallarhorn.
There is some other stuff I wanted to link to & quote, like the intro in Ep one explaining that Tekkadan's ascendancy actually cause more problems politically than it solved, or McGillis/Isurugi's discussion of Barbatos' power and how it fights (Ep 33: 16:25-17:56) and how interesting of a contrast it is to Julia and her obersvation of how Vidar fought in Ep 34 ....but tbh its long and I cba to add any more to this.