Seems like it.DragonGirl said:Then what's the point of setting the number of players? A holdover from 10 player rooms I assume?
The game would've been even better with 10 player rooms. JP version superior confirmed.
Seems like it.DragonGirl said:Then what's the point of setting the number of players? A holdover from 10 player rooms I assume?
Kyoufu said:Already said this a page or two ago but no, there is no scaling. Quests are designed for 4 players.
DragonGirl said:Then what's the point of setting the number of players? A holdover from 10 player rooms I assume?
when the qurupeco did its call at first i was like "wait it's been like a month, is that a r-" then i realized it was a ludrothY2Kev said:That's why I asked. Doesn't make a ton of sense.
Then what's the point of setting the number of players?
Captured him yesterday. I did die once but honestly I find Alatreon waaaaaaay scarier.
I was actually referring to the hunters. :lolRidley327 said:The biggest enemies in high rank are the drop rates.
Just one.botticus said:So should I expect to deal with more high-intensity assholes now that I'm in high-rank, or is it just in the Jhen quest?
botticus said:I was actually referring to the hunters. :lol
In this case I was the one who fucked up the repel, but the nameless one (in case he's a gaffer) was barking out instructions that would probably be clear to people who have done it a dozen times, but since I've been on the ship all of twice, I don't know where the fuck anything is except for the cannon and ballista. If something important needs to be done, either do it yourself or tell someone how to do it.Ridley327 said:I'm still not sure what it is about Jhen that attracts so many dumbasses who won't listen to instructions; successfully repelling it is really easy if you know when to use the items at the right time, and yet they'll be doing everything wrong and before you know it, the Dragonship gets wrecked.
Maybe this forced break from the game will do me a bit of good.
oracrest said:I uploaded all of my Monster Hunter images. I may have a few more on other computers, but.....
Y2Kev said:That's why I asked. Doesn't make a ton of sense.
botticus said:In this case I was the one who fucked up the repel, but the nameless one (in case he's a gaffer) was barking out instructions that would probably be clear to people who have done it a dozen times, but since I've been on the ship all of twice, I don't know where the fuck anything is except for the cannon and ballista. If something important needs to be done, either do it yourself or tell someone how to do it.
I don't mind just doing cannon for 30 minutes, but if no one explains the rest of it, that's all they can expect me to do.
You can get those coins online when the arena quests are available and they are pretty easy. Anw it's just one of the 9999+ combination available for that skills set. With charm assist, you can remove those hi lvl armor and replace with low level ones.Lance Bone Path said:Let's see:
Rheno, giggi, and ingot armors aren't bad as far as materials go. That's pretty good so far.
Blast Earring --- Great Jaggi Coin x6, Qurupeco Coin x6, Barroth Coin x4
Okay, I'm going to nit pick. My opinion is that requiring off-line only materials puts it outside the "easy to achieve" when most people probably want to maximize their online playing time.
I think it works like that in the guild hall, or at least it does in the guild hall in Unite/Freedom 2.
botticus said:In this case I was the one who fucked up the repel, but the nameless one (in case he's a gaffer) was barking out instructions that would probably be clear to people who have done it a dozen times, but since I've been on the ship all of twice, I don't know where the fuck anything is except for the cannon and ballista. If something important needs to be done, either do it yourself or tell someone how to do it.
I don't mind just doing cannon for 30 minutes, but if no one explains the rest of it, that's all they can expect me to do.
Online or offline? That's fucking impressive!Boney said:Ok just did killed Rathian in 3:12 in Arena. Is that a new world record?
What about killing Jhen solo?? What achievement can you unlock?Ridley327 said:Killing Jhen is definitely a great accomplishment and I recommend anyone to go for it when he rolls up into town again.
botticus said:Thanks a bunch, Khory and Syfin - killed a few Jhens, got someone else up to high rank, and then we all joined Mars to take out my first high-rank monster. I think Barroth was easier there than he is at low-rank. :lol
Tenbatsu said:
Hawkian said:Mark, you there?
Join room 2 for great and powerful success.
Damn, killing Jhen is fun! Thank Aterra, Znarf, smu..
You didn't fail my freind, consider that a victoryLeezard said:So I just had my first fight against Alatreon. Kinda awful, I died twice, causing us to fail the quest. :/ We got his tail though, and I carved an Azure Dragongem on my first carve! How awesome is that!![]()
Leezard said:So I just had my first fight against Alatreon. Kinda awful, I died twice, causing us to fail the quest. :/ We got his tail though, and I carved an Azure Dragongem on my first carve! How awesome is that!![]()
What is your playing style and what weapon are you using mainly?RuneFactoryFanboy said:I'm still trying to decide on what skill I want to accompany Sharpness+1. Originally I was considering HG Earplugs but screams don't happen that often and when they do rarley ever does it get me in trouble. I was thinking about getting Minds Eye but as I think it over I don't think it will be that useful, I only ever bounce on monsters like Uragaan and Agkantor.
The full Deviljo set can be easily jeweled for Attack Up (L) but I hate to think that's the best I can do skill set wise. Does anyone have any skill suggestions?
Edit: In general, G armors are more versatile for mixing and matching, whereas non G ones are not. The game give you the option to upgrade your non G armor in the event that you have problem getting the material for the G version. Plus the requirement to upgrade is not as demanding as compared to making the G version. Reason that G armors are pretty hard to make is that Capcom wanted players to mix their armor rather than going for the full set.Ridley327 said:Sadly, no, and it's probably the single biggest oversight that the game has against it.
Well that's a bummer. I guess I'm glad I didn't use too many armor spheres yet.Ridley327 said:Sadly, no, and it's probably the single biggest oversight that the game has against it.
What the smithy is referring to is that armor can be upgraded to the point where they change rarity and gain a few more defense points, but it's not really worth it since high rank armor offers the same kind of protection at earlier levels and you end up getting an extra skill or two out of them.
That aspect is something I hope gets figured out in a potential MH3G since it doesn't make a lot of sense to literally start over with your armor when they already have a system in place where that wouldn't have to be the case.
To be fair, my second death was due to me getting greedy and trying to carve the tail another time after getting the gem. :lol We did it once more though, and I didn't die once. Too bad you have to be the one to initiate the quest to get it cleared. :/selig said:Yeah, well ...just kidding
RuneFactoryFanboy said:You didn't fail my freind, consider that a victory
botticus said:Well that's a bummer. I guess I'm glad I didn't use too many armor spheres yet.