The impression I get is that Duramboros is the new Barroth as far as a noob smasher is concerned, but he comes up a bit later than Barroth does in the Moga Village quests.
BarIoth, not Barroth

(barroth was never a problem for me, but barioth...)
The impression I get is that Duramboros is the new Barroth as far as a noob smasher is concerned, but he comes up a bit later than Barroth does in the Moga Village quests.
Excellent hunts tonight Euro-GAF!! Except, on, like, maybe, plesi. (lol)
going through and cleaning up my nintendo surveys and whatnot... just cracked 2000 coins... noticed that if you buy MH3U on the eshop you get 80 (!!!) coins... but if you buy physical like me... you get zipThanks! Or is there a way to activate it somehow? my wii u has internet
do i have to play 'online' with a group?
Supposedly retail 3rd party games don't have CN codes and NFS:MW for the Wii U is the first 3rd-party game to do so.
figures... just funny how the 3DS version has a code (which i regged)... i wonder what the cause is.
Do people use bounce bombs at all? I think I've only seen one hunter use any so far. I started though and they seem pretty useful. Knocked Azure Rathalos out of the sky a bunch of times with them.
How do you tell when Diablos is enraged? Like, 100% for sure no more sonic bomb wasting.
They do look sexy, but they break too easily. I was spoiled by my Snow slicers. -_-
Anyone know how to get a voltstone? Wiki doesn't seem to know!
Fuck fishing, no seriously. Why did I even go back to that goldenfish quest, fuck the completionist in me too.
Was going to go to sleep, but then I noticed new DLC.
Started up a NA server, Free Play 03 > Lobby 9 > GAF!! > Pass:
HR3 and up, as that's what the quests need.
These are that rare to carve? Managed to get one from his tail the second time I fought him.Definitely feeling the Barroth tail woes now. ;_;
I'm a little hesitant to get to the more difficult quests in the village. but soloing G multiplayer, you're crazy.New set. Agnaktor Z. Soloing G Rank takes forever...
Finally got a King's Frill to finish my Jaggi set.
How do i get Ice Crystals to make my Jaggi sword though? Have only seen Earth Crystals
New set. Agnaktor Z. Soloing G Rank takes forever...
Combine the power/armorcharm with Jho Talon, then carry two upgraded charms and two regular.So I bought an armorcharm and it only seems to have increased my defense by 8. Kind of a waste of 25k z, unless I'm missing something.
soloing g rank?
Are you using goldenfish bait? I remember that helping a lot in Tri.
I find there's a lot in the cave (Area 6) in the Sandy Plains.Finally got a King's Frill to finish my Jaggi set.
How do i get Ice Crystals to make my Jaggi sword though? Have only seen Earth Crystals
Picked up the game for 3DS a couple days ago and I'm having a pretty fun time so far. I do have a couple really noobish questions:
I'm using the Ludroth Switch Axe which apparently does 120 water damage. Does that water damage apply all the time, or only when my axe is in sword mode? And is this weapon doing less damage to watery enemies like the Royal Ludroth or Gobul, than a weapon that does no water damage?
Are these "online" missions you guys are talking about the ones handed out in Port Tanzia? Can these all be done in single-player? And do the Moga Village quests make up the bulk of the game, or are they just tutorials for the Port Tanzia missions?
And what is the best way to determine which armor sets to upgrade to? They all seem to have relatively similar stats so far, is it the skills that set each piece of armor apart from one another?
Whew, that turned into a lot more questions than I had anticipated. I would have bought a guide book or something if one was available. Lots to learn jumping into this series for the first time.
Farming more Diablos later tonight!
Anyone wanna farm brachy a bit? I just need a tail.