I have a question to ask. Is it possible to cut off parts of all monsters as a Gunner with Slice ammo, or am I going to have to play as a swordsman? I ask because I've gotten pretty far and I now noticed that for the Ludroth Armor I need a R.Ludroth tail, and I'm guessing other higher up armors will require the same.
Bnahabra? Best way is to use the torch to gather them together and then poison smoke bomb a bunch of them at once. You can make poison smoke bombs with toadstools and bomb casing.Whats my cheapest starter weapon to upgrade to if I want to farm some Bananarama after poisoning them? I have only upgraded the SA and the lance.
So whats the best way to maximise Dios gem drop? i heard randomly its actually better to kill than capture him? is this true?
Lovin my Dios Gunlance. Needs a brachy gem to upgrade, though. Not sure I can handle farming brachydios right now.
Also, what's a good armor set fot Gunlance? I've been alternating Aelucanth/Barroth, just because I have 'em.
]blacky[;52988727 said:Wait, when you use the longsword, you have to equip a vest ? (Dont know what is called in the english version of the game.) How important ist that?
I am DREADING getting to the volcano and having to get a new weapon (my current one is fire based). I wish I could just switch elements to make life easier. ;_;
Pretty much, but the Kelbi bow is slime as well if you have Awakening. It's also the most broken weapon in the game.Are brachy weapons the only slime weapons?
Did you rike it?Just killed my first Rathian, got poisoned, set on fire and tramped on!
Pretty much, but the Kelbi bow is slime as well if you have Awakening. It's also the most broken weapon in the game.
Interesting. What's Awakening? (not that I don't want to check it myself, but being on the phone complicates things)
Well for every armor-type you have more options than one: Vest, Shawl, Mail and so on.Are you going from a gunner weapon tot he long sword? If so you'd be going from gunner armor to blademaster armor which is a requirement, unless you want to go naked.
Otherwiese I'm not sure what a vest could be.
]blacky[;52991820 said:Well for every armor-type you have more options than one: Vest, Shawl, Mail and so on.
But now I already saw, what I should buy when I use a longsword. It is mendioned in the UI. I didnt see it before.
Indeed. That was my problem. I did not see it before.Just look for if it says it's for blademasters or gunner.
Yes, go to single player port tanzia. The first few quests are what you're looking for.]blacky[;52992114 said:Indeed. That was my problem. I did not see it before.
Can you go to other offline areas without doing a quest beside the flooded forest?
April 2013.Any word on when we'll be getting the off tv update?
So I'm getting rustshards left and right, and been keeping all the weapons I've gotten so far. Problem is, after reading online, I still don't really understand how rustshards work.
Most of my shards turn into vanilla level 1 weapons. Are these worth keeping? Do they "turn" into a good weapon at some point, or should I just get rid of them?
Today I got this rusted GS. is it rare? Should I upgrade it?
So I'm getting rustshards left and right, and been keeping all the weapons I've gotten so far. Problem is, after reading online, I still don't really understand how rustshards work.
Most of my shards turn into vanilla level 1 weapons. Are these worth keeping? Do they "turn" into a good weapon at some point, or should I just get rid of them?
Today I got this rusted GS. is it rare? Should I upgrade it?
Personally I would say rusted weapons aren't worth upgrading because you can get their ancient counterparts at G rank, which upgrade to more powerful versions of the weapon.Today I got this rusted GS. is it rare? Should I upgrade it?
Tempted to pick this up for 3DS but I'm not sure I can go back to the PSP 'claw'.
Does this control OK without the CPP?
Yes, I transitioned from the claw to lock-on just fine. Swimming is still clunky and takes some getting used to, but it's doable.Tempted to pick this up for 3DS but I'm not sure I can go back to the PSP 'claw'.
Does this control OK without the CPP?
3DS + CPP gives all the benefits of clawing, without the negatives.Tempted to pick this up for 3DS but I'm not sure I can go back to the PSP 'claw'.
Does this control OK without the CPP?
It's manual. It's more of a "center camera" button instead of lock on.This has a target cam now? SOLD!
On another note, I wonder if we'll reach OT2 before we head to community...
The rustshards that become the vanilla level 1 weapons are just that: crummy level 1 weapons, the same as what you'd find in your equipment box at the very beginning of the game. Unless you particularly want to upgrade one of them along their normal trees, go ahead and sell them off.
The actual "rusted" weapons, like that GS, can be upgraded along their own unique path and, once the rust is removed, tend to become very powerful dragon-element ancient weapons. Those are the ones to shoot for if you're rustshard-hunting.
Still HR4?First g rank went as expected.
Well... y'know, black diablos aint exactly entry level type stuff...First g rank went as expected.
Still HR4?