If you've seen everything in the original Monster Hunter Tri, how far into this one do the new monsters start showing up, not counting subspecies of the ones that were already in Tri?
Order of appearance in the Village quests (single player). (Note that you might find these monsters roaming around on earlier quests but I only listed when the first quest to actually hunt them becomes available)
Lv. 2 (low rank)
Lv. 3
-Great Wroggi (don't know if you would count this as a subspecies)
Lv. 4
Lv. 5
Lv. 6 (High rank begins here)
Lv. 8
Lv. 9
Order of appearance in the port/guild's quests. (same conditions as above)
Lv. 1 (Low rank)
Lv. 2
Lv.3 (High rank begins here)
-Great Wroggi
Lv. 4
Lv. 5
Lv.6 (G rank begins here)
Lv. 8
-Dire Miralis
Dire Miralis as well as the subspecies of new monsters (Green Plesioth, Rust Duramboros, Green Nargacuga, Translucent Nargacuga, Stygian Zinogre, ) and some subspecies of old monsters (Savage Deviljho, Abyssal Lagiacrus, Gold Rathian, Silver Rathalos, Goldbeard Ceadeus, Hallowed Jhen Mohran) can only be fought in the port's G rank quests (lv. 6-8).