Ok Ok Ok So After buying this game back in april , i started playing but shortly left the game as there were too many games to play at that time period.
My first wall was lagiacrus , i did not know how to properly fight underwater, i tried several times but well i got frustrated and left the game for some months till i came back in Summer i think, i kept going and finally killed him after several tries ! YES
After that it went downhill as i could not access some 5 Star missions ! I looked up in the internet ( but me moron did not think of NeoGaf duh) but nothing was found. Again i left the game to rot.
In September i met up with an old friend who visited me from USA ( he had the game aswell and was like 500 hours into it ) so i asked him how i could access those missions.
He laughed went behind the waterfall and that was it. i was so frustrated but i had to laugh that it was so easy

. He gave me several tips how to properly fight which was good as it helped me farm a lot better.
My last wall i managed to overcome was a week ago as i had problems fighting the Ceadeus ! The main issue was that you have to do a certain amount of damage before he goes into area 3. With my full lagiacrus and thunderclap i tried several times and finally got enough damage in order to keep fighting him !
well and now i finally have access to High Rank missions and boy is that a good felling ! It feels as i have finally got into the real meat of the game

I cant wait to sink more time into that game
As i said i have Full lagi and the blade from the traveler atm , what armor and weapon should i be building next ?
( i have been only playing with a longsword as i sold all the other weapons at the beginning of the game ,yeah i got laughed out for that move from my friend aswell )