MH4U announced for West release!
Early 2015: you serious!? Hey, I'll take it. Did they say what quarter?
Are you serious!? Hey, I'll take it. Did they say what quarter?
Cloudy moon shards
Online and this thread are both still going strong, you should feel free to get into 3UI've never played Monster Hunter before(well I played the 3U demo) but with the announcement of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate I was thinking of picking up 3U for Wii U, would anyone be interested in helping a newcomer out if I do pick it up?
With moonshards the method I used was to use a sonic bomb when Lucent Narga is in it's pounce stance and pick up the shiny from it. You can get 2 shiny drops per match with it and I managed to get two moonshards (and a few mantles I think) with an hour.
Funny that you bring that up. I now need one to upgrade to an Eclipse Bow. Basically, I crafted the G rank Green Nargacuga armor set, and have fallen in love with it. I've made my new mission crafting a Bow for nearly every situation. I need the Mohran Allbrace for the fully upgraded Worldseer's bow for Dragon damage (Don't wanna deal with grinding Alatreon and don't really like the Stygian Zinogre bow), I need a Brachy Pallium to fully upgrade the Dios bow, and I need a bunch of insects for the Ark Nulo (Y) path.
I figure it's a fun goal to strive for after I already pretty much killed nearly everything with my friends.
He's not. I use it all the time, but that's only because I hunt everything at range where the incoming bombs don't matter. But I'd recommend something else if you're going to use any of the blademaster type weapons, otherwise the barrage of explosions can get very frustrating.Man, I dig the utility of the False Felyne mask, but Kayamba is just too unwieldy with that thing. He seems to get sweet satisfaction out of screwing up everyone of my combos. I'm sent flying by him constantly, though the monsters hardly ever touch me. Any chance Cha-cha is better with it?
You are a bad personSo I just killed two Lucient Nargacugas and got a cloudy moonshard from each fight. Why can't I get this kind of love when I'm fighting G Rank Jhen Mohran? >=(
He's not. I use it all the time, but that's only because I hunt everything at range where the incoming bombs don't matter. But I'd recommend something else if you're going to use any of the blademaster type weapons, otherwise the barrage of explosions can get very frustrating.
You are a bad person
If he seems to hit you very often when melee-ing him, maybe practice a little more, get more comfortable with his moves. Jump in and bail out before your 3rd cart. I don't think there's any great secret to dealing with him. I believe I had some reasonable success with slime (both myself and the two little farts being set up for it), but that was a long ass time ago. One neat trick is farcaster spamming, to both save up a little bit on healing items (although he's got quite a bit of health, so you dont want to spend too much time sleeping), and I think it brings back both your minions if they were out of the fight. Also, nice quiet time to sharpen and rebuff.On another note, is there some secret to fighting Alatreon solo? I'm trying to finish him off in the village quest, and he is such a pain in the ass. I either don't get enough damage on him in time when I play as ranged, or he just wrecks me with his attacks when I try to melee him.
I've never played Monster Hunter before(well I played the 3U demo) but with the announcement of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate I was thinking of picking up 3U for Wii U, would anyone be interested in helping a newcomer out if I do pick it up?
He's not. I use it all the time, but that's only because I hunt everything at range where the incoming bombs don't matter. But I'd recommend something else if you're going to use any of the blademaster type weapons, otherwise the barrage of explosions can get very frustrating.
Rapid-firing a bunch of flame shot into Barioth's wing thorns never stops being fun.oh god yes, the false felyne mask is awesome when bowing/gunning, the flinches from the bombs are awesome.
Also, Tuffy, I got my Rath Mantle and finished my Azurerath Sunsear LBG and OMG i'm loving the hell out of it.
That sounds about right. If in doubt, you can always use the comparison page when equipping to see which is better by whether the "reload speed" text is red or green.Ques for you: I am assuming bowgun reload speeds go in this way:
Fast -> below avg. -> avg. -> above avg. -> slow
for some reason below avg. sounds worse than avg. so I caught myself doubting myself because I didn't want my reload speed to be below avg. if it was worse than avg.
Rapid-firing a bunch of flame shot into Barioth's wing thorns never stops being fun.
That sounds about right. If in doubt, you can always use the comparison page when equipping to see which is better by whether the "reload speed" text is red or green.
In practice, reload speed doesn't seem to matter as much as recoil (for non-rapid fire shots) or deviation. The window between monster attacks needed to reload feels about the same whether it's fast, average or slow.
Nah, the game "gets going" at probably under five hours. Your first two big hunts of things like Great Jaggi and Qurupeco happen pretty early and thats when the game gets engaging. Its just that the game has an increasing set of "gets going" moments, and its actually very satisfying.I'm sure this has been asked at some point in this (massive) thread, so burn/impale/hunt-for-loot if old, but with the price drop to $20, I'm thinking of picking up MH3U for the 3DS. In addition to the typical beginner questions (this is hard, what do I do, etc) I have some concerns:
1. I've heard it takes something like 100 hours before this game really gets going. Is that true? If I played for four hours a night, that'd still take a month before the game "gets going." If so, that's a huge turn-off. If untrue, about how much time do I need to invest before things start to click and I understand what's going on/begin to really dive into the game?
2. I understand the major appeal of this game is through multiplayer. I don't know anyone who owns a 3DS in real life, let alone someone who owns MH3U, and the 3DS version has no online mode, so multiplayer is out of the question. Would I still find it enjoyable? Or is it fine on its own?
3. I assume I need a Circle Pad Pro if I grab the game?
Side note, is there a preview/sample/review of the Beginner's Guide (other than the one on their site) from We Love Culty?
So on Wii U, is there a way to not have all the HUD on the gamepad? For some reason, this game makes me want to have it all on the tv. I don't know why, it just seems to make sense to not have it on the gamepad.
1. I've heard it takes something like 100 hours before this game really gets going. Is that true? If I played for four hours a night, that'd still take a month before the game "gets going." If so, that's a huge turn-off. If untrue, about how much time do I need to invest before things start to click and I understand what's going on/begin to really dive into the game?
(While NOT using off-TV play) open the in-game menu with -/MINUS/START, select the Manage panels option on the Wii U GamePad's touchscreen, drag and drop all tiles you want to appear on the TV to the dustbin, confirm.
Rapid-firing a bunch of flame shot into Barioth's wing thorns never stops being fun.
That sounds about right. If in doubt, you can always use the comparison page when equipping to see which is better by whether the "reload speed" text is red or green.
In practice, reload speed doesn't seem to matter as much as recoil (for non-rapid fire shots) or deviation. The window between monster attacks needed to reload feels about the same whether it's fast, average or slow.
I suppose thats true, I had reload+1 on another bowgun set and I didn't notice any difference
The game clicked with me after a few hours of playing the terrible demo.I'm sure this has been asked at some point in this (massive) thread, so burn/impale/hunt-for-loot if old, but with the price drop to $20, I'm thinking of picking up MH3U for the 3DS. In addition to the typical beginner questions (this is hard, what do I do, etc) I have some concerns:
1. I've heard it takes something like 100 hours before this game really gets going. Is that true? If I played for four hours a night, that'd still take a month before the game "gets going." If so, that's a huge turn-off. If untrue, about how much time do I need to invest before things start to click and I understand what's going on/begin to really dive into the game?
2. I understand the major appeal of this game is through multiplayer. I don't know anyone who owns a 3DS in real life, let alone someone who owns MH3U, and the 3DS version has no online mode, so multiplayer is out of the question. Would I still find it enjoyable? Or is it fine on its own?
3. I assume I need a Circle Pad Pro if I grab the game?
Side note, is there a preview/sample/review of the Beginner's Guide (other than the one on their site) from We Love Culty?
And even if you're going to do lots of pierce/crag/clust/status gunning, I think it's preferable to get recoil way down versus trying to get reload speed way down.This is because each shot has a different reload value. Normal and elements are almost always super fast and status being super slow. It works like recoil where some shots have naturally more of it. It should be used only if you plan on pierce/crag/clust/status gunning
And even if you're going to do lots of pierce/crag/clust/status gunning, I think it's preferable to get recoil way down versus trying to get reload speed way down.
But don't take my word for it. Whip up a full set of Alloy S with 4 Quickload decorations (getting it up to Reload Speed +3) and hop into Moga to see how it compares.
And even if you're going to do lots of pierce/crag/clust/status gunning, I think it's preferable to get recoil way down versus trying to get reload speed way down.
But don't take my word for it. Whip up a full set of Alloy S with 4 Quickload decorations (getting it up to Reload Speed +3) and hop into Moga to see how it compares.
Of course, it never hurts to throw in the skill if you can get it. And the Narga HBG line has a naturally low reload/recoil which makes it great for pierce shot to begin with.I never meant it still didn't effect it a lot just that there would be NO difference in certain shots. The only reason I ever have it in my sets is because I have an expert+10 reload spd+ 4 tali. It lets me get a Unscathed, Crit Eye+3, pierce shot up, reload spd+1 set that is just perfect for the L narga HBG.
Surprisingly, recoil skills don't apply to rapid-fire shots. So no matter how good or bad your recoil is, normal/element shots will always have a short delay and pierce/pellet shots will always have a long delay. Add the Bonus Shot skill (which adds another bullet to the end of every rapid-fire volley) and you may be anchored to a spot for a very long time while they all fire - which can be dangerous.Yeah, I'm guessing the recoil must mostly (or completely, not sure) account for the time between shots, right? I was just using a LBG with RF Pellet 1, which had extremely long animations between shots, whereas the regular Normal S (2 & 3) were just whipping out of my bowgun. The longer reloads are easy for me to reconcile, since I generally try to fit it in right at the end of a monster's attack animation. But man, those long waits between pellet shots were brutal. I kept getting hit waiting for the animation to finish.
I play on 3DS. Hundreds of hours but I would not recommend it without a CPP.
Grip and better camera functionality make it waaaay nicer to play.
Time to farm 130 Earth Crystals...
Of course, it never hurts to throw in the skill if you can get it. And the Narga HBG line has a naturally low reload/recoil which makes it great for pierce shot to begin with.
Surprisingly, recoil skills don't apply to rapid-fire shots. So no matter how good or bad your recoil is, normal/element shots will always have a short delay and pierce/pellet shots will always have a long delay. Add the Bonus Shot skill (which adds another bullet to the end of every rapid-fire volley) and you may be anchored to a spot for a very long time while they all fire - which can be dangerous.
Surprisingly, recoil skills don't apply to rapid-fire shots. So no matter how good or bad your recoil is, normal/element shots will always have a short delay and pierce/pellet shots will always have a long delay. Add the Bonus Shot skill (which adds another bullet to the end of every rapid-fire volley) and you may be anchored to a spot for a very long time while they all fire - which can be dangerous.
Close. God's Archipelago users typically take the limiter off, attach a silencer and throw in a big recoil down skill. Removing the limiter from an LBG lets the user load all the shots at once (via a hilariously slow reload animation) without having to reload to switch between them at the cost of removing rapid fire. This lets them fire off a couple of status shots, 9 crag shots (across all three levels), 9 cluster shots (across all three levels) with no recoil and without having to reload at all.Huh, I'll take your word for it since you're the LBG user, but I always thought God's Archipelago users stacked recoil down +2 for the rapid fire crag and what not
The negative affinity purple flashes are a slightly different color than the positive ones, and it means your physical shots are doing 25% less damage than normal on that particular hit. But for elemental shots it doesn't matter.I see. One more quick question if I may: It's my understanding that when your shots hit purple, you're doing critical hits. But my LBG has -10% Affinity. So, with a negative affinity, are those purple shots then representing shots that are doing less damage than normal?
wooh earth crystals. Got my Enduring Sacrifice while farming EC at work >.> Literally farmed 99 earth crystals in one quest to upgrade my ancientshard gunlance to help my brother beat G.Beard. Fuck earth crystals.
Where's the best place to grind these things?
Where's the best place to grind these things?
And don't forget that you can carry up to 99 Bone and 99 Machalite Ore, which can be combined for more Mega Pickaxes if they start to break.
GUYS! I beat TWEWY yesterday, and currently I'm watching these insufferable ProJared videos. I will FINALLY be starting this game up shortly! I'm super pumped, especially riding off the hype of the MH4U localization announcement.
See you gents on the other side
GUYS! I beat TWEWY yesterday, and currently I'm watching these insufferable ProJared videos. I will FINALLY be starting this game up shortly! I'm super pumped, especially riding off the hype of the MH4U localization announcement.
See you gents on the other side
GUYS! I beat TWEWY yesterday, and currently I'm watching these insufferable ProJared videos. I will FINALLY be starting this game up shortly! I'm super pumped, especially riding off the hype of the MH4U localization announcement.
See you gents on the other side