Urgh, I just ran into my first wall with the game. I was doing the Playing With Fire quest (a lonely 3-star affair where you hunt your first Qurupeco), and he rocked me my first attempt. "Okay," I thought... "I was drunk when I tried it, so I'll probably do better sober."
Cut to this morning, I attempt it again, and the fucking time limit runs out on me. "Okay... the hammer I've been using IS slow, and Qurupeco does have some quick and sporadic movements...", so I changed to the dual blades and tried it again.
I DID end up beating him, while only fainting once, but I only had around 8 minutes left to spare. It was more frustrating than anything else, because if I had that much trouble on what is assuredly such a piss-easy quest compared to some of the later monsters in the game, I can't imagine how shitty it will be when the timer clocks out on me because I wasn't able to whittle away the monstrous HP reserves of whatever creature I'm hunting. Fifty minutes is a hell of a lot of time to spend playing a game in order to walk away with literally zero progress.
I've yet to experiment with additional damage dealing items like bombs, or even traps (apart from ones where you are required to capture the monster), but I'm assuming a bomb would do... what, the equivalent damage of getting three swings in with my hammer? Hardly seems like it would make that big of a difference in the overall strategy
EDIT: The other issue I had with Qurupeco specifically was that so many spots that I would hit him on wouldn't cause damage, but can't monsters break apart in this game? For example, if I had kept attacking the front of his wings (which were protected), is there a chance the protective shell might chip off?