I've actually read your megapost. Your plan seems more refined then mine. My first item load was my usual:
Mega Potions
Well-Done Steaks
Mega Pickaxes
Mega Bugnets
Obviously not prepared at all, so I had no hope. The hipcheck and large electric field are particularly bad; no idea how to dodge those after attacking. So I took a few more items and tried again.
Pitfall Traps
Shock Traps
Barrel Bomb S+
Barrel Bomb L
Barrel Bomb L+
Drugged Meat
Trap Tools
Mega Demondrugs
Mega Armorskins
Mega Dash Juice
Demon Flute
Armor Flute
Trapped him early and bombed his face. Then I managed to break everything but his back. It was raging pretty often, so I figure that I got close to killing it, but I ran out of Mega Potions by then. I dropped two Drugged Meats, but it didn't go for them.
Obviously I need to take things more seriously. Bring Max Potions, Ancient Potions, Farcasters, put away the gathering tools. I can't really tire it out with a GS, so I'll try equipping the Shakas to handle that.