Oh there he is. 1 monster left. What?!. That was strange. Lol. Good hunts.MaSaiyajin said:Does anyone know how it is possible I killed a Gobul with one swing of a GS? It was during a HR6 ADV(3 monsters) when he spawned? it blew my mind
Does anyone know how it is possible I killed a Gobul with one swing of a GS? It was during a HR6 ADV(3 monsters) when he spawned? it blew my mind
Has anyone actually had anything new from Granny's shop since the yesterday's update? Downloaded the update for her, did about 20 quests, checking her after each quest, and still nothing new.
Armor stones
Oh there he is. 1 monster left. What?!. That was strange. Lol. Good hunts.
I took down a ton of Uragaans last night trying to find one stinking ruby. Ended up soloing the tiny Uragaan event quest over and over.
Finally got one after 6 tries! Seeing the little punk in a gigantic pit trap sleeping almost made the grind worthwhile.
Said it before, said it again.
Steel Uragaan can go die in the stinky hole he crawled out of.
I´m not so advance like you guys, but yesterday I was playing all day. Still rank 5 on history and 3 on multi.
What armor do you recommend to capture a lagiacrus? My Rathian armor suffers with it.
Very nice!Made a solo lucent nargacuga video. It´s not the best run. Almost died at the end. It´s pretty decent.
G. Agnaktor or Nibelsnarf for my water HBG?
Heavy BowgunHBG?
High like a Biking Golfcart. Anybody online right now?HBG?
fair fair
what skillz?
i'm not familiar with gunner armor, sorry
I mean which of those two is the better Water HBG, not the better armor set for Water HBG. Can't decide. :S
I would definitely suggest the G.agnak oneI mean which of those two is the better Water HBG, not the better armor set for Water HBG. Can't decide. :S
Won't the varying size of the monster make a big difference when you do these runs on a regular quest?Woo, almost down to 9 minutes for solo dual swords run on stiggy zin, just need to not get hit at all and get a little lucky with his AI, then maybe I can shave it down to 8
Luckily size doesn't vary enough for it to make too much of a difference. The only thing I ever had problems with is sometimes whiffing upswings aimed at a large one's head with the gunlance but it's easy to make adjustments. Dual swords can reach everywhere that I need to ( ´∀`Won't the varying size of the monster make a big difference when you do these runs on a regular quest?
Oh really? I didn't know that.Luckily size doesn't vary enough for it to make too much of a difference. The only thing I ever had problems with is sometimes whiffing upswings aimed at a large one's head with the gunlance but it's easy to make adjustments. Dual swords can reach everywhere that I need to ( ´∀`b
As for health, size doesn't affect it, so the runs are still pretty consistent
Fuck poison. Fuck it fuck it fuck it. Fuck it so hard. Why is there no meal you can eat that gives you poison resistance or poison immunity?
You could bring a Cha-Cha that can get rid of it for you
What mask? Does the Nullberry mask purge poison?
What mask? Does the Nullberry mask purge poison?
There's a dance combo that gives them antidote, which cures poison. You need to do a rare trade for it though.
I have a really good negate poison charm and I find it so worth it on some fights. It trivializes fights like Lucent Narga, Giggi, and Wroggi. If you can't get it, popping antidote, then Tanzia Chips, then potions would be your next best approach.
I am wondering, but what do Tanzia Chips do?
Fully restores any red portion of your health bar. Super sexy. Too bad you can only carry 5.