Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Thanks for the help to HR3 tonight guys.
Sorry i had to wig out. Real life is a bitch.
Thanks for the help to HR3 tonight guys.
Ivory Lagia is so much more fun than regular one...
Ivory Lagia is so much more fun than regular one...
Use sonic bomb when he's burrowed. Only works when he's not raged. Free hacks.
When's he waking from a sonic bomb, there's a small window where he's slightly floating. If you time a flash bomb to explode then, he'll fall back down and more free hacks.
Make him charge into a wall that he can get stuck on. Free hacks.
Shock trap works on him even when raged. Free hacks.
Best position for me when fighting Diablos is right in between his legs.
Now that I‘m G-Rank, I‘m thinking of switching to a support oriented role with HH. What is a good standard HH, and what should I aim for?
HHers are super useful yet super rare to see.
Ivory Lagia is so much more fun than regular one...
not the Cruel King of the Sea one..
that fool is a jerk...
Should I go for the Dire Miralis armor? is that armor any good?
I got my first rustshard earlier today. I've heard them mentioned enough to know they're useful, but I'm not sure for what, exactly.
I beat Ceadeus today and moved onto HR. Woo! In my fight with him I got a Deep Dragongem. With that out of the way so easily, is it worth getting that armor?
Also, I just fought a Purple Ludroth for the first time in Misty Peaks. What a beautiful area and also a cool fight(I like the Ludroth design a lot). I might go for that hammer just for fun. I took a pretty serious ass kicking in that fight, but I bet my next one will be a lot smoother. I didn't expect it to do so much rolling and kept running in with a charged hammer only to get crushed.
I got my first rustshard earlier today. I've heard them mentioned enough to know they're useful, but I'm not sure for what, exactly.
I beat Ceadeus today and moved onto HR. Woo! In my fight with him I got a Deep Dragongem. With that out of the way so easily, is it worth getting that armor?
Also, I just fought a Purple Ludroth for the first time in Misty Peaks. What a beautiful area and also a cool fight(I like the Ludroth design a lot). I might go for that hammer just for fun. I took a pretty serious ass kicking in that fight, but I bet my next one will be a lot smoother. I didn't expect it to do so much rolling and kept running in with a charged hammer only to get crushed.
Had the best hunting session today with some GAFpals... Thank you Haunted and Shin and Lithe for helping me teach Miralis a strict lesson on food-chain.
HunterGAF is the best GAF.
Yea that can be a rough fight without decent gear. First thing you should do is pick a HR set from the next group of quests and make it, it'll make the whole thing a lot easier going forward.
Lucky lucky man. I had to fight the HR version of it about 20-30 times to get one. EDIT: Ah no, wait, those are rare, but I struggled with another rare named Dark Dragongem.
I say keep it because you'll need it for the G Rank version of the armor. For now decide which HR armor suits you. I used Wroggi first, then briefly Gigginox (not worth the time invested) then settled on Volvidon and used that throughout all single and multiplayer HR until I reached the final part of HR (mark of a hero).
haha, is he that bad? I havent even tried to fight him.
Had the best hunting session today with some GAFpals... Thank you Haunted and Shin and Liethe for helping me teach Miralis a strict lesson on food-chain.
HunterGAF is the best GAF.
Those were some damn good hunts.
Personal highlight of the evening was the MLG 360 noscope flash bomb on a fleeing Sand Barioth. Beautiful moment.
word.Those were some damn good hunts.
Personal highlight of the evening was the MLG 360 noscope flash bomb on a fleeing Sand Barioth. Beautiful moment.
Whenever we do Cruel King, I always go Gunner, because fuck fighting that thing up close.
Did the server just kick all of us, or just me? I can't tell.![]()
Just you.![]()
anyone want to play right now?
Thanks for the hunts yesterday, MonHun GAF is amazing, so much that it only does crazy advanced quests.
EDIT: And so, my quest now for a Rathalos mantle has begun..
Yes.playing right now, we can join up if amyone wants. the op shows gaf lobby as free play 3 so does it mean free 3?
Post here when you're playing online, we might come and lend a hand.Played my 1st games online today. Found it all a bit confusing but I'm getting there. Got to HR2.
Post here when you're playing online, we might come and lend a hand.
Use them. Low level armor spheres can be mined fairly easily.Its early days for me compared to you veterans but the feeling of accomplishment when I downed the Great Jaggi moments ago was amazing. Absolutely love the gunlance too that shield up stab has saved my arse more than a few times already.
Quick question re armour spheres I have ten or so now from blacksmith gifts and early mining. Should I save them or start using them straight away?