lmao i was just playing with these two guys trying to farm uragaan for rubies, and the last few times, we kept killing him before we could see him limp away
early on, i was using gunlance to help the swaxguy cut the tail, and letting the guy with the bow and arrow break the chin, but it got to a point wear the BnA guy wasnt able to get the chin consistently, so i switched to the hammer, figuring that the swaxguy would be okay on his own
i was getting the chin broken, but the tail wasnt getting cut, so after a couple of hunts, i switched to swax to help with tails again
the very last hunt we did, i cut the tail, and then i was very careful about measuring my attacks so that we'd be able to cap uragaan instead of killing him, and i kept waiting and waiting for the BnA guy to break the chin. he finally gets it broken, and im pulling my weapon out very rarely so i could wait for him to limp. we get very close to the end, uragaan falls down, we beat on him a bit more, i holster my weapon, and then try to set a trap
swaxguy upswings me, interrupting what i was doing, and uragaan gets up
so im running around without my weapon out, and the fucking BnA guy is raging over the microphone about me not laying out a trap. uragaan starts doing one of those smoke attacks, im ready to put a shock trap down, and the BnA guy fires an explosive arrow right into uragaan's head and kills him.
then he starts screaming AGAIN saying "SATCH I TOLD YOU TO PUT A FUCKING TRAP DOWN I KEPT SAYING 'NOW CAP' BUT YOU WOULDNT FUCKING LISTEN." then we start carving and the whole time hes just grumbling under his breath about how i fucked up our hunt. we get to the tavern and he starts saying "Satch, I'm gonna have to kick you beca--" and i dont even know what he was going to say because i left right in the middle of it
unappreciative twat
You realise that you can help break the chin with your SA too, right?