If you liked the demo, you will love the final game. If you don't like the demo, try hunting Lagombi a few more time, maybe with some of the faster weapons (double blade, sword and shield), to get a feel for the combat and read the manual to learn what moves you can perform. It can be really intimidating at first, since you are just thrown into the game without any tutorials and the hunts have a 30min time limit instead of the usual 50min, but stick with it and the game will eventually click. If after a few hours you are still unsure, you should get the game since your perseverance makes it highly likely that you will eventually be able to jump over the ugly ''you know nothing but I will treat you like a well versed player'' wall. I realize that a few hours is a huge time investment for a demo, but the pay off is so worth it.
When I first tried it, things seemed so slow and clunky and I didn't really know what to do. I chose the lance but it felt so sloooooow, that I quit the quest after a few minutes. Then I tried the much faster sword and shield and thing felt better and I took down Lagombi. Finally, realizing that I never really used my shield, I switched to dual blades and managed to kill Lagombi even faster. It felt really good. I then moved onto to Plesioth and after many, many attempts, the dumb fish finally bit the dust. As the victory fanfare played, I realized that I had to buy the game day 1; It was just so satisfying and unlike any other game I had ever played.
Since the game would not be released for a couple more days, I tried all the other weapons and completely fell in love with the switch axe, which I then proceed to use for 100+ hours in the full game until I eventually switched to great sword. All in all, I spent almost 15 hours in the demo and I would have spent even more if the game hadn't released that soon.
The game is worth getting even if you will only ever play single player; I have a 200+ hours save file and I still haven't completed all the quest (you can do everything solo). The game has that much content. People will say that this game is a grindfest, but the game has 27 unique big monsters + 24 subspecies which can considerably change how you fight the monster. Then there are also 3 different difficulty ranks; each time you progress, you will be forced to get better and adapt your strategy. Even if you were to only hunt each monster just once (you can't due to the progression system), that's still a lot of original content. You also don't really
need to grind that much. I have only really done it 5 times; get LR armor (~5 times), get HR armor (~5 times), get GR armor (~5 times), get GR armor 2 (~6 times), get Brachy materials (~25 times for HR + GR). The latter is the worst offender but even after 20+ fights, I never got bored because each hunt requires concentration, skill and you can feel getting better and better as you complete the hunts faster and faster. If you don't set your eyes on armor or weapons that require super rare materials (or if you are lucky), you will be fine and you won't have to fight the same monster again and again ...unless you become obsessed with min/maxing and start forging your perfect set(s)

It's in the "Game Options" in the opening menu, as I recall, right below the useless "Quick Load" option. Swap it over to "type 2" before playing and you're all set.
IIRC, you need a TV to first set up the Wii U.