So I get Qurupecco.
He has songs that give buffs, if he completes it, it buffs the monsters. If you interrupt it, it buffs you and your team mates.
The green song restores health.
The red / orange song increases defense, making my weapon bounce on rhenopolos.
Now, in G-Rank, there's a blue song, which I have just seen for the first time. I have no idea what the hell just happened. I mean, obviously it's a sleep status song.
I see him starting to sing, and I already burned through 10 sonic bombs, so I charge over and start attacking, hoping to stun him. Noticed that the rings are blue. I didn't think I was doing enough damage, then suddenly, everyone takes a nap. Me, Qurupecco, the DevilJho that just sent Cha Cha packing, and the two Rhenopolos I was dodging. All I could do was spin the camera around WTFing at the peace and quiet for 20 seconds.
Does that attack normally put everyone to sleep, or did I have some weird timing where I stunned him and everyone got the status effect?