Lionel Richie
Golden State playing like ass early, it's only close because the Cavs can't defend shit. Awful game thus far, hope Kerr breaks something.
Defense still shit. If that is the one factor that remains a constant, Warriors will be in it every single game.
Seriously fucking bench Smith
Fucking hate it. A bird farts on my satellite dish and it goes out.Fucking and Directv. Guess the internet will do for now
Great Avatar bro +1Cavs really better hope the Bros never wake up cause their paint defense is already bad enough
Stay sucking.
Fucking hate it. A bird farts on my satellite dish and it goes out.
Only reason I have it is for NFL Sunday Ticket
Man Lebron's Bricks really brick.
Cavs still getting wrecked on the boards. There's some things you just can't "adjust" your way out of, I guess.
Trying to match the Dubs from outside the arch um.
Good luck with that.
Man curry is so off
Maybe not.