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NeoGAF JANUARY 2013 Pick-Up Post!! Show Us Your Gaming Goods (Happy New Year!)!


The following pickups are all courtesy of my brother, God bless him.

Metal Gear Solid 3D. We were just at a local store and caught me looking at the box, and knowing how much I like the series he bought it for me. Thank his kind soul!

He also decided he has grown out of gaming, so he unloaded some of his old games to me. All complete with their respective boxes and documentation, and mostly in pretty good shape.

Also had some leftover balance in my iTunes, so went for ChuChu Rocket which was only $1.



Is Yakuza 4 any good? I havent played on my PS3 in a year but I really fancy some Yakuza. Wish I could play it on my PC :/

I haven't played it yet, nor have I played any of the other Yakuza games. I've heard they're really good if you can get into them. I happened to see it sitting in with the movies at Sam's Club for $15 so I figured why not. I've always wanted to play one of them and I remember reading that it has a pretty good recap of the series.


Recent stuff... only game was Hotline Miami, and that was digital.

Chrono hoodie, bonus swag, and coloring book from the Fangamer Kickstarter (great quality all around!):

R2-D2 Lego set from my wife for Christmas (highly recommend this for any Lego/Star Wars fan!):
Nice hoodie, where'd you buy that from?


Nice hoodie, where'd you buy that from?
He said it into the post, it was from the fangamer kickstarter. They had a kickstarter to bring back some old designs, not sure if they have them back on the site or if it was just for backers


Package finally arrived. I paid way too much of course, but a nice christmas bonus softened the blow considerably.


Also put in some LED strips in my retro corner for added atmos. Kind of a shitty pic (camera isn't up to snuff), but you get the idea.

Picked up a 37" Panny Plasma for the bedroom (nowhere near as good as my VT25 downstairs, but it was cheap ^^), some WiiU DD games, Sonic, and some Hakata and Hokkaido Top Ramen. Holy shit, are they completely legit.






The procedure is that you call them on the so called "Beerphone". It's kind of hard to actually get in, but when you do, they ask for your car's registration plate number and propose you a reservation date and time for the pickup.

There's a sort of a drive in adjacent to the abbey where you queue, load the cases into your car and pay. Feels somewhat like the Soup Nazi's procedure. :) And you don't really get to see anything of the abbey itself. The monks don't really want you to either, they're not very keen on tourists and/or journalists.

Screenshot from Google Maps so you get the idea: the abbey is to the right, the pick up spot is a separate building. The arrows show how you queue.

After making reservations I believe your phone number is blocked for a (few) month(s) or so and your registration plate's also put on a list for the time being. They only have 60.000 cases a year to sell, and want to avoid people stocking up on their beer and reselling it. Which unfortunately does still happen.

Don't have any pictures, sorry. The place doesn't really invite to hang around for a long time. And from where I live (about 180km to the east) it's mostly highway.

amazing - check out this episode of 99% invisible about the beer :D i just discovered that they had a video of the buying process there

How is it? I was thinking of ordering a copy from Amazon UK, since I don't think there is a U.S. version of it.

Alas, I haven't finished season 2 yet so I haven't flipped through the book due to spoilers, but my friend in Europe said it's definitely a nice thing to have for fans.

US version comes out in April and is a paperback version according to Amazon but since I felt it was kinda silly to have to wait until then, I just ordered from Amazon UK.


My Wii U Deluxe arrived today! I also got a (not pictured) white Pro Controller with it. I really like it so far (sans the load times between menus) and Nintendo Land is a lot better than I expected. NNID is Etzer2401, if anyone wants to add me.

For me, the best thing about Wii U so far is definitely Miiverse. :) And, to a lesser extent, TVii.


And...a new car!



Did you have a chance to drive the previous RDX much? I know this model is a bit more toward the size of it's older brother MDX, and my girlfriend and I have narrowed to down to either this or a Highlander for her next vehicle... My only concern being the bump up in size for this new model RDX.

That said, the power numbers look great alongside its MPG estimates.


Picked up some late Xmas gifts during some boxing week sales, but now I'm broke.

- Been wanting to get a DSLR for a while, I sold the kit lens to fund a new lens
Nankuk 930 protective case, was included free with the DSLR. It's pretty awesome!

Got this lens on sale $300 off retail, used my kit lens to knock an additional $450 off
Couple cards for camera
Was on sale $300 off
Lowepro 300 AW, very impressed with this bag
Alway's wanted a nice watch and needed a new one since losing my last watch in Thailand


My NES collect-a-thon began with Christmas, thanks to my wonderful wife:


January's been good to me as far as continuing my quest :) The NES Max is factory sealed, haven't brought myself to open it yet, but I will.


And of course, it was necessary to pick up a few more current games.


A few movies that I received during Christmas, and some that arrived this week.


And pick up of forever...

We are expecting our first child...


My wife had given me this as a gift with the positive result in a gift bag...
2x Marvel Masterworks Sentinels from Marshalls
Return of Marvel Legends series 2 Piledriver and Series 4 Hyperion, Ultimate Cap, Archangel, Wolverine, Red She Hulk, Protector, & Hit Monkey

Damn! Every Marshalls' I've hit up in the past 3 months has had nothing! I want Sentinels on the cheap! :(

Where did you score MVL 2013 at?


Picked up the DMC HD collection on PSN yesterday and finally completed my 360 Cave collection (hats off to hongcha and jbueno for pointing out my lack of DDP DOJ the other week).

Got this female Monster Hunter model form a nearby hobby store last weekend.

And my friend brought me back some 3D Blu-rays from his trip back to the US.


Did you have a chance to drive the previous RDX much? I know this model is a bit more toward the size of it's older brother MDX, and my girlfriend and I have narrowed to down to either this or a Highlander for her next vehicle... My only concern being the bump up in size for this new model RDX.

That said, the power numbers look great alongside its MPG estimates.

No I haven't. Tried both 2013 MDX and RDX and it seems the difference in space inside doesn't worth the price discrepancy. It's got plenty of space for me but if you have a bigger family then maybe a bigger SUV is desirable.

So far it's been pretty solid, the mileage is awesome for a SUV I have to say. Some minor quibbles like no proximity sensors and you can't fold side mirrors electronically, which if you can see for my garage door's a challenge.

But hey, for the price (pretty darn cheap considering all other luxury SUVs) it's a pretty good bang.
Sort of off topic, but related to what you just posted, how long would you say you should study for the A+ Essentials part? I'm supposed to take it Friday but I'm thinking about moving it to March or something. I got really lucky when I got my Net+ (got 720, the exact score I needed to pass) and I'm not exactly sure how much time I should've put into studying for this. I know the A+ should've been first, but that's just how my school schedule went down. lol

I know this is a really late reply, but I kind of lazed over it for a couple of months and then crammed for a week.
All I did was read the study guide, which tells you exactly everything you need to know.
...and I only read the first half of it, at that.

As long as you have knowledge of using computers, it's pretty easy.


I know this is a really late reply, but I kind of lazed over it for a couple of months and then crammed for a week.
All I did was read the study guide, which tells you exactly everything you need to know.
...and I only read the first half of it, at that.

As long as you know have knowledge of using computers, it's pretty easy.

Any study guides you recommend for A+?
amazing - check out this episode of 99% invisible about the beer :D i just discovered that they had a video of the buying process there


As you can see it's all but a remarkable place out there... :) It was actually the same guy selling me the beer.

Sadly, when I was there, they were out of their chalice like Westvleteren branded glasses. And driving another 360km now just for a couple of glasses seems so silly.

So thinking of buying "chalices" of another Trappist brewery, which are way easier to acquire. It's the shape of the glass that matters most in the end.
Any study guides you recommend for A+?

The best book for it. It's written like a novel, so read it like one from cover to cover without skipping anything. Even if you already know it, it's a good refresher.
I had the 7th edition and the current 8th edition appears to be revised to include new stuff for 2012 (note that I got my cert back in 2011, just never got the hard copy of it) but overall there shouldn't be many changes at all.

The $37 price tag is kinda steep for a refresher book though, but if you'd like a copy of the 7th edition for... very, very cheap... *wink* *nudge* *hint* PM me.


After finding that not-actually-broken DS at goodwill, I went back to that goodwill since they had more. The conversation went something like this.

"Hey, how many DSes do you have under the counter?"
"Uhh, we've got 3 left but they're all broken an-
"I'll take all of them."

So let's see if these work too.


DS #1. Silver.


Broken screen hinge.


Charges, annnnnd...


Turns on!


The top screen is a strange pink tint though. I'm assuming it's either a partially-loose ribbon cable or the screen is bad. But it does appear to work fine otherwise.


DS #2. Blue.


Screen hinge is intact!

...does not charge. Crap.

When plugging in the charging cable, the orange charging LED comes on for about a full second, then turns off. No matter how many times I reinserted the cable, tried wiggling it around or moving it, I couldn't get the charging light to stay on. I tried cleaning the contacts on both ends and got nothing. I knew it wasn't my cable as it charged my other DSes fine.

-ONCE- when I pressed the power button, the power LED flashed green for a split second but immediately went out.

A quick google search said that all DSes do the light on, light off thing if there's no battery inserted or the battery is bad. So I opened the battery door, and found this.


A chinese knockoff battery.

I popped open another, working DS to check its battery and it had an official one.

Comparison shot.

I tried putting the knockoff battery in the working DS and got the same light on, light off thing so it looks like the battery is bad.
But when I put the official battery in the blue DS... I still got the light on, light off thing. So perhaps the terminals in the blue DS are bad?

But they look okay to me. Comparing them to the working DS' terminals, they look the same. No corrosion or anything so I'm not sure what the issue is.
I'll look into it.
Otherwise the DS seems to be fine, at least cosmetically. I'll have to test the screens and stuff later.
At the very least the hinge isn't broken on this one so I can scavenge it for parts.


DS #3. Blue.


Broken screen hinge.

Plugged this one in, and...



It works too.
Like the silver one above, this one appears to have a pink tint to one of its screens as well, but it's on the touchscreen this time.
I hope it's easily fixable.

All in all, only 1 out of 5 "broken" DSes are actually broken. Not bad.
I hope it's just a simple fix to get the one blue one working.

I also picked up some other stuff while I was there.

CIB Sonic 2. Near mint condition.


Perfect Dark.
...I've never actually played this before.


They had a tub of cheap gamegear games.

Sonic 1
Sonic Chaos
Streets of Rage 2
Baku Baku
The Lion King (Japanese cart!)
Cool Spot



Ninja Gaiden 3 RE, Little Inferno, Mighty Switch Force


Fractured Soul and Super Mario Bros 2 (Lost Levels) with the €5 gift code I got from my Wii U purchases. Thanks Nintendo :)


The following pickups are all courtesy of my brother, God bless him.

Metal Gear Solid 3D. We were just at a local store and caught me looking at the box, and knowing how much I like the series he bought it for me. Thank his kind soul!
He also decided he has grown out of gaming, so he unloaded some of his old games to me. All complete with their respective boxes and documentation, and mostly in pretty good shape.

Awesome bro is awesome!
How come he quit gaming?
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