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NES Classic Edition Thread: Now You're Playing With Power* *Sold Separately in Europe

In a couple months Nintendo will probably shift all of their hardware manufacturing resources to the Switch. This is why the released the NES Classic anyway, to get Nintendo back in the mainstream news before they launch their shiny new console
So I watched the Jim Sterling video about Nintendo's scarcity strategy and I agree. I do not agree with his assumption that people buy this and force classic gaming on their children.

I'm 39 years old and love that my wife and kids secured this for me, but my daughters 10 and 16 love the games. Specifically they love Punch Out and Kirby. These games have great hooks and span generations. My girls also love many modern games.

I'm buying this specifically to force classic gaming on my children.


In a couple months Nintendo will probably shift all of their hardware manufacturing resources to the Switch. This is why the released the NES Classic anyway, to get Nintendo back in the mainstream news before they launch their shiny new console

I may be paranoid, but Nintendo's phrasing of restocking "into the new year" as opposed to something like "throughout 2017" makes me think they'll ship some more in Jan and Feb and call it a day. It sounds crazy, but this is the same Nintendo who mentioned they may not make more Marth/Wii Fit Trainer/Villager amiibos after they were sold out on day 1 (and took nearly a year to do the restocks anyway).

That's why I never really bought the manufactured scarcity theory, you have to eventually replenish the stock to cash in on that strategy and Nintendo rarely does. It took around 18 months for them to make more Robin and Lucina amiibos and that's despite having two game releases in that timeframe (Codename Steam and Fire Emblem Fates) that specifically used the amiibo. They've still never reprinted Smash versions of characters like Rosalina, Dedede, and Meta Knight, though they have different amiibos available now.


Little is the new Big
Received mine in the mail this morning and super happy with it. My wife loves it since she was really into NES games growing up so that helps a ton as well. Gonna get my son into this as soon as he can understand how to play :p


I haven't been following the stock numbers in a couple weeks. Any word on extra controllers in the wild or are those non-existant?
I may be paranoid, but Nintendo's phrasing of restocking "into the new year" as opposed to something like "throughout 2017" makes me think they'll ship some more in Jan and Feb and call it a day. It sounds crazy, but this is the same Nintendo who mentioned they may not make more Marth/Wii Fit Trainer/Villager amiibos after they were sold out on day 1 (and took nearly a year to do the restocks anyway).

That's why I never really bought the manufactured scarcity theory, you have to eventually replenish the stock to cash in on that strategy and Nintendo rarely does. It took around 18 months for them to make more Robin and Lucina amiibos and that's despite having two game releases in that timeframe (Codename Steam and Fire Emblem Fates) that specifically used the amiibo. They've still never reprinted Smash versions of characters like Rosalina, Dedede, and Meta Knight, though they have different amiibos available now.

Well if that is the case then this thing value is going to go through the roof. I sure as hell hope that's not their plan. I could see them doing a version 2.0 with the ability to download games, and a longer cord.
Not only has Nintendo done a good job of emulating the actual system, they've also succeeded in emulating the difficulty of finding Nes carts back in the day.
I just saw My Life in Gaming's piece on the NES Classic, it's a great overview. Those guys are the best, it's a must watch. One thing really jumped out at me was the audio delay. It seemed pretty significant, enough that I'm not sure if I really want it anymore. Sound effects fire noticeably late, they do a comparison that shows it pretty clearly. Apologies if this has already been discussed.



It's been two weeks since launch and effectively never seen one on a shelf anywhere. WTF Nintendo. You've done a shit job with this.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
My Dell order of 2 classics shipped today. I put in an order on release day. I half figured that the order would never ship.


No idea if this went through this thread already, but 8bitdo (makers of the awesome Super Nintendo SFC30 bluetooth controller) made a controller and a receiver for the NES Mini:

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MTQ9QPB/?tag=neogaf0e-20 here and http://www.8bitdo.com/retro-receiver-nes-classic/

Probably one of the best ways to get around the short cables and use something wireless and the receiver is also compatible with the Wii U Pro, PS4 and other controllers. The controller is also compatible with Android, iOS, Windows and Wii U.
No idea if this went through this thread already, but 8bitdo (makers of the awesome Super Nintendo SFC30 bluetooth controller) made a controller and a receiver for their other controllers (and Wii U Pro, PS4 etc) for the NES Mini:

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MTQ9QPB/?tag=neogaf0e-20 here and http://www.8bitdo.com/retro-receiver-nes-classic/

Probably one of the best ways to get around the short cables and use something wireless.

Very cool, do they sell the receiver by itself?
No idea if this went through this thread already, but 8bitdo (makers of the awesome Super Nintendo SFC30 bluetooth controller) made a controller and a receiver for the NES Mini:

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MTQ9QPB/?tag=neogaf0e-20 here and http://www.8bitdo.com/retro-receiver-nes-classic/

Probably one of the best ways to get around the short cables and use something wireless and the receiver is also compatible with the Wii U Pro, PS4 and other controllers. The controller is also compatible with Android, iOS, Windows and Wii U.

I have dualshocks and an SNES30. Receiver only. Please!!


Wow, really? Never heard of that happening, pretty crazy.

I was feeling pretty good about having gotten successfully gotten one, then that happened. According to them, it was returned, because it wasn't meant to go on sale until black friday.
No idea if this went through this thread already, but 8bitdo (makers of the awesome Super Nintendo SFC30 bluetooth controller) made a controller and a receiver for the NES Mini:

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MTQ9QPB/?tag=neogaf0e-20 here and http://www.8bitdo.com/retro-receiver-nes-classic/

Probably one of the best ways to get around the short cables and use something wireless and the receiver is also compatible with the Wii U Pro, PS4 and other controllers. The controller is also compatible with Android, iOS, Windows and Wii U.

Cool accessories. Any reviews yet? I hope it's not another Emio situation.


Cool accessories. Any reviews yet? I hope it's not another Emio situation.

No idea what you're referring to - are those the failed NES Mini arcade stick guys?

From my experience so far, 8bitdo are pretty solid. Bought two SFC30 controllers from them and they are exactly what I wanted to play SNES games on my Wii U and stuff like Shovel Knight on Steam. They feel relatively lagless even.
I hope the NES Mini stuff is similar in quality.
Any word on any further NES Classics?

I have a hunch that we'll see one last restock before Christmas

Word on the street is Gamestop is getting shipments in stores today. I called mine and they said they show some "in transit." They haven't gotten their shipment today, but it could also be tomorrow.
Anyone with the NES classic can comment on the SFX delays? I saw a video where you can clearly see Megaman's buster pellet sound is like 4 frames or so delayed. Is it annoying in practice?


Anyone with the NES classic can comment on the SFX delays? I saw a video where you can clearly see Megaman's buster pellet sound is like 4 frames or so delayed. Is it annoying in practice?
I have had the device since release day and have never noticed this issue. In fact, I probably would not even known it was a problem without reading this page.

Nonetheless, it seems normal to me.


Anyone with the NES classic can comment on the SFX delays? I saw a video where you can clearly see Megaman's buster pellet sound is like 4 frames or so delayed. Is it annoying in practice?

I noticed the audio delay immediately, but the delay isn't so bad that I found it distracting or unplayable. I found it pretty easy to ignore.

edit: Brickseek link for Target inventory: http://brickseek.com/target-inventory-checker/?sku=207-29-0180


Just called up my local Gamestop as apparently they're getting a shipment today or tomorrow. They can't even hold it until the end of the day for me if they get them in, and I have work.

...the chances of getting my girlfriend one of these for Christmas is basically non-existant, isn't it. :(
I managed to get an NES from Walmart.com on Tuesday last week. The next day, I got an email saying that they did not have enough stock to meet orders and that they would get more within two weeks.

They said I would get before the holidays, so we'll see. :/
Anyone with the NES classic can comment on the SFX delays? I saw a video where you can clearly see Megaman's buster pellet sound is like 4 frames or so delayed. Is it annoying in practice?
I noticed the audio delay immediately, but the delay isn't so bad that I found it distracting or unplayable. I found it pretty easy to ignore.

I also noticed it immediately, specifically in the original SMB. I wouldn't hear the jump sound effect until Mario was nearly at the apex of his jump. Having said that, I also didn't find it distracting nor did it affect my enjoyment at all. I found the delay to be a lot less noticeable in the other games I've played.
Called my local Gamestop. They did confirm they got 3, but they sold out. My guess is that employees alerted their buddies to come and pick them up. I'm on top of things in my town, and there is a very slim chance people knew they would have a few on stock today.


Anyone with the NES classic can comment on the SFX delays? I saw a video where you can clearly see Megaman's buster pellet sound is like 4 frames or so delayed. Is it annoying in practice?

Definitely noticeable. Nothing that should harm your enjoyment of the system too much though.


Ugh. I bought 2 extension cables from Amazon. I got charged for two but only received one so I had to get in touch with suppport. They could only refund me because it is not in stock (no crap)

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Cool accessories. Any reviews yet? I hope it's not another Emio situation.

I own the SFC30 frim 8bitdo and as I said countless times (and folks I tried to warn wouldn't believe me only to "damn now I can't unfeel it" later) and unless you (easily IF you've got the required pieces) mod it internally the way the buttons are built gives them too much range to cover when returning to zero state (unpressed) = not being able to perform normal stuff like continuous jumps in SMW and such; basically with a real SFC controller you can do, say, 10 mini jumps in 7 seconds while with the SFC30 you can only do 7 minijumps in 7 seconds and they're also much harder to pull because they're often registered as longer presses.

It seems the FC30/NES30 and the dual sticks model don't suffer the same problem BUT I've never tried them and folks were swearing by their SFC30 too so I dunno if I can fully trust them.

Just one example:
Brickseek is saying 5% of all Targets have this in stock. Seems like a lot

5% is likely 0% actually (outside of the very rare weird-ass Target in the middle of rural North Dakota that has a pile sitting next to a stack of Hatchimals). Brickseek's not perfect. Or well, it is, but it relies on Target's in-store tracking, which can sometimes be off, especially this hectic time of the year and with fast movers like this. There's a lot of little potential points of failure, and when the number is that low it's safe to assume they're not actually in stock anywhere.
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