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NES Classic Edition Thread: Now You're Playing With Power* *Sold Separately in Europe

I drove to TRU at 7:20 am this morning to see if I can get one.
That line was loong. Doesn't help that today is Sunday.

I'm happy I picked one up on release day. I just turned out of that parking lot and went back home
Fuck it. Right now I'm in 'spending money frivolously for the holiday' mode and I would have bought like 3-4 of these right off the shelf if Nintendo properly stocked these things. Come January, I really won't give a shit about these consoles anymore. They were perfect holiday gifts for gamer friends/family. But, I have so many ways to play these games that it's certainly not a 'necessity' purchase.

I can't wait to see the inevitable SNES Mini, even with the experience of the NES one they'll still fuck up supply. Just wait.
At this point if I can't pick one up without waiting in long lines by Christmas, then I'm just not going to buy one. I refuse to pay scalper prices, and after Christmas I won't need one. Nintendo has completely dropped the ball on this thing so far.

My wife and I really wanted one as a family gift to us and our kids to play during Christmas day. The allure will be gone after that.
Fuck it. Right now I'm in 'spending money frivolously for the holiday' mode and I would have bought like 3-4 of these right off the shelf if Nintendo properly stocked these things. Come January, I really won't give a shit about these consoles anymore. They were perfect holiday gifts for gamer friends/family. But, I have so many ways to play these games that it's certainly not a 'necessity' purchase.

I can't wait to see the inevitable SNES Mini, even with the experience of the NES one they'll still fuck up supply. Just wait.

If it is inevitable, I'll be very curious to see if Yoshi's Island and Star Fox make the cut. Seeing as they have yet to put them on any VC service. It just wouldn't be a proper SNES Classic without them.


At this point if I can't pick one up without waiting in long lines by Christmas, then I'm just not going to buy one. I refuse to pay scalper prices, and after Christmas I won't need one. Nintendo has completely dropped the ball on this thing so far.

My wife and I really wanted one as a family gift to us and our kids to play during Christmas day. The allure will be gone after that.

I'm right there with you man.
I'm not buying that. Nintendo needs to get their shit together on this one.

Nintendo got caught in an issue that is extremely time sensitive. As most people point out, the NES Classic's viability is strongly centered around the holiday season. So ramping up production extremely will cost them extremely past the holiday season. So you can't go overboard on the production lines. Supply chain can also be problematic depending on availability and pricing of parts. These things don't change quickly. They're planned out. Let's also factor in hindsight where everyone is saying it was obvious but yet look at the dozens of retro consoles that have been released over the years. You can walk into Target and buy an Atari, a Genesis, etc and none of those set the world on fire in sales. This wasn't as easy to predict both from the retailer or Nintendo given the history of similar devices. So let's put everything in perspective.
Nintendo got caught in an issue that is extremely time sensitive. As most people point out, the NES Classic's viability is strongly centered around the holiday season. So ramping up production extremely will cost them extremely past the holiday season. So you can't go overboard on the production lines. Supply chain can also be problematic depending on availability and pricing of parts. These things don't change quickly. They're planned out. Let's also factor in hindsight where everyone is saying it was obvious but yet look at the dozens of retro consoles that have been released over the years. You can walk into Target and buy an Atari, a Genesis, etc and none of those set the world on fire in sales. This wasn't as easy to predict both from the retailer or Nintendo given the history of similar devices. So let's put everything in perspective.

Well, I wouldn't say they set the world on fire necessarily, but those crummy AtGames consoles do sell very, very well.
Well, there is hope at the end of the tunnel. My girlfriend went to Toys R Us today at 7:00 AM and they had both NES and Hatchimals. They told her she could only get 1 of either, which stinks because they were going to be separate gifts for different people. Buuut it doesn't stink because fuck scalpers, and the love needs spread. She ended up choosing the Hatchimal.
I'm not saying they don't sell well. I'm saying the demand is much higher than what these devices normally have.

Yeah, definitely. I can't pretend to know if Nintendo is making these things difficult to get intentionally for the sake of grabbing news headlines or if they just severely underestimated the demand. However, I do think that Nintendo tends to be out of touch with what people want. Based on how popular the NES is within the gaming cultural zeitgeist (and has consistently been for decades), and the raging thirst aging Gen-Xers have for '80s nostalgia in general, I knew months in advance that this console would explode out of the gate. It's very strange to me that Nintendo didn't see it coming.
Nintendo got caught in an issue that is extremely time sensitive.As most people point out, the NES Classic's viability is strongly centered around the holiday season. So ramping up production extremely will cost them extremely past the holiday season. So you can't go overboard on the production lines. Supply chain can also be problematic depending on availability and pricing of parts. These things don't change quickly. They're planned out. Let's also factor in hindsight where everyone is saying it was obvious but yet look at the dozens of retro consoles that have been released over the years. You can walk into Target and buy an Atari, a Genesis, etc and none of those set the world on fire in sales. This wasn't as easy to predict both from the retailer or Nintendo given the history of similar devices. So let's put everything in perspective.

1) I can hardly claim to be an expert on such things, but how much R&D do you believe went into these things? A $60 emulation machine. There's no special drive, processors, chips or the like. The emulation is being handled by proven talent in N.E.R.D ( responsible for the excellent 3DS emulation). This was revealed back in July, so clearly it was conceived quite a few months prior to that. At the point of announcing this thing, issues like parts availability and pricing should have been sorted so that nothing barring extremely unforeseen circumstances disrupts production leading up to the target launch date. The launch date was announced when the Mini was revealed. Surely the requisite homework like working out part availability with respective manufacturers occurred so that launching November 11th with enough inventory was an obtainable goal? I mean, did they have production targets here? Any goals or semblance of a plan at all?? The Wii U is dead as a doorknob with everyone anticipating the Switch. How many units of those get moved this holiday? A few thousand? They'd probably make more profit per unit selling these inexpensive produced Minis than whatever they're making on the meager number of U's sold. This thing, and the 3Ds, is pretty much all they have to carry them this Christmas. How do you fuck up supply to this extent when you have little else but an aging handheld that has any level of market relevance to push?

2) I find it hard to believe that Nintendo isn't aware of the cultural significance of the NES and its classics titles, to compare their own in-house developed console to the shoddy At-games emulation machines. Do you think Nintendo isn't aware of how valued their games are amongst collectors, and thus can't figure out that a cheap emulation machine designed in the image of the iconic NES with modern TV connections wouldn't sell? Did they turn off all social media after the reveal and missed the buzz this thing created? Those far inferior AtGAMES consoles do sell, not gangbusters, but they move. So what's the worst that happens here if they produced these in decent numbers? Nintendo floods the market and the mini sells out over Christmas, then post holiday they trickle down to 'at worst' ATGAMES console level( and we know a Nintendo produced retro machine is going to do better)? What are they planning to sell between January and March when Switch launches, or have they written off those months completely? Because there's some potential to move those units post-holiday as something impulse buy territory while people wait for the next console.

And if they were totally blind about demand( I mean really?) that's what opening up preorders can do, to get some idea. It can't be creating artificial demand, as I keep hearing, because then they'd be raising the price of subsequent waves to take advantage of increased demand and fervor. No, what they're doing is pissing off prospective buyers who want one for presents, and making it a very Merry Christmas for scalpers. Ugh....
I don't remember the Wii being this bad in stock levels. Was it? I put a Raspberry Pi on my "Secret Santa List" alongside the NES Classic. At least with the PI I'm able to play Pro Wrestling on it.
I don't remember the Wii being this bad in stock levels. Was it? I put a Raspberry Pi on my "Secret Santa List" alongside the NES Classic. At least with the PI I'm able to play Pro Wrestling on it.

Yeah, it was. I paid some scalper 430 bucks so my little brother could have a Wii for Christmas.
If it is inevitable, I'll be very curious to see if Yoshi's Island and Star Fox make the cut. Seeing as they have yet to put them on any VC service. It just wouldn't be a proper SNES Classic without them.

I'm not sure why either title has never been on VC( emulation difficulty with the FX chip for Star Fox maybe? Don't know if Yoshi's Island has any similar technical barriers). But yes, they're essential titles and very conspicuous by their absence so far. Let's hope the SNES mini rectifies that.
I'm not sure why either title has never been on VC( emulation difficulty with the FX chip for Star Fox maybe? Don't know if Yoshi's Island has any similar technical barriers). But yes, they're essential titles and very conspicuous by their absence so far. Let's hope the SNES mini rectifies that.

Yeah, both titles use the Super FX chip. Some have speculated that the hold up might involve some sort of licensing fee involving the developers of the chip, though I believe this was proven false.


Hey, so how's that Sega genesis one of these that I always see in target? Any good? Not even joking at this point. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Edit - just looked it up. No HDMI and IR controllers? Lol nvm.
Nintendo got caught in an issue that is extremely time sensitive. As most people point out, the NES Classic's viability is strongly centered around the holiday season. So ramping up production extremely will cost them extremely past the holiday season. So you can't go overboard on the production lines. Supply chain can also be problematic depending on availability and pricing of parts. These things don't change quickly. They're planned out. Let's also factor in hindsight where everyone is saying it was obvious but yet look at the dozens of retro consoles that have been released over the years. You can walk into Target and buy an Atari, a Genesis, etc and none of those set the world on fire in sales. This wasn't as easy to predict both from the retailer or Nintendo given the history of similar devices. So let's put everything in perspective.

Nintendo could've easily put a thermometer into the fan demand via enabling pre-orders. There was no reason to not allow pre-orders because that meant they went in blind to demand on launch day. Not to mention the fact that they very obviously WANTED to have this for the holidays, so it doesn't make much sense to then turn around and say "yeah well but the holidays threw a wrench!" No, Nintendo themselves set this up for the holidays.

Nintendo has been in this business for decades. They've seen everything from overshipping to undershipping. There's simply no excuse as to why they continue to miss the mark by this much.

this is why nobody can find one fair and square, very limited quantities + people connections + unethical employees make it next to impossible.

I have mine since launch day but I'd love to find an extra controller.
Same here it's getting ridiculous. I fear I'll never have a second measly controller for mine.
Nintendo has been in this business for decades. They've seen everything from overshipping to undershipping. There's simply no excuse as to why they continue to miss the mark by this much.

Exactly. Nintendo has released how many consoles now in the past 30 years? This isn't their first day on the job. I was ready to forgive an initial cock-up in November but now into December, and we're still getting reports of retailers getting a handful of units? I mean, the same undershipped BS seems to have happened for the white and black $99 3ds models they released for Black Friday. Do they have a logistics department, or do they just throw a few numbers in the air and produce whatever lands face-side up?
Same here it's getting ridiculous. I fear I'll never have a second measly controller for mine.

You probably know this already, but the Wii classic controller functions as a second controller option. You can even get back to the menu without having to touch the console by pushing the home button.
You probably know this already, but the Wii classic controller functions as a second controller option. You can even get back to the menu without having to touch the console by pushing the home button.
Yea I do know that and I'll settle eventually if I have to. I just really wanted a second one to complete the experience.

It's just really disappointing that everyone that wants one is having to put up with this. I got lucky and managed to have iy preordered via Target after it was announced.


Anyone in the U.K. I used stock informer. Really good. Just kept the browser open at work and just kept in touch. Managed to get one with (relatively) littleeffort. I feel so bad that they're so stock deprived. I really enjoy this console and honestly if I was going to sell it I would only sell at face value. It's despicable that people are holding everyone to ransom. Crossing my fingers for you all
Yea I do know that and I'll settle eventually if I have to. I just really wanted a second one so my son and I could eventually play together.

Yeah, I get it. The NES controller feels nicer anyway.

On a related note, I've been playing some Wii VC games using the NES Classic controller and it's much better. And best of all, I can finally play through Mega Man 10 without constantly accidentally changing weapons due to my fingers always hitting the shoulder buttons.


°Temp. member
I went to Toys R Us today after church to ask about it and they told me that they got some in this morning but they sold out within an hour. The way he said "within an hour" made me think that if I had been there when they opened then I could have gotten one. Whyyyy did I decide to sleep in a little longer :(
Oh well, it's not even for me anyway, just a Christmas gift.


I put a Raspberry Pi on my "Secret Santa List" alongside the NES Classic. At least with the PI I'm able to play Pro Wrestling on it.

This is why I'm in the "would be cool to have one of these but I don't really care that much" camp because I have all these games and more sitting in my Pi and am playing them w/ a NES usb controller.
Nintendo got caught in an issue that is extremely time sensitive. As most people point out, the NES Classic's viability is strongly centered around the holiday season. So ramping up production extremely will cost them extremely past the holiday season. So you can't go overboard on the production lines. Supply chain can also be problematic depending on availability and pricing of parts. These things don't change quickly. They're planned out. Let's also factor in hindsight where everyone is saying it was obvious but yet look at the dozens of retro consoles that have been released over the years. You can walk into Target and buy an Atari, a Genesis, etc and none of those set the world on fire in sales. This wasn't as easy to predict both from the retailer or Nintendo given the history of similar devices. So let's put everything in perspective.

Perspective is you take pre-orders if you aren't smart enough to figure out your supply chain like Nintendo has shown to be incompetent in this regard time and time again
why did you try to get another?

I'm not that person you quoted but I'm doing the same.
One to play
One to keep sealed
Shits small enough to store X display anywhere and NES is cool

Snes Mini will be bought 3 times next year , I'm not messing around for that, I'm camping out for 5 hours on release day 😎

Nintendo announced this in fucking July or August so they could have just taken pre orders until August / September and then make a pre order launch shipment then make a holiday shipment
Nintendo did this on purpose
Woke up in bed at 9am... was gonna go to TRU to see what was up... saw the snow flurries through the window... said fuck it and went back to sleep.
Just a heads up. I think some Walmarts are getting restocks. I was able to order one via Walmart for pick up at my local store at regular MSRP. We'll see if they cancel it or not.

It said two left when I placed my order.


Just a heads up. I think some Walmarts are getting restocks. I was able to order one via Walmart for pick up at my local store at regular MSRP. We'll see if they cancel it or not.

It said two left when I placed my order.

Did you order it online?

and did you check brickseek before, or just blind luck in checking lol

If you have a link to walmart, I only see re-salers on walmart.com
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