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NES Classic Edition Thread: Now You're Playing With Power* *Sold Separately in Europe


Man I thought Amazon prime now might show some west coast love today since they released nes mini for east coasts mostly last week...........


12 minimum = RIP

get ready for line cutters x people in their cars saying they are in line
shit will get ugly

One guy on cheapassgamer said his Best buy will have about 50, I suggest calling your bestbuy today and see if they give you a number of amount they will have. I'm gonna call today if they have a lot I might show up, i'm in a nice sized city with two Best buys 20 mins a part, then there is like 3 others in the city.


It's pretty obvious Nintendo is intentionally under-shipping to the US. They've proven competent in shipping millions of units when they need ... to only ship ~200k units when demand was obvious has to be intentional, not incompetence.

They have a new system coming out in a few months.

Instead of running ads for their system like Sony and Microsoft, they're getting a hell of a lot of unpaid brand publicity and news stories into the general public with "Nintendo" and "frenzy" in the headline thanks to the NES Classic.

Doesn't even matter that it's not about the new system.

Doesn't matter that the gaming press is casting them in a negative light ... the general public doesn't follow gaming press.

Nintendo is getting their name out there effectively for free.

They have to figure the extra earned media exposure of getting the Nintendo brand back into the public sphere is more valuable than whatever profit they're losing in the short term.

They're probably right.

100% agreed. This is clearly a business move. It's just disappointing that they are doing this at the expense of their fans. I guess its just business though.
It's pretty obvious Nintendo is intentionally under-shipping to the US. They've proven competent in shipping millions of units when they need ... to only ship ~200k units when demand was obvious has to be intentional, not incompetence.

They have a new system coming out in a few months.

Instead of running ads for their system like Sony and Microsoft, they're getting a hell of a lot of unpaid brand publicity and news stories into the general public with "Nintendo" and "frenzy" in the headline thanks to the NES Classic.

Doesn't even matter that it's not about the new system.

Doesn't matter that the gaming press is casting them in a negative light ... the general public doesn't follow gaming press.

Nintendo is getting their name out there effectively for free.

They have to figure the extra earned media exposure of getting the Nintendo brand back into the public sphere is more valuable than whatever profit they're losing in the short term.

They're probably right.

I've been arguing this for a while now, but most people can't fathom why would Nintendo sacrifice sales of a $60 system-on-chip thing.


For everyone trying Best Buy tomorrow:

If you're thinking of getting in line after midnight tonight, you're not going to get one.

Let me be clear: at this point, it's the last opportunity to get one before Christmas
(unless you're going to pay 300%+ markup on Craigslist)
and parents are not going to disappoint their kids.

There are ALREADY 3 people in line at my local Best Buy.

Bundle up, grab a friend, grab a chair, and get to waiting.

Good luck to you all!
For everyone trying Best Buy tomorrow:

If you're thinking of getting in line after midnight tonight, you're not going to get one.

Let me be clear: at this point, it's the last opportunity to get one before Christmas
(unless you're going to pay 300%+ markup on Craigslist)
and parents are not going to disappoint their kids.

There are ALREADY 3 people in line at my local Best Buy.

Bundle up, grab a friend, grab a chair, and get to waiting.

Good luck to you all!

I find that simply insane. My time and health are more valuable than a videogame console.


My store actually has 34 units. Tempted to stay and get one tomorrow but it's pretty cold outside.

How did you get stock numbers? The guy on the phone refused to tell me how many they had.

Also anybody know what time they pass out tickets?

I'll show up and if it tickets are all gone, i'll go home and go back to bed, not staying overnight, Bestbuy is only like 5 mins away from me


I find that simply insane. My time and health are more valuable than a videogame console.

So are mine, which is why I passed on this completely.

How did you get stock numbers? The guy on the phone refused to tell me how many they had.

Also anybody know what time they pass out tickets?

I'll show up and if it tickets are all gone, i'll go home and go back to bed, not staying overnight, Bestbuy is only like 5 mins away from me

Certain stores do things differently. I got two stores within 10 miles of each other; one wouldn't even tell me if they got any in, the other told me they had 65 on hand and will start giving out tickets at 6 AM. That's also the one that already has 3 people standing in line.


So are mine, which is why I passed on this completely.

Certain stores do things differently. I got two stores within 10 miles of each other; one wouldn't even tell me if they got any in, the other told me they had 65 on hand and will start giving out tickets at 6 AM. That's also the one that already has 3 people standing in line.

65 wow, 6 am ok so I might go a lil before 6 and see if I can get a ticket, if not back to bed for me lol


I find that simply insane. My time and health are more valuable than a videogame console.

Agreed with this. It is depressing that things are like this, and I don't mean that as a slight to anyone who is willing to wait in line, more that Nintendo has allowed this to happen - whether you think it is intentional like I do, or really poor forecasting, its a sad state of affairs.

I know that this is just a novelty item, its superficial, and no one has any kind of "right" or entitlement to be able to purchase this and its ultimately just business to Nintendo. However, regardless of that, one has to consider that even with that being the case, there is a certain amount of stress that this places on some people, especially the parents who were hoping to share the magic of the NES they had when they were young with their kids on Xmas morning, or the parents who just desperately don't want to disappoint their children this Xmas, or even chumps like me who just want play this little device in its nostalgia inducing packaging. We all know there are much more serious and worse things happening in the world, much more worthy of our attention, but even with all that, this is still disappointing and sad. Especially considering that this is something that should bring a little bit of joy to people.
I refuse to dance like a monkey to Nintendo's amusement. I won't buy one until I can simply walk in a Walmart in the middle of the day and grab one of the shelves. If that won't ever happen well too bad.
Yeah I've changed my mind. I don't want to wait 8 hours in 30 something degree weather tonight to get one from Best Buy. The 12 people who camp out overnight deserve it, and I'll just wait till after the Holidays to get one


I got a hatchimal for my kid and a NES for myself, I feel like I deserve the Turboman Medal of excellence.


It's pretty cold out there, please be smart if you're camping for this tonight.


Yea. I'm going to wait until after Christmas when they are hopefully more available. Nintendo no doubt missed a HUGE opportunity here.


Just drove by my BB on my way home, 10 people with tents already set up. And it's going to be 3 degrees here in St. Louis tonight.
I can't imagine waiting outside for over 8 hours when it's as cold as it is outside. Waiting an hour and a half was doable the other day at GameStop but still...couldn't have stayed outside when it was below freezing for more than that.


°Temp. member
hmm, I'm on vacation this week so I can be there at 6am to try to get a ticket, but it's going to be below freezing outside and I HATE the cold. Was hoping to get one for my younger brother but we'll see lol.


Just drove by my BB on my way home, 10 people with tents already set up. And it's going to be 3 degrees here in St. Louis tonight.

That's an awesome glass full of nope right there.

I camped out ONE TIME. It was for the PS3. 3 days and my brother and I were numbers 3 and 4 in line. Never again. We had a tent and sleeping bags and it was not only cold, but windy and raining.

I sold my PS3 two weeks later because my mom needed the money. He sold his a week after that. (I think we made about $400 total profit all together.)

Didn't buy another PS3 until Jan of 2013.

I'm not doing this for a piece of nostalgia, no matter how bad the kid in me wants it.


Junior Ace
If only those people followed certain twitter accounts to know when GS had the $80 bundle up earlier.


The games look like complete ass on this thing holy cow, I know you can't really beat the price with 30 games included but I was expecting at the very least a CRT filter that doesn't make my eyes bleed.


I went out a couple of hours the other day and the 40 degree weather destroyed my sinus. Good luck to those in colder parts tonight.
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