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NES Classic Edition Thread: Now You're Playing With Power* *Sold Separately in Europe

Fine Nintendo, I was going to buy four of these for gifts but since you guys hate money screw it. If they make a snes one, which I'm sure they will hopefully they will produce more.
Was going to buy this for family members on both sides of the family, but have went out and gotten other gifts last night. I knew people would want this, but as I stated before, VERY surprised at the ravenous demand for this. Not surprised at the way Nintendo handled it.

Will pick one up for myself when these will probably be spilling off the shelves in a few months, but just one. Was planning on buying about 4.


We had 34 at my store and my husband lined up and says he was number 30. But I think people skipped line or showed up early and let people cut. I work there but no perks, have to wait like everyone else. There might be a silver lining though.
Was going to buy this for family members on both sides of the family, but have went out and gotten other gifts last night. I knew people would want this, but as I stated before, VERY surprised at the ravenous demand for this. Not surprised at the way Nintendo handled it.

Will pick one up for myself when these will probably be spilling off the shelves in a few months, but just one. Was planning on buying about 4.

It is a perfect gift for Christmas for friends/family that grew up with it. Solid price point and form factor/nostalgia that it is an easy sell. Unfortunately, Nintendo is shit tier when it comes to calculating demand. One can only imagine how many sales they lost out on all because of their stupid demand games.

Yes, I am a bit mad.


my best buy got 54 but the line started yesterday around 7 or 8 so dozens of people got turned away. They didn't get any controllers so it was going to be a waste of time for me regardless.
Went to BB 15 mins before opening in Manhattan and obviously was not getting one but was surprisd that by 8 more than 200 ppl in line behind me and so many ppl in front of me didnt get one and people were furious. Fortunately amazon is selling em intermittently on prime now and i got one but man what a botched launch. Why generate so much anger toward your brand?!
Pretty sure Nintendo could have sold nearly a million of these if they had produced enough.

I don't think there is any doubt, they screwed up pretty hard here cause the demand for these is going to go off a cliff after the holidays. I would say they will learn and do better on the pretty much guaranteed SNES version but Nintendo gonna Nintendo.
I ended up swinging by my local Best Buy just outside of Boston at 830 last night to see how big the line was. And to my surprise, there wasn't a single person (maybe because it was 21* out). So I stuck it out.

One other person showed up at 12:30. A friend brought me coffee at 3:45 on his way to work which was a huge life saver. Three people came at 4:00 and myself and the other guy finally got out of our cars. Then slowly more trickled in. That same coffee friend works at a radio station and they ended up interviewing me on air (mostly just making fun of us but it was still pretty cool).

By the time vouchers were handed out around 7:00 we had 33 people in line. They suspiciously had exactly 33 systems. We all quickly dispersed and came back at 7:50 to watch about 50 more people get turned away before they even unlocked the doors.

I've toyed around with it for about half an hour now and I think its great! Controller feels spot on. The menu is beautiful. And the thing is just so damn cute overall. Once its back on shelves I'll probably pick one up for my father.


Went to BB 15 mins before opening in Manhattan and obviously was not getting one but was surprisd that by 8 more than 200 ppl in line behind me and so many ppl in front of me didnt get one and people were furious. Fortunately amazon is selling em intermittently on prime now and i got one but man what a botched launch. Why generate so much anger toward your brand?!

Part of that anger can be directly pointed at scalpers.


Maybe Amazon Prime Now will come through with the save again. I got 2 last time (one for my wife, one for my brother in law)

If it pops up I'll hook up a gaffer. Tis the season.
I ended up swinging by my local Best Buy just outside of Boston at 830 last night to see how big the line was. And to my surprise, there wasn't a single person (maybe because it was 21* out). So I stuck it out.

One other person showed up at 12:30. A friend brought me coffee at 3:45 on his way to work which was a huge life saver. Three people came at 4:00 and myself and the other guy finally got out of our cars. Then slowly more trickled in. That same coffee friend works at a radio station and they ended up interviewing me on air (mostly just making fun of us but it was still pretty cool).

By the time vouchers were handed out around 7:00 we had 33 people in line. They suspiciously had exactly 33 systems. We all quickly dispersed and came back at 7:50 to watch about 50 more people get turned away before they even unlocked the doors.

I've toyed around with it for about half an hour now and I think its great! Controller feels spot on. The menu is beautiful. And the thing is just so damn cute overall. Once its back on shelves I'll probably pick one up for my father.

Damn you are a warrior.


Pretty sure Nintendo could have sold nearly a million of these if they had produced enough.

I highly doubt Nintendo or anyone would have thought these could sell a million.

They should have produced more but 1 million would have been pushing it, even retailers would not have ordered enough to cover that much.


Got nothing in Miami, a family of 6 took 6 tickets probably to sell them on eBay. It's a really shame Nintendo is handling the NES classic like an ultra rare to find item.
Yo What the fuck.

I'm also in Miami. Got there at 4:30 and saw a long-ass line of at least 40 people. Noped out of there, wasn't going to waste three hours for a slight possibility.
Canada (or at least Ottawa) got 0 units. Yoinks this is bad. I also don't super appreciate that Best Buy used the words "North America" when they're most likely saying "United States". You'd think I'd be used to Canada getting shafted at this point, but nooooope.


Part of that anger can be directly pointed at scalpers.

Not really. There wouldn't be scalpers if Nintendo had a clue. This is like the perfect Christmas gift at msrp. If they were just trying to generate interest they should have made the initial shipments a few months ago so they could attempt to meet demand.
Scalpers will always exist and take advantage of inefficiencies in the market. I blame Nintendo for them, too.

For the most part, I agree. They could have done a much better job, but ultimately I think they achieved their goals...generate buzz for the brand before the launch of a new console.


My daughter went out at 4am and managed to get one at Best Buy. They received 24 units.

Looking forward to seeing it, but I'm working so much, that won't be until Thursday evening.
Came in at 5:30 cause I woke up early and decided ehh what the fuck let's do this. First person in line came at 10:30 YESTERDAY. The fact that I have the exact same chances as that guy in getting one is hilarious to me. Now I have a ticket claimed at a Panera bread place drinking coffee and eating a breakfeast sandwich where the eggs taste like nothing. It's not bad.
Eh Nintendo of America are just big dummies

Make pre orders happen so everyone that wants one gets one X Nintendo knows how many to make
Solution: you make money

They will still get media coverage because people that missed out on pre orders will want one now
Solution: you make money

Those that have pre orders and have played it will tell their friends X co workers X classmates about it and the hype will be even greater
Solution: you make money

But no, limited stock before Christmas and Amazon prime now for random cities (how Boston isn't included boggles my mind, god damn MiT , BC, BU , Harvard is here , cmon) is just small profit for Nintendo and with the holidays X impulse buying about to be over, so many people will forget about it

Business 101

Went to BB 15 mins before opening in Manhattan and obviously was not getting one but was surprisd that by 8 more than 200 ppl in line behind me and so many ppl in front of me didnt get one and people were furious. Fortunately amazon is selling em intermittently on prime now and i got one but man what a botched launch. Why generate so much anger toward your brand?!

Just follow Nintendo New York on Instagram and you'll get a system, New Yorkers have the biggest cheat code yet don't use it
For the most part, I agree. They could have done a much better job, but ultimately I think they achieved their goals...generate buzz for the brand before the launch of a new console.

Best way to do so and create happy customers is to create the rarity buzz in november and then unload week before holidays. Getting folks to try the product also matters
For the most part, I agree. They could have done a much better job, but ultimately I think they achieved their goals...generate buzz for the brand before the launch of a new console.

This doesn't generate buzz, this makes people bitter about the brand. It also makes me doubtful that Nintendo can supply Switch to consumers.
Ended up getting in line at 2am with a friend and we both managed to score one! This is going to my brother for xmas, but i would definitely like to pick one up for myself down the line. It's so cool!


Went to BB 15 mins before opening in Manhattan and obviously was not getting one but was surprisd that by 8 more than 200 ppl in line behind me and so many ppl in front of me didnt get one and people were furious. Fortunately amazon is selling em intermittently on prime now and i got one but man what a botched launch. Why generate so much anger toward your brand?!

welcome to nintendo for the past year. I dont think i've ever been as irritated and frustrated with them as I am now.
welcome to nintendo for the past year. I dont think i've ever been as irritated and frustrated with them as I am now.

So would you say this generated buzz for the brand?! Just joking, obviously this makes numerous consumers pretty annoyed, then add to this the fact that it is becoming SOP makes it worse.


A short story
This weekend I got an infection in my arm and as a result I'm in terrible pain. This resulted in me having to pass on a Target who had 23! Units available on Sunday morning. That was a bummer, I felt I had a chance but just could not justify it with my arm injury. So sadly I watched them disappear from inventory.

Last night I thought I'd check Target inventory (I do this every night by habit now) a little after midnight, this is usually when inventory posts. There was a target quite a distance that had 11, but I couldn't justify driving down there for a chance to get one. I woke up this morning at around 6am (my body automatically does this for work) and thought I'd check inventory and WOW the target less than 10 min from me had 13!

It was decision time, target is open in an hour, I've not dressed, my arm hurts, maybe they already passed out tickets....then I thought well maybe due to the late posting of the inventory and the big hoopla with Best Buy...perhaps people were distracted or missed that target had inventory. So I figured ok, i'll roll the dice and go there and get there 10 min early, if I get luck then I get lucky but I didn't waste a bunch of time.

I get there and there are about 9 people in line, so I'm thinking this looks good...REAL good. Get in line and ask the guy in front of me if they handed out passes. The guy said he doesn't have one but he just got there a short time ago. So after a few minutes I see a couple guys get in line behind me and they have papers in their hand. I get worried. They start chatting up that they were there earlier and some guy gave them tickets for the NES. Oh god. How many did they give out???? Those two pushed me to 11 and there's only 13 units. This is getting TIGHT and worrisome.

Doors open people speed walk to the electronics department. The cashier yells out anyone have tickets? And sure enough only the two guys I saw earlier claimed their units. Now things are getting exciting. But I start getting worried again...was the inventory wrong...do they only have 10....am I gonna get screwed?! The transactions go by one by one, many folks are buying NES and Hatchimals (I'm creeped out by those things). It's my turn....'One NES Classic Please!"......

I got one! :)

tl;dr I got an NES Classic from Target yay!
A short story
This weekend I got an infection in my arm and as a result I'm in terrible pain. This resulted in me having to pass on a Target who had 23! Units available on Sunday morning. That was a bummer, I felt I had a chance but just could not justify it with my arm injury. So sadly I watched them disappear from inventory.

Last night I thought I'd check Target inventory (I do this every night by habit now) a little after midnight, this is usually when inventory posts. There was a target quite a distance that had 11, but I couldn't justify driving down there for a chance to get one. I woke up this morning at around 6am (my body automatically does this for work) and thought I'd check inventory and WOW the target less than 10 min from me had 13!

It was decision time, target is open in an hour, I've not dressed, my arm hurts, maybe they already passed out tickets....then I thought well maybe due to the late posting of the inventory and the big hoopla with Best Buy...perhaps people were distracted or missed that target had inventory. So I figured ok, i'll roll the dice and go there and get there 10 min early, if I get luck then I get lucky but I didn't waste a bunch of time.

I get there and there are about 9 people in line, so I'm thinking this looks good...REAL good. Get in line and ask the guy in front of me if they handed out passes. The guy said he doesn't have one but he just got there a short time ago. So after a few minutes I see a couple guys get in line behind me and they have papers in their hand. I get worried. They start chatting up that they were there earlier and some guy gave them tickets for the NES. Oh god. How many did they give out???? Those two pushed me to 11 and there's only 13 units. This is getting TIGHT and worrisome.

Doors open people speed walk to the electronics department. The cashier yells out anyone have tickets? And sure enough only the two guys I saw earlier claimed their units. Now things are getting exciting. But I start getting worried again...was the inventory wrong...do they only have 10....am I gonna get screwed?! The transactions go by one by one, many folks are buying NES and Hatchimals (I'm creeped out by those things). It's my turn....'One NES Classic Please!"......

I got one! :)

tl;dr I got an NES Classic from Target yay!

Haha holy shit! Congrats man! And now go an play the shit out of that with one hand :p


not a fan of Ashley Madison. Digs her website tho
I went 30 minutes before BB opened (wasn't holding my breath) and was surprised to see the line bending around the corner.



There were about the same number of people in line as there were when I got my Wii U. :O

The BB guy came out around 7:45am and handed out around 24 tickets. About half the people went away empty handed. The guy said come back around 11am, "first come, first serve."


I have a weird question for people who ordered via Prime Now. Did the NES Classic come in a shipping box or a bag? I was thinking of having one sent to my freight forwarder but I don't think they can accept it if it's in a bag...


Neo Member
I have a weird question for people who ordered via Prime Now. Did the NES Classic come in a shipping box or a bag? I was thinking of having one sent to my freight forwarder but I don't think they can accept it if it's in a bag...

It was in a paper bag
I have a weird question for people who ordered via Prime Now. Did the NES Classic come in a shipping box or a bag? I was thinking of having one sent to my freight forwarder but I don't think they can accept it if it's in a bag...

From NYC, ordered one through Prime Now. Got mines in a paper bag.

The Lamp

Hopefully when people are done lining up early morning in the cold for the made up necessity to have this by December 25th, I can stroll into stores next week to search for these on my own time.


I have a weird question for people who ordered via Prime Now. Did the NES Classic come in a shipping box or a bag? I was thinking of having one sent to my freight forwarder but I don't think they can accept it if it's in a bag...

I received mine from Prime now in a Bag, and I sent it by my forwarding service to my country, after the travel the box was somewhat hurt, but it wasn't anything big. That box is sturdy, it can endure the trip
I got one! :)

tl;dr I got an NES Classic from Target yay!

I've been reading your woes on this thread for a while now and SO GLAD to see you finally got one!!!

I went 30 minutes before BB opened (wasn't holding my breath) and was surprised to see the line bending around the corner.



There were about the same number of people in line as there were when I got my Wii U. :O

The BB guy came out around 7:45am and handed out around 24 tickets. About half the people went away empty handed. The guy said come back around 11am, "first come, first serve."

Holy crap that line looks like the one time I went Black Friday shopping two years ago to go pickup something at midnight at Best Buy, saw a line just like that wrapping around the corner of the building and then swiftly said "Nope!" and drove back home. Homie don't play that...

Don't know why BB would say to come back at 11AM - wtf? Were they expecting another delivery truck around then or something? If they had more to sell that morning then they should have sold them to the rest of the people already waiting in line.

I received mine from Prime now in a Bag, and I sent it by my forwarding service to my country, after the travel the box was somewhat hurt, but it wasn't anything big. That box is sturdy, it can endure the trip

Yeah - don't let that box get hurt! The box is one of the coolest and most nostalgia-inducing parts of the entire package...


My wife really wanted a Classic for Christmas. So I got up and got in line at 5:30 this morning. It was FUCKING -2 degrees out. I thought they were passing out tickets at 6, but didn't happen until 7. I contemplated leaving about 30 times in that 1 1/2 hours but so glad I didn't. There were only 24(I was 10th, so knew I was in) and close to half the people who had been there for an hour didn't get one. They opened the store for us at 7:45, so I got breakfast and feeling back in my extremities before heading in to get it. The store manager was only holding them for an hour and then selling, and when I got back at 7:53, about 20 were in the "hopeful" line. So happy now! Now to find controllers.

I've never camped put for anything before in my life, and I won't be again anytime soon. I would have never done this for myself.


Don't know why BB would say to come back at 11AM - wtf? Were they expecting another delivery truck around then or something? If they had more to sell that morning then they should have sold them to the rest of the people already waiting in line.

11 AM is when the tickets they hand out expire. You have 3 hours from the time the store opens to get your reserved system, after that it's up for grabs.


Don't know why BB would say to come back at 11AM - wtf? Were they expecting another delivery truck around then or something? If they had more to sell that morning then they should have sold them to the rest of the people already waiting in line.
If someone didn't come back with their ticket, there could concievably be more stock available


Yeah - don't let that box get hurt! The box is one of the coolest and most nostalgia-inducing parts of the entire package...

It is! but unfortunately the options in my country are totally out of my budget and this was the only option I had to buy it, so I decided to do it as soon as it appeared on Prime Now.

Thanks guys. I guess I'll give it a shot.

for reference, this is how my box arrived, in a paper bag:

This is the worst part of the box:

the back came in almost perfect state:


I'd like to thank Penguin for posting the Amazon Now NYC Tweet, would have missed it, but was doing some morning GAF browsing and came across the thread bump last week. Having some fun with this, knew I would.


I'd like to thank Penguin for posting the Amazon Now NYC Tweet, would have missed it, but was doing some morning GAF browsing and came across the thread bump last week. Having some fun with this, knew I would.

same for the heads up on the Miami area, I had already given up on finding one at that moment.
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