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NES Classic Edition Thread: Now You're Playing With Power* *Sold Separately in Europe

Seriously though it's a neat stocking stuffer but you get what you pay for. Waiting in line at 5:30 AM at 40 degree weather (which I know is nothing for certain individuals, but cold is cold) and stocking up on Giant Bomb Demo Derby videos made it sufferable. But man still thinking about the guy who waited at 10 pm THE DAY PRIOR but I still got mine. Like man do whatever makes you happy, but you are insane.

Also the inclusion of Galaga and Pac-Man NES I understand completely, but those versions are FLAWED. Would rather take something like a Jackal or Gun.Smoke or again, Adventure Island 1. Fuck it, just put 2 instead.


The stock issue infuriates me but it wasn't something I absolutely needed (or had any kids asking for) so I can wait until it's more readily available, if ever. I just can't fathom why people would pay the jacked up scalper prices though. I mean, I turn 40 here in 2 weeks so I get the appeal to nostalgia but not enough to justify paying 3-6x the original MSRP for a glorified emulator with HDMI out and some extra video enhancements.

Also, it doesn't have Low G Man, so I'm sad. Yes, I know, not a well known game and made by Taxan and all but damn if I didn't love that game when I was 13.


Gold Member
I ordered mine from GameStop yesterday and it delivered today. It's a nice little addition to my game room. The controller cable is ridiculously short though. What were they thinking? I'd feel ripped off paying more than the msrp or waiting in a long line to get one.


If you don't live in Japan you already are. They've always been a Japan-first company when it comes to strategy, product launches, etc. I don't fault them for this, though it might annoy me. They are free to do as they please.

As for people in the west, they realize that they've lost a large chunk of the hardcore they will probably never get back, and the Nintendo-faithful are not enough to keep them afloat (see Wii U). Their hopes rest upon the mainstream, and their strategies reflect this. They are always chasing the next big thing that will break out of traditional gaming circles.

Finally, they are super conservative when it comes to tech, costs, production runs, etc.

If you view their behavior through these lenses it sometimes helps to explain things a bit. I am just as annoyed when it comes to some of Nintendo's practices but I no longer get mad about it. Unlike Sony or MS, griping and complaining online will accomplish nothing. They are going to do what they do. It's their nature. As a consumer, your choice is to either buy their products, enjoy them, and put up with their bullshit, or write them off and stick to the other platforms. I don't blame people for being mad, but I see how utterly pointless all the griping and endless bitching is. It's yelling at clouds. I think their games are worth it, but YMMV. As for the NES Classic, I want one, but I can wait until they are more easily available. I think the shortage will be over by Feb.

This is certainly true. I pretty well agree with most of what you said here.

I know I've been bitching a lot in this thread, but I don't believe it will change anything, it's just sometimes cathartic to yell at the clouds :)

Regardless, much like you, I always appreciate the quality of their products and I will indeed just wait to find one eventually in stores.


Woke up at 5 am got to BB at about 5 30 there were 12 people in line already. This is in MI mind you so it was VERY cold hah. I was number 13, there was this douche towards the front of the line telling us all that his cousin is the manager and told him they would only have 10 in stock. We decided to ignore him even though he was walking around showing his phone to us saying "look, see this is the text I am serious" we just told him we would take our chances because we were already in line at 5 in the morning in freezing temperatures.

The line grew to about 50 people from 5:30 to 7:40 when the manager finally came out, he told us all that he had exactly 24 units so many people left angry. I was really happy that I got there when I did. There was so much drama in this line between my cousin is the manager guy and people threatening each other over "cutting" in line etc I was just glad to get in and get out. My toes had started to go numb but for the most part I was bundled up enough to stay warm and the two guys on either side of me were friendly and good for chatting. I did this for my brother, I wanted to get him something absolutely special this year and this item fit that bill perfectly being that it was only 60$ and it was of mythical status for this holiday season, I am EAGERLY anticipating his reaction to opening it on Christmas day.
Brickseek shows a Target near my work with units in stock. I drove by this morning at 3:30 and there was only a few people on line. I am thinking of heading out at 6 (they open at 7) Do they hand out tickets like Best Buy? Want to make sure I'm not going to miss a ticket if that is how Target handles it too


best buy fucked up so hardcore.

I had buddies go to 2 different locations yesterday morning before they opened. Both places had a line....when they opened the employees told them they sold all the classics the night before.

what in the honest FUCK.......it was such bullshit as every person and their mother were told by staff and the official blog that you could get them when they opened in the morning.

They didn't even hand out tickets......they literally sold them the night before.


FYI check your local Best Buy today, my store got another shipment of 12 today!! It's unadvertised but YMMV!! Call first!!


I was just informed that my local Best Buy has more in this morning as well. I'm friends with a store manager so yeah, this wasn't advertised at all.
Also the inclusion of Galaga and Pac-Man NES I understand completely, but those versions are FLAWED. Would rather take something like a Jackal or Gun.Smoke or again, Adventure Island 1. Fuck it, just put 2 instead.

Oh my God yes, thank you! I love Jackal, more than Contra. It's weird enough that Contra 1 isn't on here, but the list of 2-player games is so low. Jackal is a fantastic co-op game that so many people never played. I think it's one of the best games on the console.


So I just because a Famicon Mini on a total whim on Amazon. This better be worth it lol. Excited to play Castlevania, Rockman 2 and Ghosts and Goblins though.


Well, ordered one from Amazon Prime Now for Manhattan. Being shipped to someone I know there, and then being shipped to Michigan. Hey, it works.


So I just because a Famicon Mini on a total whim on Amazon. This better be worth it lol. Excited to play Castlevania, Rockman 2 and Ghosts and Goblins though.

What is the actual link to that? Was it from Amazon, or a 3rd party? I want to get one of those too...
Looks like they may have gone out of stock on Prime Now in Orlando already. It is still listed but there isn't a way to purchase it now.

EDIT: Now it isn't even listed. Hopefully a few of you Central Floridians were able to get one (*high-five* Lyte Edge!)


Sweet! Just got another off Amazon Prime Now for Atlanta. Now to eBay!

Just kidding. Going to be a gift to my best friend and her boy friend.

The best thing is that while it can't deliver to my home address, it can deliver to my work. Nice.
Man, prime now for Baltimore ? Colombus? Richmond ? Raleigh? What the fuck
Cincinnati Bengals garbage city gets it too

No Boston again still boggles my mind
Man, I've always been one step behind. Literally seeing tweets and notifications of "in stock" supplies just minutes after being sold out. Trying to hold my breath but it's starting to look like it's not gonna happen this year :(

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Looks like they may have gone out of stock on Prime Now in Orlando already. It is still listed but there isn't a way to purchase it now.

EDIT: Now it isn't even listed. Hopefully a few of you Central Floridians were able to get one (*high-five* Lyte Edge!)

ATL here, but I appreciate the notification! Almost went back and ordered a second one but then they were gone. Stayed available for way longer than I've seen on any other site.


Managed to get one of the GameStop bundles that went up Monday. Came in yesterday but didn't get a chance to hook it up. Glad to put this saga behind me. Probably just going to return the wireless controller.
God, Nintendo are absolute shitheels for making people line up for this thing. I was one of those people who lined up launch day and managed to get one, but there is no excuse subsequent to the initial undershipping to keep this up. Nintendo is an absolutely shitty company for creating artificial demand by trickling out stock at their convenience.
A Target 25 miles from me has 8 in stock according to brickseek. I'm stuck at work... a buddy of mine lives right by there and is off today. I text him, but he is not responding... this is killing me lol.


It sounds like Prime Now seems to just get more stock randomly for random locations.

Amazon as a whole is getting them and just sending them to primenow locations, only selling it to people who live in those cities and pay for prime and not to everybody online is kinda scummy

Not saying those places shouldnt get first dibs, but for them to not put it online for everybody else is pretty messed up for an online retailer


Amazon as a whole is getting them and just sending them to primenow locations, only selling it to people who live in those cities and pay for prime and not to everybody online is kinda scummy

Not saying those places shouldnt get first dibs, but for them to not put it online for everybody else is pretty messed up for an online retailer

Prime Now just seems so odd to me.

My parents live not even a mile from the warehouse they dispatch from and aren't eligible. Hell, my girlfriend lives just down the road from it and isn't eligible either. Yet my brother, who is about 30 miles away, is.
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