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NES Classic Edition Thread: Now You're Playing With Power* *Sold Separately in Europe


For the most part, I agree. They could have done a much better job, but ultimately I think they achieved their goals...generate buzz for the brand before the launch of a new console.
I have owned the Gameboy, SNES, N64, DS, 3DS, Gamecube, and Wii. I had a buzz for the brand. Their terrible account system, focus on gimmicks, unreasonably priced older titles, and shift to the casual market in the Wii generation lost me.

The NES classic has buzz not because it is today's Nintendo, but because it is free of all the bullshit that is modern Nintendo. Well, it is in theory, but in practice they managed to insinuate their BS ways through either alienating consumers to generate buzz or demonstrating that they have no idea who their consumers are, depending on which theory you subscribe to.

I fail to see how this is good publicity for the Switch unless all these games come standard with it.


I have owned the Gameboy, SNES, N64, DS, 3DS, Gamecube, and Wii. I had a buzz for the brand. Their terrible account system, focus on gimmicks, unreasonably priced older titles, and shift to the casual market in the Wii generation lost me.

The NES classic has buzz not because it is today's Nintendo, but because it is free of all the bullshit that is modern Nintendo. Well, it is in theory, but in practice they managed to insinuate their BS ways through either alienating consumers to generate buzz or demonstrating that they have no idea who their consumers are, depending on which theory you subscribe to.

I fail to see how this is good publicity for the Switch unless all these games come standard with it.

This is buzz to the general public, not hardcore fans. There have been many news reports about this being the hot item, so for the general consumer that doesn't post regularly on a video game forum, they see this from a different angle, and of course the nostalgia factor gets them thinking of Nintendo again, just in time for a new major platform. We have to realize that the brand buzz this is creating is not aimed at us (the hardcore fans), but the average joe consumer that sees them in the news and then later on sees the presentation of Nintendo stuff like Mario Run and Switch on Jimmy Fallon. They absolutely know what they are doing it and it has been a big success for them thus far.

Even if you look back in this thread, the fans that Nintendo leaves out in the cold and alienates, most of them are saying things like "Whatever, I guess I wont buy this for Xmas, Ill just it when it is readily available" - so its not even like they are losing all sorts of fans over it. We have taken this from them before and they know that. I don't think the NES mini was intended to be a huge driver of income for them at all, it is a utility release meant to be hard to find for the holidays to drive up awareness and perceived value of the brand. Just look at the number of units they shipped to NA especially given the hype generated when the unit was announced late in the Summer (I mean the announcement itself was on several news stations as well). They aren't even trying hard to look like they are "trying to keep up with demand".

I know I will buy one of these when they are available, and I kinda hate myself a little bit for it. At the end of the day they do produce quality products in my opinion, so that's what makes this so difficult to swallow.


I just got mine today. It was smaller than I expected and the controller cable is too fucking short.

I like that the save state function is connected to the reset button. It means that you are less likely to abuse the function since it becomes inconvenient to use and the games are more likely to be played as intended.

The CRT mode is better than I expected and could be the only mode available. It feels like the right way to play NES games.

Nice little device. Worth the purchase for sure.
The VC is better than WiiU by far.
11 AM is when the tickets they hand out expire. You have 3 hours from the time the store opens to get your reserved system, after that it's up for grabs.

Ah. That makes more sense now - thanks for the explanation.

It is! but unfortunately the options in my country are totally out of my budget and this was the only option I had to buy it, so I decided to do it as soon as it appeared on Prime Now.

for reference, this is how my box arrived, in a paper bag:

This is the worst part of the box:

the back came in almost perfect state:

Ouch! :(
Showed up early this morning to stand in line at Best Buy only to find out when I got there that apparently the store handed out its tickets the day before, mostly to friends and family who knew that they would hand them out early. Dbag move Best Buy.

I am giving up. Thanks Nintendo!
I managed to get one this morning at my local Best Buy. I showed up at about 6:20 am and was #23 in line. They handed out 35 tickets at around 7:20 am. Some people in line didn't get tickets, and many more showed up closer to the store opening only to find out that they should have been there earlier.


Showed up early this morning to stand in line at Best Buy only to find out when I got there that apparently the store handed out its tickets the day before, mostly to friends and family who knew that they would hand them out early. Dbag move Best Buy.

I am giving up. Thanks Nintendo!

Wow I thought that was not allowed, that Best buy store is managed by jerks
Showed up early this morning to stand in line at Best Buy only to find out when I got there that apparently the store handed out its tickets the day before, mostly to friends and family who knew that they would hand them out early. Dbag move Best Buy.

I am giving up. Thanks Nintendo!

Sounds like a call to Corporate is in order...


This is buzz to the general public, not hardcore fans. There have been many news reports about this being the hot item, so for the general consumer that doesn't post regularly on a video game forum, they see this from a different angle, and of course the nostalgia factor gets them thinking of Nintendo again, just in time for a new major platform.

It is possible that this shortage was done just for buzz for Nintendo. I don't see the lost sales for this system being picked up in Switch sales though, so I don't get the logic.

1. No retro form factor for the Switch
2. Different price point for the Switch

And maybe 3. No bundled games in the Switch.

If the Switch included the 30 games, maybe they maight convince some buyers to drop $140 more for a more powerful hybrid system. But those in the market for more powerful systems have choices of a variety of consoles with different price points with full libraries that often receive steep discounts. ($250 for PS4 slim at Walmart with Uncharted 4 for example).
Showed up early this morning to stand in line at Best Buy only to find out when I got there that apparently the store handed out its tickets the day before, mostly to friends and family who knew that they would hand them out early. Dbag move Best Buy.

I am giving up. Thanks Nintendo!

That is totally messed up.
Showed up early this morning to stand in line at Best Buy only to find out when I got there that apparently the store handed out its tickets the day before, mostly to friends and family who knew that they would hand them out early. Dbag move Best Buy.

I am giving up. Thanks Nintendo!

How did you find that out might I ask?
How did you find that out might I ask?

The manager was telling people showing up at 6am that they already gave out the tickets and we were out of luck (there was no line, but several people walked up while I was talking to the manager), so I texted a friend who works there and they told me that they handed them out the day before randomly.

What time are they supposed to hand them out?


The manager was telling people showing up at 6am that they already gave out the tickets and we were out of luck (there was no line, but several people walked up), so I texted a friend who works there and they told me that they handed them out the day before randomly.

What time are they supposed to hand them out?

Every other store reports on here and cheapassgamer people have said between 5 am and 7 am.

There was no reason for them to hand them out the day before, even the phone message says stores open at 8 am
Best way to do so and create happy customers is to create the rarity buzz in november and then unload week before holidays. Getting folks to try the product also matters

This doesn't generate buzz, this makes people bitter about the brand. It also makes me doubtful that Nintendo can supply Switch to consumers.

I agree with all of this, but I think we, on GAF, look at this through the lens of our community versus how Nintendo looks at things. Which, as history has taught us many times, can be pretty core-audience-ignorant.
Seems as though Nintendo made a deal with best buy to just unload the rest of their main stock with them. Best buy and Nintendo love seeing the lines of people
could've made 5x ur money back and you passed?

I would've flipped it and bought a new one a couple weeks later when they're readily available once the Christmas hype died down, lol.

No amount of money can give you that feeling you get after coming home from work, sitting down on your sofa, turning on your tv, NES Classic, and having to sit on the most uncomfortable position because the damn controller chords are too damn short. You hear me? Nothing!


It is possible that this shortage was done just for buzz for Nintendo. I don't see the lost sales for this system being picked up in Switch sales though, so I don't get the logic.

1. No retro form factor for the Switch
2. Different price point for the Switch

And maybe 3. No bundled games in the Switch.

If the Switch included the 30 games, maybe they maight convince some buyers to drop $140 more for a more powerful hybrid system. But those in the market for more powerful systems have choices of a variety of consoles with different price points with full libraries that often receive steep discounts. ($250 for PS4 slim at Walmart with Uncharted 4 for example).

1. No retro form factor for the Switch - The retro form factor of the Mini is to get the attention of lapsed gamers or the general public. Its focussed on building the brand, and the perception that Nintendo makes hotly desired products. The NES mini is kinda like the member berries from south park "member Mario? member Zelda?", then they show off the shiny new sophisticated looking sleek system. They want people to remember what it was like when you loved Nintendo back in the day. The important part is that you remember how great Nintendo is and you also see how its so hard to get because it is the hot item this holiday. Its brand value. Also, Nintendo is also pushing Mario Run now too, so even if you aren't a consumer who is interested in the Switch, Mario Run is a good consolation prize for many who aren't able to get the NES classic.

2. Different price point for the Switch - Its funny that you noted this and then the very next reply was about someone willing to pay $300 for the NES classic. I think the fact that these units are selling via the secondary market at such high prices shows that a higher price tag isn't a deal breaker to everyone, especially if its for that new slick looking console.

Anyhow, I don't think I'm going to change anyone's mind on this who are dead set on defending anything Nintendo does, and that's okay. I love Nintendo, but man oh man I'm just tired of feeling like a second rate customer to them.


I've just made the decision I'll wait until it's more common. Granted it's their own choice, but it should never have gotten to the point people have to camp out overnight in cold ass temps just to TRY and get this.
man oh man I'm just tired of feeling like a second rate customer to them.

If you don't live in Japan you already are. They've always been a Japan-first company when it comes to strategy, product launches, etc. I don't fault them for this, though it might annoy me. They are free to do as they please.

As for people in the west, they realize that they've lost a large chunk of the hardcore they will probably never get back, and the Nintendo-faithful are not enough to keep them afloat (see Wii U). Their hopes rest upon the mainstream, and their strategies reflect this. They are always chasing the next big thing that will break out of traditional gaming circles.

Finally, they are super conservative when it comes to tech, costs, production runs, etc.

If you view their behavior through these lenses it sometimes helps to explain things a bit. I am just as annoyed when it comes to some of Nintendo's practices but I no longer get mad about it. Unlike Sony or MS, griping and complaining online will accomplish nothing. They are going to do what they do. It's their nature. As a consumer, your choice is to either buy their products, enjoy them, and put up with their bullshit, or write them off and stick to the other platforms. I don't blame people for being mad, but I see how utterly pointless all the griping and endless bitching is. It's yelling at clouds. I think their games are worth it, but YMMV. As for the NES Classic, I want one, but I can wait until they are more easily available. I think the shortage will be over by Feb.


Aftershock LA
I have no problems waiting until they are in regular supply before I buy one. It really isn't worth bending over backwards for one. As a kid who still has the Nintendo he got back in the 80's for Christmas (and that fucker still works!), I understand the desire for one. But there's a difference between wanting and needing something. I don't need the NES Classic Edition at this very moment. I can wait a few months before I snag one. If I wanted one to buy as a present for the kids, this would be a great time to teach them about not getting everything they want when they want it, and exercise patience.

Good luck to the folks waiting in lines trying to snag one for the holidays (and that's sincere, I'm not being snarky, I promise!).


2. Different price point for the Switch - Its funny that you noted this and then the very next reply was about someone willing to pay $300 for the NES classic. I think the fact that these units are selling via the secondary market at such high prices shows that a higher price tag isn't a deal breaker to everyone, especially if its for that new slick looking console. .

Unless of course, Nintendo's old games/consoles are more desirable than their new games/consoles.


I have owned the Gameboy, SNES, N64, DS, 3DS, Gamecube, and Wii. I had a buzz for the brand. Their terrible account system, focus on gimmicks, unreasonably priced older titles, and shift to the casual market in the Wii generation lost me.

The NES classic has buzz not because it is today's Nintendo, but because it is free of all the bullshit that is modern Nintendo. Well, it is in theory, but in practice they managed to insinuate their BS ways through either alienating consumers to generate buzz or demonstrating that they have no idea who their consumers are, depending on which theory you subscribe to.

I fail to see how this is good publicity for the Switch unless all these games come standard with it.

could've made 5x ur money back and you passed?

I would've flipped it and bought a new one a couple weeks later when they're readily available once the Christmas hype died down, lol.

A fellow Gaffer hooked me up. Not messing with these good vibes.

The Ummah

More than willing to wait on this, and my girlfriend is also. Not worth the Christmas hype right now to stick my neck out to obtain one. Once I can walk in and freely pick one up with another controller, I'm there.

OK, only a little salty, but whatever!
More than willing to wait on this, and my girlfriend is also. Not worth the Christmas hype right now to stick my neck out to obtain one. Once I can walk in and freely pick one up with another controller, I'm there.

OK, only a little salty, but whatever!

Just wait till next week...



I don't know if that was supposed to be sarcastic or whatever, but what I mean is most stores don't get shipments in every day of the week. Most retail places get shipments in every other day so I was asking if anybody knew when GameStops delivery schedule is.

GameStop typically gets shipment in each day of the week.
I don't know if that was supposed to be sarcastic or whatever, but what I mean is most stores don't get shipments in every day of the week. Most retail places get shipments in every other day so I was asking if anybody knew when GameStops delivery schedule is.

I'm pretty sure most items are fedexed/ups to stores. So when I say when they are open i literally mean that. There is no way to know the driver routes....
I got one. It's ok.

Ninja Gaiden is a raw ass game though. Once you get going, ain't no better feeling.

Otherwise...ehh. No Adventure Island is a bummer, but what can you do?

Who wants mine?!

1500 bucks.
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