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NES Classic Edition Thread: Now You're Playing With Power* *Sold Separately in Europe

Is there any noticeable difference between the euro model the the north american one?

Having a hard time finding one so I'm willing to order from europe.


Juat heard the production is ending rumour. Seeing as this is a limited item and a one off thing Nintendo did, as well as Switch is releasing, there will be a 50-50 chance it gets discontinued. I think Nintendo will ride this gravy train abit further though as there is very high demand still for it, but probably after this year, will cease production as with all novelty items, once demand cools, no incentive for Nintendo to keep producting


Neo Member
I went into BestBuy today and the store manager told me that they had received notice that Nintendo was discontinuing the product. I'm not entirely sure what to believe. For context, I am in the Montreal area in Canada.
Im halfway tempted to pick up a few of these unopened ones on Craigslist for 100 bucks. If this is it, unopened ones are going to go for a hefty chunk of change.
With that rumor going on today I started getting nervous I wasn't going to get one. Checked that Brickseek site once more and it showed there was one at a nearby Target. Called them and they did indeed have one, but they couldn't hold it for me. Luckily a guy at work was about to go on his lunch break and said he'd take a look for me. He got me one! Super pumped to try it tonight. Hope the production rumor isn't true for those still looking to get one.

Can anyone recommend me a good extension cord? Also, I can use a Wii Pro Controller for a second controller right? Would love to get an actual 2nd NES controller, but a pro controller will do just fine for me if I can't find one.


If this is true, it's really upsetting.

Sums up Nintendo pretty well I think. I've always been a huge Nintendo fan and find myself unable to buy many of their products that I've wanted the last few years. Still upset I didn't get in on that rather cool looking Majora's Mask Collectors Edition for 3DS.

After many months I finally did get a NES Classic (though getting anymore controllers has been a no go) so I am happy about that at least.

Even with Switch stuff... the Zelda: Breathe of the Wild Master Edition was sold out in 6 minutes at around nearly 4AM in the morning here in the USA eastern region.

I imagine most kids and Nintendo fans lost out on those which are really really nice looking.

I was able to get preorders in for Zelda Master Edition, Switch and the Pro controller but mostly only because I happened to be off of work and had known to watch out for the preorders at a certain time after their big press conference. Most people were not so lucky.

Nintendo makes great products but chooses to limit everything. I imagine that over the last few years, the company has potentially lost billions or at least hundreds of millions in profits by simply choosing to make most of their key products very limited and difficult to purchase.

I would REALLY like to know which person at Nintendo is making this decision because they really should be fired. For both Nintendo's sake and the consumer's sake.
If production really is ending then it's it for me with Nintendo. I skipped the WiiU and the 3DS but was planning on getting a Switch at some point this year, but why fucking bother if Nintendo is going to be this anti-consumer?


If production really is ending then it's it for me with Nintendo. I skipped the WiiU and the 3DS but was planning on getting a Switch at some point this year, but why fucking bother if Nintendo is going to be this anti-consumer?

I'm frustrated as well but it would seem pretty stupid to abandon an entire company over a small compilation of NES roms.
I feel badly for those who couldn't get this if the production rumors are indeed true. Not gonna lie, after buying two really good 3rd-party controllers with extended cords, I adore this system.

I was going to buy these for everyone on my team at work as a holiday gift. Nintendo missed the boat on that and more. What a shame.


If production really is ending then it's it for me with Nintendo. I skipped the WiiU and the 3DS but was planning on getting a Switch at some point this year, but why fucking bother if Nintendo is going to be this anti-consumer?

You were never buying a Switch


It's simply the latest and most egregious in a pattern of behavior. I mean fuck, the Switch accessory pricing is pretty bad and the launch lineup nonexistent.

Those are fine reasons to be upset about Switch, not because they didn't make enough units of an unrelated 60 dollar novelty device. Keep in mind, I had a preorder for this that target canceled due to their own CC changing, and only ended up getting a controller from Amazon, so yeah, i'm not thrilled either.


If production really is ending then it's it for me with Nintendo. I skipped the WiiU and the 3DS but was planning on getting a Switch at some point this year, but why fucking bother if Nintendo is going to be this anti-consumer?

It's simply the latest and most egregious in a pattern of behavior. I mean fuck, the Switch accessory pricing is pretty bad and the launch lineup nonexistent.

Yeah, I'm thinking the same. After the disaster of the Wii U and 3DS I was excited they were finally making products I wanted again.

Now this! It's just too much. I would buy three of these things if I could actually find them! But noooooooooooo. Why would they actually make any product?

It's the straw that broke the camel's back. This fucking stupid company gives me nothing but heartburn.


Why, because I don't suck at Nintendo's teat?

They have a lot of great IPs that I grew up with, but they are the worst hardware company of the big three and the worst when it comes to consumer rights.

What hardware does Sony release that isn't a mainline console? Nintendo had a ton of systems out for 3ds, Wii, Wii U, and Switch will also have tons of units available, estimating something like 2-3 million launch day which would be near a record I believe.

Did I miss the Sony PS1 Classic that they released in droves? They won't even allow you to transfer your PS1 classics to the PS4 at all. Each company has their issues, but you're comparing something Sony and MS have never even attempted to Nintendo, why not do an even comparison and compare console to consoles allocations?

Hopefully you mention Amiibo next, as Sony did such a great job with their toys to life process I guess.


What hardware does Sony release that isn't a mainline console? Nintendo had a ton of systems out for 3ds, Wii, Wii U, and Switch will also have tons of units available, estimating something like 2-3 million launch day which would be near a record I believe.

Did I miss the Sony PS1 Classic that they released in droves? They won't even allow you to transfer your PS1 classics to the PS4 at all. Each company has their issues, but you're comparing something Sony and MS have never even attempted to Nintendo, why not do an even comparison and compare console to consoles allocations?

Hopefully you mention Amiibo next, as Sony did such a great job with their toys to life process I guess.

Are you seriously suggesting Sony and MS wouldn't be able to produce a $60 gadget in sufficient quantity?
What hardware does Sony release that isn't a mainline console? Nintendo had a ton of systems out for 3ds, Wii, Wii U, and Switch will also have tons of units available, estimating something like 2-3 million launch day which would be near a record I believe.

Did I miss the Sony PS1 Classic that they released in droves? They won't even allow you to transfer your PS1 classics to the PS4 at all. Each company has their issues, but you're comparing something Sony and MS have never even attempted to Nintendo, why not do an even comparison and compare console to consoles allocations?

Hopefully you mention Amiibo next, as Sony did such a great job with their toys to life process I guess.
That PS1 Classic comparison is a red herring since they never announced or produced PS1 BC on the PS4.

Also if Sony did release something like a PS1 Classic Mini they'd never have the same supply issues. When they do have supply issues it's a manufacturing or shipping problem, not a deliberate action.


I cannot wait until Nintendo is in a position to give me their back catalogue at a reasonable price on a variety of systems. I paid $20 for this. It included Master System games as a bonus.



Are you seriously suggesting Sony and MS wouldn't be able to produce a $60 gadget in sufficient quantity?

I doubt Nintendo was unable to do it either, they likely just didn't want a ton of these out there, it seems like it was a limited edition kind of item in the end. I'm not defending their actions with this particular device, but to say, they do this all the time this is the last straw?

Nah, this isn't a trend for them, not really. Anyone with the ability to read knew what happened with Amiibo supply (idiots jumping into the 'scarcity' hype train mixed with shipment issues due to a strike) and Amiibo, are in ample supply now. Every Nintendo system has been easy to obtain within a month or so of launch aside the absolute force the original Wii was, which still sold millions upon millions in its initial year.

To call this any kind of pattern is simply false, this is an isolated incident if they are indeed stopping production despite demand, and is not symbolic to their general order of business. They should have released this as a limited edition NES Classic if this was their plan, but still, it's not indicative of their other products, nor should it be compared to anything Sony/MS are doing since they haven't ever done this before.


I doubt Nintendo was unable to do it either, they likely just didn't want a ton of these out there, it seems like it was a limited edition kind of item in the end. I'm not defending their actions with this particular device, but to say, they do this all the time this is the last straw?

Nah, this isn't a trend for them, not really. Anyone with the ability to read knew what happened with Amiibo supply (idiots jumping into the 'scarcity' hype train mixed with shipment issues due to a strike) and Amiibo, are in ample supply now. Every Nintendo system has been easy to obtain within a month or so of launch aside the absolute force the original Wii was, which still sold millions upon millions in its initial year.

To call this any kind of pattern is simply false, this is an isolated incident if they are indeed stopping production despite demand, and is not symbolic to their general order of business. They should have released this as a limited edition NES Classic if this was their plan, but still, it's not indicative of their other products, nor should it be compared to anything Sony/MS are doing since they haven't ever done this before.

Stupid business decisions is the trend. Of which this is the latest in an unending sea of stupid business decisions.

Nintendo makes good games, but is terrible at everything else.
What hardware does Sony release that isn't a mainline console? Nintendo had a ton of systems out for 3ds, Wii, Wii U, and Switch will also have tons of units available, estimating something like 2-3 million launch day which would be near a record I believe.

Did I miss the Sony PS1 Classic that they released in droves? They won't even allow you to transfer your PS1 classics to the PS4 at all. Each company has their issues, but you're comparing something Sony and MS have never even attempted to Nintendo, why not do an even comparison and compare console to consoles allocations?

Hopefully you mention Amiibo next, as Sony did such a great job with their toys to life process I guess.

Are you serious? You're defending Nintendo's practices? Look, I love the products too. Just got a NES classic today and have a switch coming, and love my wii U. But they are an absolute joke when it comes to restricting availability of their product.
There's one in my local game store that has been there for a month now. This country gives zero shits about nintendo products, its all playstation mania, even the Vita gets more sales.

Maybe I should buy it


Are you serious? You're defending Nintendo's practices? Look, I love the products too. Just got a NES classic today and have a switch coming, and love my wii U. But they are an absolute joke when it comes to restricting availability of their product.

How many products in the last 10 years do you have evidence that they themselves have artificially choked the supply channels? As someone who owns every Amiibo, every Nintendo device (outside of this one), I just don't see it.


I'll just say this. If Nintendo is backing off production on this thing. It's completely fucking stupid. The scalpers win this time.

And if you're a Nintendo fan. It's time to hold them to the fire regarding this shit. There is NO reason for them to end production on this when so many people want one and Scalpers are selling this thing for double the price.


I cannot wait until Nintendo is in a position to give me their back catalogue at a reasonable price on a variety of systems. I paid $20 for this. It included Master System games as a bonus.


I love this, and I am so glad I bought this. I still play it to this day. I was always hoping they'd release a sequel.


I love this, and I am so glad I bought this. I still play it to this day. I was always hoping they'd release a sequel.

This was cool to hunt trophies, because they planned specific things to do in each game. Just imagine that poor guy from RetroforceGo testing everything.


If that rumour regarding nintendo ceasing production is true then OH NINTENDO.

Why do you make it so hard for me to give you my hard earned money. It's been 14 years since I last parted with my cash for one of your offerings. Your Gamecube was wonderful.

You finally release something to stir my interest and I can't buy it. Bravo!

Don't do this Nintendo. My money is waiting!


Goddamn, Nintendo just has to keep on.....Nintendo'ing. I just really hope I can find one of them damn things for my pops before production ends.
According to brickseek, a Walmart near me has 3 NES Classics in stock. Should I even bother trying? It's a 15-20 minute drive. How accurate is brickseek, in the experience of people here?


According to brickseek, a Walmart near me has 3 NES Classics in stock. Should I even bother trying? It's a 15-20 minute drive. How accurate is brickseek, in the experience of people here?

I don't bother with a trip to the store unless they have 3-4. I went when they had 4 and by the time I got there 15 min later there was 1 left.
Never hurts to call and make sure.

I'm hesitant to just call for a few reasons. One, I'm concerned that they might not check thoroughly. I've had issues in store multiple times (usually Best Buy) where an employee tells me if they had a game in stock it would be on the shelf, only to find it in the back 15 minutes later after some half assed searching elsewhere and an attitude that screams "I don't want to help you, just go away". I'm afraid it would be even worse over the phone. Also, a lesser concern is that whoever I talk to might be aware that this thing is rare and I will be alerting them to something they set aside for themselves while telling me they have none in stock. I would hope this doesn't happen, but you never know.

I'm going to go to the store and check. What's the worst that can happen, I waste an hour of my time? I'll report back with results.

EDIT: Success! It took a while for the employee to find them, and he was only able to find 2 of the 3, but I got one. There was a lady right before me asking for the same thing, luckily she was only trying to buy one (limit of 1 per customer anyway, and she was alone). Apparently the 2 they had were just delivered this afternoon, so they were still in the back somewhere. And they even had an extra controller in stock, the lady in front of me snagged it which is fine, I'm just glad I was able to get the system itself. It was a good day.


So is there proof that they are ending production of this thing?

The president of Nintendo just told investors that they will be increasing production of the NES mini series. This isnt something like Reggie telling the media something thats not true, so I would lean to they are not ending production.


German online retailers seem to get a shipment on Thursday, our local Media Markt had at least 8 units today, so it might get better.
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