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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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While NASA is enjoying its time on Mars, you guys should know that they are using a Martian rock found in Oman (my country:messenger_sunglasses:) for its "color calibration" on Mars:


A section of the Sayh al Uhaymir 008 meteorite which was found in Oman in 1999



yes, that's exactly what it is... and it's not even commercially available yet

That 1 XSX chip could be used in a server to run just 1 XSX game for streaming too, of course. For now, I bet its like a 720p stream of Xbox One games going to phones. Plus they will always need the servers to be able to run Xbox One games for xcloud. They're not gonna remove their Xbox One games from Game Pass anytime soon.

Cause xCloud is mainly for streaming games to phones.

They can't get to their stated goal of 2 BILLION customers with just consoles & PCs lol.

“We believe there is going to be 2 billion gamers in the world, and our goal is to reach every one of them,” explains Choudhry.

What sort of dumbassery is this? So no new games like e.g Medium on xcloud?

How is this ‘2 billion’ Xbox one spec users supposed to help next gen advancement? Surely if it were to succeed, such an install base would determine games being built for last gen as the target platform.
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I really wish that Cerny and his team, or Sony's marketing team, should give PS5 gpu a name, instead of calling RDNA2 custom. There are only a few things that are RDNA2, which are Ray tracing and CUs. Many features are Cerny's idea requested AMD for PS5 gpu. In fact, PS5 gpu can't compare with anything else, the gpu is fully customized and Unique. It should have its own unique name. People too hung up on Amd and Xbox marketing buzzwords and keep comparing them with PS5, fanboys spreading FUDs based on another person's guess work. Tired of seeing this again and again.
That would have been a good idea, but is unnecessary now. We've already seen how the PS5 performs and is usually the same or better than the Series X, like in the latest Cyberpunk patch. Also, through the year we will see exclusive games that look better than any multiplat, in the same level as Demon's Souls or even higher.

The reason Microsoft is talking more about specs is that they don't have games close to being ready. They should have bought those studios 4 or 5 years ago, since games take a long time to make nowadays.


That would have been a good idea, but is unnecessary now. We've already seen how the PS5 performs and is usually the same or better than the Series X, like in the latest Cyberpunk patch. Also, through the year we will see exclusive games that look better than any multiplat, in the same level as Demon's Souls or even higher.

The reason Microsoft is talking more about specs is that they don't have games close to being ready. They should have bought those studios 4 or 5 years ago, since games take a long time to make nowadays.
I agree, its too late for now. Just my wishful thoughts, if Sony were to give PS5 GPU, a name. I'm happy with my PS5 purchase and, yes I would love to play a game that looks like Demon's Souls with ray tracing, with 60fps. I believe PS5 can achieve this because Bluepoint dev said They could have use raytracing for Demon's souls, if they had enough time and manpower.
That would have been a good idea, but is unnecessary now. We've already seen how the PS5 performs and is usually the same or better than the Series X, like in the latest Cyberpunk patch. Also, through the year we will see exclusive games that look better than any multiplat, in the same level as Demon's Souls or even higher.

The reason Microsoft is talking more about specs is that they don't have games close to being ready. They should have bought those studios 4 or 5 years ago, since games take a long time to make nowadays.
Any credibility you hoped to have disappeared as soon as you mentioned Cyberpunk. When the best argument you've got is "like in the latest Cyberpunk patch" you've already lost.
That 1 XSX chip could be used in a server to run just 1 XSX game for streaming too, of course. For now, I bet its like a 720p stream of Xbox One games going to phones. Plus they will always need the servers to be able to run Xbox One games for xcloud. They're not gonna remove their Xbox One games from Game Pass anytime soon.

Cause xCloud is mainly for streaming games to phones.

They can't get to their stated goal of 2 BILLION customers with just consoles & PCs lol.

“We believe there is going to be 2 billion gamers in the world, and our goal is to reach every one of them,” explains Choudhry.

Wouldn't surprise me if they work the XSS into the streaming picture somehow as well. Even if it's some kind of Frankenstein blades, at least the board is small on those.


Damn, can't believe this rdna2 stuff is back.

Youd think after bragging then losing in real world performance these low iq twitter fanboys would realise.

Their argument is one of the dumbest I've seen for a while.

Firstly if were being silly and Classifying rdna 2 as having the same as desktop then it cant be as no infinity cache.

Of course they fluff their way past that conundrum.


But lets imagine this the other way round, seing as they are classifying Microsoft features as rdna 2 like sfs and direct x ray tracing and vrs.

So let's say if rdna 2 used Sony ray tracing, vrss (variable rate Sony shading) and so on.

Would fanboys brag... 'haha we have full rdna2 (sonydna2) you don't have it'

Microsoft and fans would say well of course we don't they are Sony implementation, we have our own versions.

What a ridiculous argument.

Why would Sony use a Microsoft implementation or name for something.

All this as well with spec wars seemingly trumping real world performance, so dumb.

All this happening is like 2 cars and one owner of a 2ltr car is laughing at the other who has a 1.8ltr.

My engine is bigger than yours and has full cardna2 hahaha.

Yet on the track the 1.8 beats the bigger engine car in real results, but yep let's keep bragging about specs that clearly mean so much you cant beat a 'less powerful car.'
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Damn, can't believe this rdna2 stuff is back.

Youd think after bragging then losing in real world performance these low iq twitter fanboys would realise.

Their argument is one of the dumbest I've seen for a while.

Firstly if were being silly and Classifying rdna 2 as having the same as desktop then it cant be as no infinity cache.

Of course they fluff their way past that conundrum.


But lets imagine this the other way round, seing as they are classifying Microsoft features as rdna 2 like sfs and direct x ray tracing and vrs.

So let's say if rdna 2 used Sony ray tracing, vrss (variable rate Sony shading) and so on.

Would fanboys brag... 'haha we have full rdna2 (sonydna2) you don't have it'

Microsoft and fans would say well of course we don't they are Sony implementation, we have our own versions.

What a ridiculous argument.

Why would Sony use a Microsoft implementation or name for something.

All this as well with spec wars seemingly trumping real world performance, so dumb.

All this happening is like 2 cars and one owner of a 2ltr car is laughing at the other who has a 1.8ltr.

My engine is bigger than yours and has full cardna2 hahaha.

Yet on the track the 1.8 beats the bigger engine car in real results, but yep let's keep bragging about specs that clearly mean so much you cant beat a 'less powerful car.'

They lost the games in quantity and quality, they lost the multiplats performance, so they need to come up with things that justify their underwhelming purchase.


are we looking at a game controller pandemic. 😜

I've only had one drift issue between 4 PS4 controllers and it was a new controller due to falling on its face pretty hard once and mildly previously until it had that minor drift. My 2013 launch DS4 controller is still to date working properly, with the rest 3. Why I have 4? Well, the 2013 model has the softest analog, so makes aiming so easy and precise. I'm not happy with the rest, also my 2x DualSense controllers are kinda as stiff as the rest. Seems like that 2013 controller was an anomaly, I would happily pay $200 for a DualSense with such soft analogs!

On the other hand, the very same people bitching about drift and other problems asking for even more tension/harder analogs. They are also the same players bitching about the analog rubber tearing quickly when I had to wait for 6-5 years until it tears in a very tiny spot then replaced them.

I think the shittier the player is that lacks finesse in gaming the more problems he faces. Fighting the controller won't change the outcomes of the game.
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FPSBoost is a nice initiative, good job Microsoft

But how input lags works ? and how this techs works ? Can Sony wake up and can a similar thing ?
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Nah, PS5 has the "secret sauce", and that summarizes it all.:messenger_sunglasses:
I've heard Lewis Hamilton after winning loads of races, outpacing other drivers and beating them, looked under the car hood and found it wasn't classified as "full mercdna2".

Hes furious that on paper its not "full", despite winning all those races and the car being the best.

I guess paper specs and classifications do mean more guys.

What were Mercedes thinking....
are we looking at a game controller pandemic. 😜

They need to be much clearer here and specify that the 417 hours operating life is their own estimate based on the manufacturer's maximum operating cycle limit and some pretty conservative guesses about stick usage.

The ALPs/Alpine datasheet cites 2,000,000 cycles maximum (here).

So based on their 417 hour estimate, they're essentially saying that expect users to manipulate the 3D analog stick with a directional input 1.3323 times per second.

I've gotta say I think this is pretty unrealistic.

Over a long gaming stretch, when most directional movement in a video game involves locomotion over an in-game environment, you have to imagine that users will spend more time holding down the stick in the direction of in-game travel than they would changing direction, even in an online twitch shooter like COD.

I would ask these guys to publish a basis for their estimate. One has to assume they've done to real-life testing, recording inputs over a long play session, for multiple different game types so as to average out stick manipulations per unit time.

Can someone with a Twitter account ask them to post what cycle manipulations per second they are using to arrive at their 417 hour operating life? I think this is important info...

If iFixit are being a bit too conservative, then it would kinda make sense why that 417 hour life seemed so absurdly low.
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While NASA is enjoying its time on Mars, you guys should know that they are using a Martian rock found in Oman (my country:messenger_sunglasses:) for its "color calibration" on Mars:


A section of the Sayh al Uhaymir 008 meteorite which was found in Oman in 1999

How many TF is that?


I don't have numbers. :messenger_winking_tongue:

But if I watch a video that has 2 or 3 minutes of gameplay and some of it is at 60fps, most of it is between 50-60, and then there are some total lockups and the maker of the video says they've seen fps as low as 45, I don't say well the typical has to be 45. That's just me.

In fairness, I updated the comparison I made, after re-watching the video last night:
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Actually both systems are great

both are custom RDNA 2 and different at that

why the need from xbox fans to accusing ps5 of being not RDNA 2 ??

every now and then they bring back this topic

even after ps5 outperformed xbox series x in most games they still trying to prove that ??

please move on from this topic custom hardware is custom and of the shelf pc parts are not the same as these consoles


What sort of dumbassery is this? So no new games like e.g Medium on xcloud?

How is this ‘2 billion’ Xbox one spec users supposed to help next gen advancement? Surely if it were to succeed, such an install base would determine games being built for last gen as the target platform.
I don't think that it will have any impact on their game dev. I assume next gen only games will go to xcloud, I just don't know what resolution they'd be playable on when using a phone vs a PC vs xbox.

The server thing is just that they built their initial servers using only xbox one chips. Now they want to replace all those chips with XSX chips. Its more efficient. Currently, to stream 4 Xbox One games to users, they need 4 Xbox One chips in servers. They will only need 1 XSX to do that. Its just lets them get rid of the old xbox one chips in their servers because their new XSX server chips can do that too.


They need to be much clearer here and specify that the 417 hours operating life is their own estimate based on the manufacturer's maximum operating cycle limit and some pretty conservative guesses about stick usage.

The ALPs/Alpine datasheet cites 2,000,000 cycles maximum (here).

So based on their 417 hour estimate, they're essentially saying that expect users to manipulate the 3D analog stick with a directional input 1.3323 times per second.

I've gotta say I think this is pretty unrealistic.

Over a long gaming stretch, when most directional movement in a video game involves locomotion over an in-game environment, you have to imagine that users will spend more time holding down the stick in the direction of in-game travel than they would changing direction, even in an online twitch shooter like COD.

I would ask these guys to publish a basis for their estimate. One has to assume they've done to real-life testing, recording inputs over a long play session, for multiple different game types so as to average out stick manipulations per unit time.

Can someone with a Twitter account ask them to post what cycle manipulations per second they are using to arrive at their 417 hour operating life? I think this is important info...

If iFixit are being a bit too conservative, then it would kinda make sense why that 417 hour life seemed so absurdly low.
They probably are using their test metric where they put a robo to keep hitting the analog in sequence... that means it really does hit the thing over twice per second.
They probably took a bit more than half a month to have the stick broke.

No user every will do that even with Parkinson's syndrome.

Plus 90% or more controlers in the market uses the same component that has the same lifetime.
They probably are using their test metric where they put a robo to keep hitting the analog in sequence... that means it really does hit the thing over twice per second.
They probably took a bit more than half a month to have the stick broke.

No user every will do that even with Parkinson's syndrome.

Plus 90% or more controlers in the market uses the same component that has the same lifetime.

The underlined is a really great point.

If Sony, MS and Nintendo are all using the same module for their controllers for two gens now, and the lifespan was really only 400 hrs, the failure rated would be astronomical. Almost every controller should be showing drift issues within the first year.


Gold Member
The underlined is a really great point.

If Sony, MS and Nintendo are all using the same module for their controllers for two gens now, and the lifespan was really only 400 hrs, the failure rated would be astronomical. Almost every controller should be showing drift issues within the first year.
Considering I have over 1,000 hours into RDR2 PER YEAR since launch alone, beat the snots out of the OG DS4 in Bloodborne where even the rubber started peeling on the left stick, no drifts, but retired it due to being too lazy to change the sticks, and have put thousands of hours into the UC4 DS4 slate blue one (no peels they fixed the coating and the controller still looks brand new), still no drift... then this can't be a stone cold consensus in their isolated test.

They probably will come up with a better design eventually just for the sake of how much this trends, but I still don't believe this is a RRoD type situation. Just more vocal in current year by a small subset impacted.
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Considering I have over 1,000 hours into RDR2 PER YEAR since launch alone, beat the snots out of the OG DS4 in Bloodborne where even the rubber started peeling on the left stick, no drifts, but retired it due to being too lazy to change the sticks, and have put thousands of hours into the UC4 DS4 slate blue one (no peels they fixed the coating and the controller still looks brand new), still no drift... then this can't be a stone cold consensus in their isolated test.

They probably will come up with a better design eventually just for the sake of how much this trends, but I still don't believe this is a RRoD type situation. Just more vocal in current year by a small subset impacted.

I've gotta agree.

I've gotta imagine it's likely a bad batch of controllers also contributed to this. Manufacturing defects are a reality in consumer products and when you're selling tens of millions of controller units, tens of thousands to a hundred thousand defective units are to be expected.
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