This is so silly. Just keep these games exclusive to PC and Xbox. There is zero reason to release them on the PS5. Have some faith in your console. People WILL buy it if it has games. They sold almost 90 million Xbox 360s. They were the primary console for hardcore gamers, cod and madden casuals and kinect casuals alike. Who is to say that they cant hit those numbers again without the kinect casuals? It's been 15 years since the 360 launched. Thats an entire new generation of gamers.
- They have Minecraft for kids. Make it exclusive to the xbox.
- They have Doom for hardcore shooter fans. Make it exclusive to xbox.
- They have Elder Scrolls. THE RPG that everyone from casuals to female gamers to hardcore gamers loves.
- Fallout. THE first person shooter RPG.
One of the biggest reasons for the 360's success were the incredible AAA exclusives in the first two years. If you wanted to play Bioshock, you had to buy an Xbox. if you wanted to play Mass Effect, you had to get an xbox. Halo. Gears. Oblivion. They didnt just become the defacto console for Call of Duty Modern Warfare for no reason. The userbase was already there because of previous shooters like Gears, Bioshock and Halo.
They now have that chance to recapture that magic thanks to Sony all but giving up on first person shooters. No resistance. No killzone. No Socom. No MAG. No Warhawk. All MS has to do is make the next Doom exclusive. next Fallout exclusive. Have Arkane studio make an AAA game for once. They are talented and with MS money they can make what could be the next Bioshock.
PC gamers love these franchises and if cyberpunk has proven anything, it's that PC is the primary market for these games anyway. They really dont have to worry about losing revenue by making them exclusive.
Once again, i think Microsoft just doesnt believe in their own products. They are not unlike Google in that respect. This should've been an easy win. You acquire studios to make exclusives. It really cant get any simpler than that.