10TFlops max. Anything above that would be mind-blowing. Smallest GPU jump across generation, with most ambitious image quality target 4k and 8k upscaled. Man if navi was not so disappointing we could have had something nice.
I’d be happy if we had 8TF at 1080 as the bump to 4k and 8k in gaming just isn't something i care about wrt flat gaming. That would be lots of power to push 1080 and loads of effects. But the jump to 4k is going to eat most of that 8TF, according to Cerny .
So whatever we get above 8TF will be where non resolution stuff happens. Ms and Sony are working within very tight power and $ constraints. And no company is going to want to sell their first 10 million consoles with a $100+ per unit loss ($1 billion+ loss per 10 million boxes, how many games could be funded? How many studios bought?). So we might only end up with the navi equivalent of Stadia’s 10.7 vega TF, which is 8-9 Navi Gpu.
I think it will come down to how much being the power leader drives sales and whether that money could be invested better elsewhere. From my pov, I’d rather have 8TF console and a billion more in game development than a 11TF console and way less software.
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