Should be up at AP within 24 hours then.
Gotta ADB it though.
And I came.
And I came.
And conquered.
Where did that come from?
Apparently, there's a new radio too. EXCITE.
Apparently, there's a new radio too. EXCITE.
So, as a first-time Android user, how do I go about updating the OS over-the-air? Will I get a notification or do I have to manually check? And if there's no OTA update available, is there a way to manually update? If so, how?
New update seems good so far, camera seems to focus better and quicker, vibration seems a lot better and speakers are def louder. Liking what I'm seeing
Has anyone successfully sideloaded this update?
Yeah, I'm nowhere near comfortable enough with Android just yet to start messing about with command lines. I hope the OTA update is released before Saturday so I can update ready for London.You'll get a notification, you can also manually check in settings.
Updating manually involves command line stuff, you may not want to go there just yet.
New update seems good so far, camera seems to focus better and quicker, vibration seems a lot better and speakers are def louder. Liking what I'm seeing
I had so much trouble removing the plastic on my screen that I almost came to the conclusion that there is no plastic and I was just imagining it and that, for some reason, LG wanted to keep that logo on the screen. In the end, I managed to remove it by peeling off the plastic around the side and using the sticky side of it to life the screen protector.How do I remove the damned screen shield?
I had so much trouble removing the plastic on my screen that I almost came to the conclusion that there is no plastic and I was just imagining it and that, for some reason, LG wanted to keep that logo on the screen. In the end, I managed to remove it by peeling off the plastic around the side and using the sticky side of it to life the screen protector.
I picked at the top right punched part thingie with my finger nails.
I was so afraid I was going to scratch it. That feel is almost as bad as socketing in a new CPU.
been running standard 4.4 on my N5, but starting with 4.4.1 i want to run rooted since i've been learning a lot about android in the meantime and there's some apps I want to try that require root.
what's the best way for me to start? I guess wait for 4.4.1 to get rooted? does it take long for that to happen?
It's super easy with CF Auto Root - warning, this will wipe your phone if you have not unlocked the bootloader.
they made the speaker louder? PRAISE THE LORD. Does it output louder through phones/earbuds too? I noticed a bit of a drop compared to GNex.
It appears they compressed the ever living crap out of the speaker output.
Dynamic range has gone down significantly. Which means, the loudest sounds are still loud, but the quiet sounds are much louder. Which makes it appear louder than it was before.
Are all of you updating OTA? I've still got nothing here...
Do you have to have the bootloader unlocked to sideload 4.4.1?
i see the nexus 5 link on there, but is it already up-to-date for 4.4.1? it doesn't seem to indicate things like that
I'll do this when I get home. Thanks!no, just make sure you have the android SDK installed on your pc:
What are people using for launchers? I feel like the default home screen is a bit bloated (dots on the bottom, search bar on the top).