I'm just saying you should be mad at the NHL like I am, and not mad at DPS who just apply the rules. Don't shoot the messenger.
The DPS is a convenient scapegoat here, because the problem here is clearly about how the NHL defines illegal hits. It's not like the DPS is going rogue.
To be clear, I'm not mad at them, I just don't ascribe any weight to their decisions. That's why the whole "Dopey redeemed" thing was laughable to me.
Also, even with the rules given, I don't agree with their interpretation and decision. "Primary point of contact" connotates priority as opposed to sequence. And that is a point of subjectivity. Personally, priority appears to apply to intended target and which body part received the main force of impact. The head is clearly the primary point of contact in my eyes. Even if we just compare my view as purely subjective along with DoPS, I feel ok with mine placing more of a premium on player safety, if both viewpoints are considered equally valid.
I don't see how the shoulder contact is anything other than incidental. And that is a distinction that the DoPS can and has made in the past, but there's no sense as to when and why it is or isn't considered a factor in their decisions.