Who is John Harker and why would he know anything about a ND?
AFAIK he knew about the Rayman news.
Who is John Harker and why would he know anything about a ND?
They're also part of the english vernacular.Honest question, why do people sometimes throw random french words when righting in english?
Who is John Harker and why would he know anything about a ND?
Honest question, why do people sometimes throw random french words when righting in english?
Who is John Harker and why would he know anything about a ND?
Did Rich tweet anything about interesting news today?
Honest question, why do people sometimes throw random french words when righting in english?
-Bravely Default, Dragon Quest VII/Monsters/Rocket Slime, EX Troopers localization
-Miiverse for 3DS (with communities retroactively added.)
-NeoGeo Pocket Color, GBA, Turbo Express added to VC support.
-Monster Games game (Excite, Waverace, 1080)
-Animal Crossing release date
-eShop stuff (Harmoknight, PicDun2, River City Ransom spinoff, etc.)
All of this or I will one-man riot.
Who is John Harker and why would he know anything about a ND?
and the other hand giveth
I know it's taken from the French language, but you do realize that it's a commonly used word in English that one can find in an English dictionary, right?
Just Dance 5
The mass effect 3 port studio got an order from square enix. We all speculated it would be tombraider but since thats denied and its supposedly an existing franchise that leaves us with deus ex.
Yeah right, after the terrible sales of ME3 on Wii U, let's release another old port! Worse, a port of an even older game! I'm sure that's going to sell!
Neither a Deus Ex or Tomb Raider port could make me wet my pants, honestly.
Just Cause 2 with added stuff!Yeah right, after the terrible sales of ME3 on Wii U, let's release another old port! Worse, a port of an even older game! I'm sure that's going to sell!
A late port, no matter what it is, couldn't make me wet my pants, honestly.
Neither a Deus Ex or Tomb Raider port could make me wet my pants, honestly.
Well different companies.. Also i still think its tomb raider
Super Mario Bros. X Sonic The Hedgehog, The One True Platformer
For this, I'll two man riot if you're up to it.Not doing it big enough IMO:
- Nintendo eShop account system debuts in WiiU/3DS update available later tomorrow after the direct, syncs all current purchases unto itself; Miiverse arrives on 3DS
- Jet Set Radio on eShop with Jet Set Station (aka Jet Set Radio 3) teased
- Megaman Legends 3 revived on Wii U; Nintendo vs. Capcom teased
- Nintendo announces collaborations with Sega using their legacy IPs and Nintendo's grunt culminating in Super Mario Bros. X Sonic The Hedgehog, The One True Platformer
Would many people really buy a Deus Ex: HR port?
Oh man...
Deus Ex: HR 2 confirmed Wii U exclusive.
It's a magical thing to wake up and see a Nintendo direct announcement.
Just Cause 2 with added stuff!
I would probably buy that...
I have work ={I'm just glad I don't have class tomorrow. I can wake up and just take in all the news.
That gives me roughly a day to build the bomb shelter.
Despite the denial, I still think it could be Tomb Raider. People in the video game industry have denied stuff that was actually true before.
Personally, I'm hoping they announce MiiVerse for Nintendo 3DS and that all future 3DS titles can support MiiVerse integration in the game like NSMBU.
Press Home, oh look MiiVerse! - and launch it in the background like the web browser. Nice.
"And it is available in the update released... now." - Iwata
Didn't you say your post in the IGN news thread was speculation?
Not really. I just didn't know exactly what info he was choosing to tease.
Not the same game? Batman!I can already imagine Reggie excitedly announcing Deus Ex Human Revolution: Powered Up Edition coming to Wii U in Spring 2013
and the other hand giveth
Not the same game? Batman!
For this, I'll two man riot if you're up to it.
Anything less than an Animal Crossing release date within the next three months and we firebomb Nintendo. Who's with me?!