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Nintendo Direct 2012.4.21 - Apr. 20th, 11PM EDT [Done]


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Uh, there's nothing foolish about being skeptical or cynical about NOA, my friend. And it was not a foolish post, your acronym correction aside. I'll keep an open mind but until then with our overlords in Washington state, there's always the possibility for major disappointment. I'll gladly post a celebration gif though if needed, no worries.

I think the NoA hate is getting a little uncalled for at this point. I was rallying my pitchfork with the best of them last year, but for the most part (95% of things) there's parity between NCL and NoA.

Especially when it comes to Nintendo Directs, I don't recall an instance where NoA just passed on them (if they were actually called a "Nintendo Direct.")


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata sent out notice of today's Nintendo Direct broadcast to 3DS users via Spot Pass. This isn't surprising, as Iwata has sent similar messages for past broadcasts.

What is surprising (and also quite adorable) is the picture that was included with the notice:

It's Iwata standing next to a giant Kirby plushy. The text asks people to tune into the broadcast.

The appearance of Kirby in Iwata's message has caused speculation of a possible Kirby-related announcement.

A few other creators have provided hints about what to expect from the broadcast. Masahiro Sakurai, head of the studio that just completed work on Kid Icarus Uprising, said via Twitter to expect some sort of news related to Uprising. (It should also be noted that Sakurai is one of the main forces behind the Kirby franchise.)

Masanobu Suzui, head of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy developer Indies Zero, also suggested that fans be sure and watch the broadcast.

Today's Nintendo Direct will be held at noon.

[via Game Memo]



Will QA for food.
I think the NoA hate is getting a little uncalled for at this point. I was rallying my pitchfork with the best of them last year, but for the most part (95% of things) there's parity between NCL and NoA.

Especially when it comes to Nintendo Directs, I don't recall an instance where NoA just passed on them (if they were actually called a "Nintendo Direct.")

NoA actually gave us Xenoblade, even if it was late and basically forced by Gamestop. They get a pass until E3 for this. Of course, they could stand at actually release Virtual Console titles on eShop too. NoA makes it too easy for people to rip on them.


I think the NoA hate is getting a little uncalled for at this point. I was rallying my pitchfork with the best of them last year, but for the most part (95% of things) there's parity between NCL and NoA.

Especially when it comes to Nintendo Directs, I don't recall an instance where NoA just passed on them (if they were actually called a "Nintendo Direct.")

Actually, I believe there was a Japan ND that didn't have a NoA/NoE equivalent.


Uprising news?

Not expecting much, but if they add patch support w/ new firmware and then add Community features a la Mario Kart that would be... awesome.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Wonder if they'll announce the whole QR code/eShop site/launching the game in the eShop dealio.


So the Japanese broadcast is 11 p.m. EST tonight? What about the American and European broadcasts? When are those (Eastern time)?
I really dont think i can make it up til 4am, i'd happily try but think the mrs would get annoyed and just drag me off to bed before then


All we know from NoA is that they tweeted

"We’ve got some news to share 2nite around 8:30pm PT. Be sure to check back to get the latest!"


Not quite.
NoA has their own announcements which they'll make.

I think NoE does translations though.

NoE's will apparently be a mix of a summary of Iwata's Direct and new footage presented by NoE president Saturo Shibata (no, I'm not joking, that's really his name).


listen to the mad man
Very good point, and I hope we see Nintendo moving further in that direction as Wii U's launch approaches. While it's far from the only reason, I think Nintendo's extreme secrecy and their consequent reluctance to engage directly with either the Western enthusiast press or their Western fans is a not-insignificant factor in why they have such a bad reputation with core gamers here.

Absolutely. My favourite way to look at this is to simply look at GameInformer covers for the last, say, 7 years. GameInformer will do a cover story on any big game that the publisher will talk to them about. They're not picky. They're trivially the largest source of gaming journalism, as well, so no one could argue that exclusives "ought" to be going elsewhere to get more exposure.


Nintendo-related covers since the beginning of the DS-Wii generation (Fall 2004):
October 2011 (Skyward Sword)
... *crickets*
There are two ensemble/retro covers that feature Nintendo characters, but these are not cover stories or new games.

Sure, I completely understand that Sony and MS have historically been better at connecting with gamers through online interaction. I just think it's a relatively simple and lowcost way for them to do even MORE especially considering that Sony in particular lost their dominance of the previous two generations and MS always wants to do more. It's kind of the way I view Iwata asks. Sure, no company NEEDS to do it, but it's great fan service that Nintendo does it and it'd be neat if other companies adopted similar practices.

Yep, absolutely, Iwata Asks is another example of Nintendo's unique way of doing things.

And yes, I DO think it's easy. Sony knows their upcoming game schedule, so does MS. Grab a camera and go.

Well, two problems are:
1) Not having an upcoming schedule, LOL. I don't mean to troll, but it's true to some degree.
2) Again, as Father_Brain correctly teased out, Sony and MS do the blog thing and they work with the enthusiast press and Sony has that TV show thing and Microsoft has their little video blog segment, but all of those things seem to be handled through their press/marketing divisions, rather than at the top levels of the company. So it's obviously a difference in the role and focus. I'd like to see Sony and MS do this too, although I'm not sure who I'd put forward to be doing the presenting.


Maturity, bitches.
Well at least I have a nice avatar for E3 so this Nintendo Direct is off to a better start.

My Reggie av from last time looked a little odd.


listen to the mad man
What about Nintendo Power?

As an on-and-off again Nintendo Power subscriber my whole life, and as someone who has had a GAF post made into a Nintendo Power issue, and with all due respect to the great team at Future who have done some really great work at spotlighting smaller titles and especially downloadable titles, I don't get the impression that Nintendo of America really cares about Nintendo Power or provides them with much in the way of exclusive or front-and-center scoops... and I don't get the impression the subscriber count really justifies that fact changing any time soon.
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