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Nintendo Direct 2012.4.21 - Apr. 20th, 11PM EDT [Done]

When I used to subscribe to Nintendo Power back in the 90s they would let me choose a free Players Guide of my choice every time I renewed. Always thought that was pretty awesome of them.


Added a little joke along with the new time ;). Make sure you refresh if you are still seeing the old version without US timings.



I don't think we'll get much new about Luigi's Mansion 2, Animal Crossing or Paper Mario. Those will be left until E3 probably. Instead we'll get stuff about Mario Tennis, KI:U etc.


I don't think we'll get much new about Luigi's Mansion 2, Animal Crossing or Paper Mario. Those will be left until E3 probably. Instead we'll get stuff about Mario Tennis, KI:U etc.

The thing is that they need to dedicate 90% of E3 to Wii U. They might decide to talk about some big 3DS stuff before E3 as a result.

OK, my avatar is Iwata, but he's the one who'll be dropping bombs not Reggie
something something fire emblem something.

True, but I don't care.


They'll do it like last year except without any Wii/DS stuff. Get the handheld games done first then move straight to the WiiU. would be surprised if the conference is longer than last year.
Absolutely. My favourite way to look at this is to simply look at GameInformer covers for the last, say, 7 years. GameInformer will do a cover story on any big game that the publisher will talk to them about. They're not picky. They're trivially the largest source of gaming journalism, as well, so no one could argue that exclusives "ought" to be going elsewhere to get more exposure.


Nintendo-related covers since the beginning of the DS-Wii generation (Fall 2004):
October 2011 (Skyward Sword)
... *crickets*
There are two ensemble/retro covers that feature Nintendo characters, but these are not cover stories or new games.

Yep, absolutely, Iwata Asks is another example of Nintendo's unique way of doing things.

Well, two problems are:
1) Not having an upcoming schedule, LOL. I don't mean to troll, but it's true to some degree.
2) Again, as Father_Brain correctly teased out, Sony and MS do the blog thing and they work with the enthusiast press and Sony has that TV show thing and Microsoft has their little video blog segment, but all of those things seem to be handled through their press/marketing divisions, rather than at the top levels of the company. So it's obviously a difference in the role and focus. I'd like to see Sony and MS do this too, although I'm not sure who I'd put forward to be doing the presenting.

Don't forget the Red Steel and Epic Mickey covers.

Yeah, still doesn't excuse the massive lack of coverage otherwise. :/
It's not just Nintendo, it's all Japanese companies. The last 7 years of GI covers are 85% Western studios. They got the money, they reach out to GI, they get the cover stories.


When I used to subscribe to Nintendo Power back in the 90s they would let me choose a free Players Guide of my choice every time I renewed. Always thought that was pretty awesome of them.

this is literally the only reason i subscribed to NP as long as I did (8 or 9 years, I think). that and occasionally the random other bonuses they made available, like a certain GameCube wristwatch I still own xD (but it doesn't work anymore...)


As an on-and-off again Nintendo Power subscriber my whole life, and as someone who has had a GAF post made into a Nintendo Power issue, and with all due respect to the great team at Future who have done some really great work at spotlighting smaller titles and especially downloadable titles, I don't get the impression that Nintendo of America really cares about Nintendo Power or provides them with much in the way of exclusive or front-and-center scoops... and I don't get the impression the subscriber count really justifies that fact changing any time soon.

I can't think of any significant first-party exclusives at all that they've gotten in the past few years.
I forgot what icon I had in the old thread. I'll go look.

Edit:Well damn seems it was deleted :( should have rehosted it back then.
Wasn't Luigi's Mansion 2 announced for Q1 2012? Maybe they'll say its coming in Q3 and give us a date!
Yea right...Nintendo never releases big games in months that do not start with a "N"

Can't wait tho! Guess I'll be staying up tonight :D


Wasn't Luigi's Mansion 2 announced for Q1 2012? Maybe they'll say its coming in Q3 and give us a date!
Yea right...Nintendo never releases big games in months that do not start with a "N"

Can't wait tho! Guess I'll be staying up tonight :D

Is Luigi's Mansion 2 really considered a "big game"? It's not even being developed by a Nintendo studio. How much did the first one sell, anyway.
Welp, 5 hours playing the witcher 2 til 5am doesnt seem a bad plan.

Is Luigi's Mansion 2 really considered a "big game"? It's not even being developed by a Nintendo studio. How much did the first one sell, anyway.

The cirtical, and even more, the public reception of Punch-Out!! was really positive. Leaving Next Level Games to do one big Luigi game is nothing but big, for me at least. NLG make really nostlagic perfectionism and fun arcady games, at least with Nintendo.
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