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Nintendo Direct for NA/EU coming tomorrow (3DS, Q1 2014 games)


year of the slime 2014

Terry's Wonderland
Rocket Slime 2
Monster 2
all localized

DQxMario Kart


Shit, I forgot about Flipnote! Surely Flipnote. But wait... wasn't Flipnote one of the things that had its online shut down cos of inappropriate image sharing? :(

They only shut down the "Friends" side of it where you could exchange Animations with people on your Friends List.


I'll be content as long as we euro plebs get a SMT IV release date for Q1 2014, everything else will be icing on the cake.


I am in anti-hype mode. I felt burned the last two times I thought they were going to announce that Flipnote is coming out, only to never hear about it ever again.

My hype these last few years is constantly proven to be unjustified. I really thought they were gonna make a Zelda-themed direct last month with WWHD, ALBW, and ZwiiU. Would've been perfect. I now think there's zero chance we'll get console Zelda news until E3 as usual, for some awful reason. If there's any precedent, the E3 2014 direct will have a minute-long trailer for a cartoony Wii U Zelda, thirty minutes of Wii Party U2 (
featuring Bono, of course)
and the "shocking" reveal you can use your Mii in Smash Bros. The old days of through-the-roof Nintendo hype died with the Gamecube. I want to be wrong about this, but I swear to God I'm always so, so, so right. Settle in for some boring NoA 3DS tidbits, gents.

And I swear, if I see Reggie Fils-Aime trumpet that PR-slathered bull about "tons of important, hardcore games this season" when all he means is Mario 3D World and Mario Party Island Tour, I'm gonna project my astral form into Geoff Keighley and punch that smug bastard mid-interview.





No srsly Shibata

Europe got SMT Devil Survivor Overclocked, Soul Hackers, Etrian Odyssey IV and Milenium Girl got confirmed. We need that SMT IV, stat!


And I swear, if I see Reggie Fils-Aime trumpet that PR-slathered bull about "tons of important, hardcore games this season" when all he means is Mario 3D World and Mario Party Island Tour, I'm gonna project my astral form into Geoff Keighley and punch that smug bastard mid-interview.



I'm certain we'll get a North American release date for Bravely Default for this one, which I'm fine with. What I'm hoping for is at least a little info on Layton Vs Ace Attorney, and maybe some surprise localization announcements.


I don't think you understand what a best case scenario is.

That's more an unrealistic scenario. Plus I assume that you're secretly already excepting this stuff or something close to it considering that you thoroughly thought about it.
Just don't overreact when it didn't meet your exceptations.


With Bravely Default releasing so soon I am completely content and happy with my 3DS. So no thanks Nintendo.


As in "Heathcliff"
Of course, can't believe I missed that
I'm a huge U2 fan

On topic though, if WiiU is a no-show tomorrow it probably means they have a WiiU focused direct coming up in December or January. I can wait that long.

Funny thing is that I was pretty sure that we are getting Nintendo Direct for 2014 titles and newcomers for smash 4 next month.


I'm really hoping we'll finally get confirmation of Fantasy Life Link! getting localized. The trademark got registered months ago so it would be about time to tell us about it...


I want Pokemon TCG 3ds , F-Zero U , Custom Robo U , Advance Wars 3ds , Monster hunter 4 U , Wave Race U , 1080 U , Mario Tennis RPG story mode update and etc.

Jk , it would be nice to want things but that ship has sailed.

It will be about Zelda game coming out , Mario game coming out and then about a bunch of Mario games and DK coming later.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
why EC, why

why would you do this

To bring good luck to all Nintendo fans hoping for special announcements.

Given this isn't about the Wii U and there's no JP Direct, I suspect word I heard of Bayonetta getting ported to Wii U may have been smoke, no fire.
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