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Nintendo starts animation business now

If this news [Nintendo involved in an Animated film] is true, and Yamauchi gets his way:

1.) Do you think that Nintendo will invest in establishing a new animation studio of their own in order to produce this film internally?
(If this is the case, it would indicate to me that this is may be a long term goal for Nintendo, in which they intend to produce even more movies in the future, depending on the success of the first.)

2.) Or will they try to adapt the studios they currently utilise for game development to produce the animated movie?
(If this were the case, then it could possibly be just a one shot deal in order to gain exposure for the poems they wish to animate. In other words, a short term project much like Square's FF:AC)

3.) Or Is Nintedno's intent strictly on purchasing out the rights to make an animated film to the poems then farm it out to an animation studio like Bandai (whom they have a vested interst in now.)
(Same as #2)

Edit: to make it look prettier.
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