Nintendo Switch |DT2| No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness

Which of these definitely """real""" leaks are you most hyped for?

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Well there's a difference between Pokémon mainline games and sidegames. I too expect a Pokémon game at or near launch, but it's not gonna be Pokémon Stars. That'd be too soon.

Pokemon Stars feels right, though. Sure, it's close to the release of Sun and Moon, but as I understand it, the game is supposed to be another version of that. It makes sense to launch it closer to the original games, rather than some time later.

It would help the cause if there were some sort of connectivity between the 3DS and Switch. Obviously, this is all conjecture at the moment.
So, any ideas on the "feature" the Senran Kagura dev is referring to? We have old patents showing some AR stuff.

I have a sneaking suspicion that there will be some sort of strange camera/microphone accessory a la Kinect since the tablet itself has neither built in. Perhaps this could be used with the possible AR integration.
Zelda very well could.

Ocarina of Time was very much A Link to the Past's core structure and content translated into 3D, and it was well-received in its day. But Breath of the Wild is far more ambitious. It's not just a translation of existing content to a new format; it's, as the original Zelda was in its day, an adaptation of a popular genre (and the same one, even: open-world action RPGs) with a Nintendo twist.

We haven't had a Zelda game follow that strategy since the NES titles.

The thing is, Breath of the Wild has a lot more competition for that open world fantasy setting, where as Ocarina of Time was the seed that helped the 3d RPG/action/adventure genres sprout.

Ocarina of Time's audiences are probably today's Skyrim and Witcher fans.

But I totally hear on BoTW and the original Zelda, which is why I think it may have good legs if it all truly turns out well. That initial excitement may not be quite as feverish as it once was, but BotW could maybe bring a lot of fans back, and create some new ones.

We'll see.


-it'll be a good conference
-fans might be expecting too much
-focus will be on the launch and launch window line up as well as pricing and what the hardware offers (multi-touch, IR, joy cons, etc.)
-zelda confirmed for launch
-mario confirmed for launch (speculation)
-mario kart within the first 30 days
-splatoon in may or early june
-mario kart and splatoon won't be major focuses of the conference
-new IP at launch
-tease future projects (mentions Pikmin, Metroid, Donkey Kong, and Monolith Soft's new game)
-$249 basic/$299 deluxe
-show ~9 of their own games, most of which will release during the launch window
-doesn't know what to expect from 3rd parties
-thinks we'll see stuff from capcom, namco, and sega
-western titles won't be a major focus
-doesn't think skyrim will be a launch game because zelda
-interested to see what square enix does, announced support early

Boy, if we get all that, it would be Nintendo's best conference since YEARS.


I know everyone is freaking out, but there were no lines to preorder the 3DS or Wii U. I think showing up when the store opens will be enough.


The one thing I do expect tonight regardless of how it goes:


I mean, if you don't care about getting games ASAP, why care about getting a console at launch in general?

I don't even know what we're discussing right now, to be honest. My original point was that I can understand why, if Switch launches with two Wii U ports only from Nintendo, that some could see that as disappointing. If you don't agree, great!
I think if you ty to get one the first few hours after they go live you will be ok..

I think people are going a bit crazy here as this isn't all over the news right now..

People don't know about it like the nes...

It's not $60...

It's not the holiday..
I should probably post predictions because I'm too lazy to make a bingo card. I'll stay away from leaked/heavily rumored stuff because that's no fun.
-One SKU, $250
-Packed with Mario Kart in at least one territory
First Party Games
-Luigi's Mansion 3 by Next Level Games
-Fire Emblem Warriors by Koei Tecmo
-Eternal Darkness by From Software
-Xenoblade 3 by Monolith Soft
-Bayonetta 3 by Platinum
-New console RPG led by Mistwalker
-No Retro
-No Wii Sports-like minigame collection
Third Party Games
-Dragon Quest XI shown on Switch for the first time
-A DQ Builders game is announced for Switch
-Final Fantasy VII Remake announced
-Monster Hunter XX port
-SteamWorld Quest is finally announced
-A dormant Japanese third party IP is revived
-People will be confused when a cool game announcement is relegated to Treehouse Live or a press release instead of the main presentation


Take that leaked lineup. Add Lego city undercover (yeah, re-release but I'm not gonna pretend like more than 300 people worldwide have played it) and possibly Skyrim and you've got, what, like 6 games that are likely going to metacritic 85+?

They don't really need anything else to make it the best launch lineup ever. Seriously. If you look at that lineup and are disappointed, you were never remotely interested in Nintendo to begin with.

Or you own a Wii U. It's a good lineup and I could see myself getting 5 or 6 games from it but best ever is a stretch.
And if When third party support is real for Switch and is good, it will definitely be highlighted at the conference. More than just Nintendo fans will be watching. Investors, gaming media, Real media (lol), and non informed gaming public


I see people are already using their concern troll tactics. Glad this board probably will be dead for a few hours after. That is the worst part of conferences....people sneak fanboying and trying to rain on parades .

I'm personally only hyped for the new MARIO and even I know this leaked list would be the best launch lineup for a console in a looooong time. Ports or not.


-it'll be a good conference
-fans might be expecting too much
-focus will be on the launch and launch window line up as well as pricing and what the hardware offers (multi-touch, IR, joy cons, etc.)
-zelda confirmed for launch
-mario confirmed for launch (speculation)
-mario kart within the first 30 days
-splatoon in may or early june
-mario kart and splatoon won't be major focuses of the conference
-new IP at launch
-tease future projects (mentions Pikmin, Metroid, Donkey Kong, and Monolith Soft's new game)
-$249 basic/$299 deluxe
-show ~9 of their own games, most of which will release during the launch window
-doesn't know what to expect from 3rd parties
-thinks we'll see stuff from capcom, namco, and sega
-western titles won't be a major focus
-doesn't think skyrim will be a launch game because zelda
-interested to see what square enix does, announced support early

Thats about what I would expect

I hope people dont freak out cuz Western games arent in the conference, I expect those to be announced after the conf. and companies send out their PR and trailers kinda like Lego City just did.


I'm lining up either during or right after the event. I'm not taking any chances. I don't think their allotments at GameStop are going to be all that big and I really don't want to miss out.


Junior Member

Depends really. If you live in a smaller urban area or town then you should be fine, you'd have more trouble if you live in the heart of a big city I imagine depending on where your GameStop is located. Either way you are more than likely to get your preorder if you go an hour before the store opens.


I'm hoping for a $250-300 price just so the people saying they would buy it for $250 saying it now has to be below $200.

Or a $200 price tag so people need to say it has to be $99 or something. You get the idea.
-it'll be a good conference
-fans might be expecting too much
-focus will be on the launch and launch window line up as well as pricing and what the hardware offers (multi-touch, IR, joy cons, etc.)
-zelda confirmed for launch
-mario confirmed for launch (speculation)
-mario kart within the first 30 days
-splatoon in may or early june
-mario kart and splatoon won't be major focuses of the conference
-new IP at launch
-tease future projects (mentions Pikmin, Metroid, Donkey Kong, and Monolith Soft's new game)
-$249 basic/$299 deluxe
-show ~9 of their own games, most of which will release during the launch window
-doesn't know what to expect from 3rd parties
-thinks we'll see stuff from capcom, namco, and sega
-western titles won't be a major focus
-doesn't think skyrim will be a launch game because zelda
-interested to see what square enix does, announced support early

Very reasonable and what I've expected for a long time. Launch window is the focus. A few projects further off are teased. A very solid conference if that's what unfolds.
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