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NPD Sales Results for March 2015 [Up1: Nintendo numbers, PS4 placing]


I think some posters here don't remember the install base size of the PS3 in the US for its first two years...

This is a sad graph to make....


2 months of sales tracking included for "The Order 1886" and "Uncharted: Drakes Fortune".
The Order is a bomb. Why can't we just leave it at that?

Any reasonable lifetime sales projection leaves the game well below any expectation of profitability.

Sony's been really smart with their investments and money in the gaming space over the last few years.

There's no reason, from a financial standpoint, to continue with this franchise. The market soundly rejected this product.

But who knows. Dunno why this particular game has captured so much of the conversation. Guess there's not much else interesting to talk about with only a handful of games releasing every month.

Endo Punk

The Order is a bomb. Why can't we just leave it at that?

Why? People want to push the narrative that its some misunderstood gem, because you know Sony doesn't fund mediocre games, It's either critical and commerical darling like BB and TLOU and everyones happy or everyone doesn't understand how awesome the game is and critics are terrible. The Order didn't bomb because its a waste of money it bombed because dudebros don't get its complexity and depth...


This is a sad graph to make....


2 months of sales tracking included for "The Order 1886" and "Uncharted: Drakes Fortune".

I'm not disputing that TO:1886 is a probable disappointment (at least in the US) in sales (it certainly was a disappointment critically and for many gamers it seemed), but would you mind putting in dark grey the Oct-Dec (Holiday) period? :)
Just so we can include all factors in... I'm not even sure why UC1 and TO:1886 are being compared tbh.

Why? People want to push the narrative that its some misunderstood gem, because you know Sony doesn't fund mediocre games, It's either critical and commerical darling like BB and TLOU and everyones happy or everyone doesn't understand how awesome the game is and critics are terrible. The Order didn't bomb because its a waste of money it bombed because dudebros don't get its complexity and depth...

I don't think I have seen -anyone- say that actually. Beside you that is, with your spoilered /s.


No, it did not. The first wave of Sonys output last time had more hits than misses--Resistance, Ratchet, Uncharted, GT5P all pushed a few million copies apiece. Hell, even HS sold a million.

The order is not close to any of these.

If you saying that Uncharted sold badly, you are wrong.
If consider a million copies a failure, then Bloodbourne has failed. The comparison is horseshit.

Any evidence for WW numbers?

Endo Punk

It's clear as day with the way PS fans defend Knack, TO, Driveclub, PSASBR etc. Cannot accept these are mediocre experiences and threads upon threads are created defending these POS and I honestly don't see that with Nintendo or XB1 fans, or at least as much. And I say that as a PS fan for 18 years. The funny thing is there is no need to defend bad games because Sony make and support more than enough quality games like TLOU, BB, Journey, ICO, TLOU, Flower, Sound Shapes etc.


It's clear as day with the way PS fans defend Knack, TO, Driveclub, PSASBR etc. Cannot accept these are mediocre experiences and threads upon threads are created defending these POS and I honestly don't see that with Nintendo or XB1 fans, or at least as much. And I say that as a PS fan for 18 years. The funny thing is there is no need to defend bad games because Sony make and support more than enough quality games like TLOU, BB, Journey, ICO, TLOU, Flower, Sound Shapes etc.

I have to admit I just recently bought Driveclub because it was on sale for 19.99 New at gamestop.

And with all the updates to that game, It's a pretty damn good racer, IMHO.

I mean I don't have much to compare it too since I don't play al ot of racing games. But I put it somewhere in between Project Gotham Racing and GT.

The order, Knack I'll give you that, I played them and they were nothing special. Not Horrible, but not good either. They do IMHO come into the mediocre category as you put it.


But who knows. Dunno why this particular game has captured so much of the conversation. Guess there's not much else interesting to talk about with only a handful of games releasing every month.

That's possibly because there's a lot of potential there. Folks really dug the world they created and I think they really want to see it done right. That's a desire born of emotion, which isn't necessarily rational, so we get into discussions where people attempt to find a scenario in which a more refined sequel can happen.

Hell, I enjoyed my time in that world enough to go at it again. I'm not quite sure if I'll ever get the chance, which makes me a little sad.

Until E3, of course, when the new hotness makes me forget. So, I guess we're all talking about it because E3 leaks haven't started much yet.
Until E3, of course, when the new hotness makes me forget. So, I guess we're all talking about it because E3 leaks haven't started much yet.

Pretty much. Back when over 700 games were releasing annually, this game would have been a blip for maybe a couple days then been forgotten.

Now that only 200+ games are releasing, there's not much else to distract.

My guess is that people here wanting more of The Order don't really want that. They just want more good games they can care about and want to play, and clinging to the only new Shooter IP in a while is like being stranded in the ocean where a plank of wood looks great given the alternatives.


I have to admit I just recently bought Driveclub because it was on sale for 19.99 New at gamestop.

And with all the updates to that game, It's a pretty damn good racer, IMHO.

Sorry, you can't have that opinion. It's a mediocre game that you're only defending because you're a Sony fanboy, EndoPunk has spoken.


I came in this thread hoping to see some discussion about NPD numbers.

I ended up with a seesaw back and forth argument about the merits or lack their of for The Order for the *fourth* month in a row.

Sigh. Guys. I'm about to blow your minds. I enjoyed The Order. But it wasn't a life changing experience. Personally? I hope a sequel gets made because I feel the potential is there. Will it happen? Who knows! And that's about as invested in the topic as I care to be.

Why can't anyone let this go? Is it because it's a Sony exclusive title and this is a prime candidate to have a stealth console war? Why didn't Sunset Overdrive get this level of scrutiny? I basically feel that is the X1's equivalent. I enjoyed it, but it was nothing remarkable.

Endo Punk

Sorry, you can't have that opinion. It's a mediocre game that you're only defending because you're a Sony fanboy, EndoPunk has spoken.

Its when the ps community on gaf come together to make a terrible game seem great when it really comes off as fanboyish. Like any bad game you want I honestly don't care. But to expect bad games critically and commercially to get more funding is being selfish and not looking at the big picture. People asking for TO2 might as well be asking for Sony to leave the console space by the end of the gen. When you fail so bad like RAD, like Evolution. You don't deserve to continue the IP.
Its when the ps community on gaf come together to make a terrible game seem great when it really comes off as fanboyish. Like any bad game you want I honestly don't care. But to expect bad games critically and commercially to get more funding is being selfish and not looking at the big picture. People asking for TO2 might as well be asking for Sony to leave the console space by the end of the gen. When you fail so bad like RAD, like Evolution. You don't deserve to continue the IP.

I'm with you on The Order but the other titles you listed just make your argument seem a bit crazy. Why shouldn't someone be allowed to like Driveclub? It didn't fail on the level of Order. Same with KZ and Knack which were much more successful.


I'm not disputing that TO:1886 is a probable disappointment (at least in the US) in sales (it certainly was a disappointment critically and for many gamers it seemed), but would you mind putting in dark grey the Oct-Dec (Holiday) period? :)
Just so we can include all factors in... I'm not even sure why UC1 and TO:1886 are being compared tbh.

I'm not sure why it's being compared as well but it's been used in this thread various times for various reasons.

You're certainly correct that Uncharted released November whilst The Order released in February. That will certainly have an impact.

Although The Orders second month is one of the worst drops I've seen in a while.

Endo Punk

I'm with you on The Order but the other titles you listed just make your argument seen a bit crazy. Why shouldn't someone be allowed to like Driveclub? It didn't fail on the level of Order. Same with KZ and Knack which were much more successful.

I don't have a problem with people liking DC or TO. Sure DC didn't fail on the level of TO but it failed pretty bad; a year delay, no promised PS+ version, major server issues for months and the whole social aspect came off half baked. Critics also panned it and the game is crawling with sales after many bundles and price cuts. Also doesn't sound like an IP worth supporting with a sequel. KZ and Knack were heavily bundled and regarding Knack its the very definition of mediocrity yet so many people unironically want a sequel.

It's one thing to say I like so and so game but its another to continue pushing the idea that gamers didn't understand a game, sequel will address all issues. I see a lot of that with PS exclusive titles. Wonder if Knack and TO would have had as big a defence force if they were multiplat.


Its when the ps community on gaf come together to make a terrible game seem great when it really comes off as fanboyish. Like any bad game you want I honestly don't care. But to expect bad games critically and commercially to get more funding is being selfish and not looking at the big picture. People asking for TO2 might as well be asking for Sony to leave the console space by the end of the gen. When you fail so bad like RAD, like Evolution. You don't deserve to continue the IP.

This is one of the shittiest posts I have ever seen. Sony decides what to fund. And I want I Knack sequel does not make me a fanboy.


Microsoft goes first, and that's not until next week. I think Sony is sharing in the first week of May.

April 23, 2015 - Microsoft (21:30 GMT)
April 30, 2015 - Sony (08:30 GMT)
May 7, 2015 - Nintendo (08:30 GMT)

UK time because I'm in the UK.

This is one of the shittiest posts I have ever seen.

I agree. Not sure why there is so much hate on this game/dev.

But how does it compare to Knack?

Nothing compares to Knack.
I know we are all harping on The Order, but any idea how Evolve is doing? That game fell off the NPD as well. Granted, it did start higher and was on more platforms, but it too is gone.

More importantly, any decent info on how the Vita did? Thanks!


Why? People want to push the narrative that its some misunderstood gem, because you know Sony doesn't fund mediocre games, It's either critical and commerical darling like BB and TLOU and everyones happy or everyone doesn't understand how awesome the game is and critics are terrible. The Order didn't bomb because its a waste of money it bombed because dudebros don't get its complexity and depth...
It's clear as day with the way PS fans defend Knack, TO, Driveclub, PSASBR etc. Cannot accept these are mediocre experiences and threads upon threads are created defending these POS and I honestly don't see that with Nintendo or XB1 fans, or at least as much. And I say that as a PS fan for 18 years. The funny thing is there is no need to defend bad games because Sony make and support more than enough quality games like TLOU, BB, Journey, ICO, TLOU, Flower, Sound Shapes etc.
Its when the ps community on gaf come together to make a terrible game seem great when it really comes off as fanboyish. Like any bad game you want I honestly don't care. But to expect bad games critically and commercially to get more funding is being selfish and not looking at the big picture. People asking for TO2 might as well be asking for Sony to leave the console space by the end of the gen. When you fail so bad like RAD, like Evolution. You don't deserve to continue the IP.
Well, you've certainly convinced me. The Order needs to get a sequel. I hear you loud and clear.


I guess I'm stuck in last week. Thanks.

Anyway, here is something interesting we should watch out for in these next set of results.

When the Xbox 360 was launched it didn't exactly take off from day 1. Sales were poor to start off with but Microsoft were adamant that they'd reach 5 million units before the end of Q3 2006 and 10 million units before the end of 2006 so that they were comfortably in the lead before the PS3 even had a chance. (First to 10m and all).

Whilst demand grew for the 360, by the end of 2006 there was not demand for 10m. But Microsoft still sold in 4.4m units in the last quarter of the year to reach 10.4m units. However it was estimated that only around ~8m had been sold through to end users and there was a ridiculous amount of stock on shelves just so Microsoft could boast 10m.

In Q1 and Q2 2007 we saw Microsoft ship 1.2 million units worldwide to retail. It's estimated that Microsoft actually sold through 2.4 million units to end users during this time with 1.3m sold through in the USA alone. The original goal was to sell in 5 million units to reach 15.4m but as I said they could only reach 11.6m

What this shows is that there was so much stock in the channel that Sell through was much higher than sell in and Microsoft couldn't sell in more units until they'd got rid of the original stock they shipped at the back end of 2006.

Now I believe that history is about to repeat itself and whilst the situation isn't as bad as the 360 situation, I doubt we'll see Xbox One shipments exceed 1 million units this quarter.

Now of course MS will combine 360+One numbers so it'll be hard to see exactly what MS shipped but I really don't expect it to be that high after the number of units MS shipped end of 2014.
I don't have a problem with people liking DC or TO. Sure DC didn't fail on the level of TO but it failed pretty bad; a year delay, no promised PS+ version, major server issues for months and the whole social aspect came off half baked. Critics also panned it and the game is crawling with sales after many bundles and price cuts. Also doesn't sound like an IP worth supporting with a sequel. KZ and Knack were heavily bundled and regarding Knack its the very definition of mediocrity yet so many people unironically want a sequel.

It's one thing to say I like so and so game but its another to continue pushing the idea that gamers didn't understand a game, sequel will address all issues. I see a lot of that with PS exclusive titles. Wonder if Knack and TO would have had as big a defence force if they were multiplat.

That's not what I'm trying to get at. I think it's good to seperate people who enjoyed a game and sales talk. You can enjoy TO but recognize that it failed both on a critical and commercial level. What does it bother you that people want a sequel to Knack? Like I honestly don't get it.

You say you don't mind people who like certain games then outright call another the definition of mediocrity. It's a sales thread. Hell, I enjoyed Order and I don't expect nor want Sony to green light a sequel based on its reception. You need to be able to seperate the sales talk from the rest.
Why? People want to push the narrative that its some misunderstood gem, because you know Sony doesn't fund mediocre games, It's either critical and commerical darling like BB and TLOU and everyones happy or everyone doesn't understand how awesome the game is and critics are terrible. The Order didn't bomb because its a waste of money it bombed because dudebros don't get its complexity and depth...

wow dude, I think the console war has gone to your head....I think you are seeing things that don't exist by cherry picking posts. Many sony fans admit the order was poor.....you get everything else from both fanbases,. You are doing an awful lot of calling out sony fans and generalizing here.


Now of course MS will combine 360+One numbers so it'll be hard to see exactly what MS shipped but I really don't expect it to be that high after the number of units MS shipped end of 2014.

MS shipped 2 million Xbox's last year, with the 360 taking .8m and the Xbox One taking 1.2m I see that going down a lot thanks to the 360 and over shipping of the Xbox One last quarter.

I think anything above 1.5m for the Xbox family would be extremely good.


Its when the ps community on gaf come together to make a terrible game seem great when it really comes off as fanboyish. Like any bad game you want I honestly don't care. But to expect bad games critically and commercially to get more funding is being selfish and not looking at the big picture. People asking for TO2 might as well be asking for Sony to leave the console space by the end of the gen. When you fail so bad like RAD, like Evolution. You don't deserve to continue the IP.

Man, what a LOL! Especially the bold one.


Now I believe that history is about to repeat itself and whilst the situation isn't as bad as the 360 situation, I doubt we'll see Xbox One shipments exceed 1 million units this quarter.

Now of course MS will combine 360+One numbers so it'll be hard to see exactly what MS shipped but I really don't expect it to be that high after the number of units MS shipped end of 2014.

Definitely overshipped, its clear they were expecting a much bigger christmas than what they got. Ass creed bundles lasted way longer than they should have. In any case the real eye opener will be their Live revenue. 360 is on the way out so that cash cow is quickly drying up. They already saw a large drop last quarter.


MS shipped 2 million Xbox's last year, with the 360 taking .8m and the Xbox One taking 1.2m I see that going down a lot thanks to the 360 and over shipping of the Xbox One last quarter.

I think anything above 1.5m for the Xbox family would be extremely good.

360 should be under 0.5m and One should be under 1m. So yes, anything above 1.5m will be very good and I'll be shocked.

Definitely overshipped, its clear they were expecting a much bigger christmas than what they got. Ass creed bundles lasted way longer than they should have. In any case the real eye opener will be their Live revenue. 360 is on the way out so that cash cow is quickly drying up. They already saw a large drop last quarter.

They didn't see a drop last quarter? Overall revenue was down but Xbox Live revenue was up 42%.

~570k at retail. probably missing some tiny countries.

What's the source being used out of curiosity?

Whoa I guessed no one ordered.

I'm here all week.

I already made this joke damn it :p
The meltdown from him and others if a sequel is green lit would be glorious.

I really hope a sequel gets green lit. The game had some huge glaring issues but overall I enjoyed it and would be on board with a sequel that addressed and fixed the problems from the first game


People asking for TO2 might as well be asking for Sony to leave the console space by the end of the gen. When you fail so bad like RAD, like Evolution. You don't deserve to continue the IP.

Driveclub is a damn fine game with probably one of the best season pass ever made. Sure the PS+ version didn't pan out, but doesn't mean the game is bad.

The Order was a 5 year project to build a new engine and a game. The game seems to been more of a lets re-coup some money and showcase the engine. I think they succeeded on every aspect of that theory. A sequel is not impossible and reading comments like yours filled with hatred for those who enjoy something you don't ( did you play them? ) makes me want to see s sequel even more.


I really hope a sequel gets green lit. The game had some huge glaring issues but overall I enjoyed it and would be on board with a sequel that addressed and fixed the problems from the first game

They just need to go back to their original concept of making it a dominos pizza delivery simulator where the customer is charged $18.86.
Re: The Order

I think RAD built a fantastic world and what gameplay The Order has is really appealing and brutal. I think it would be a shame if it didn't get a sequel, the world they built and the tech in the game is fantastic and a sequel could fix a lot of the issues that game has.


I really hope a sequel gets green lit. The game had some huge glaring issues but overall I enjoyed it and would be on board with a sequel that addressed and fixed the problems from the first game

Off course there should be a sequel. Even though the Order was met with mediocre acclaim ( and sales ) it still shows tremendeous potential, both in terms of technology and lore/character building. A lot of the loudmouths talking shit in this thread ( hi Edo Punk ) might forget that Sony is seeing returns on many fronts from these kinds of investments, including new tech to be shared between 1st party developers. People tend to forget easily, but in RAD Sony found a team that came from mobile development, to being able to pump out basically the best looking game ever.


Off course there should be a sequel. Even though the Order was met with mediocre acclaim ( and sales ) it still shows tremendeous potential, both in terms of technology and lore/character building. A lot of the loudmouths talking shit in this thread ( hi Edo Punk ) might forget that Sony is seeing returns on many fronts from these kinds of investments, including new tech to be shared between 1st party developers. People tend to forget easily, but in RAD Sony found a team that came from mobile development, to being able to pump out basically the best looking game ever.

That's somewhat of an understatement.
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