The most annoying thing is the seeming lack of structure to things. Started off with KS backers, now it's both together. KS aren't shipping in any logical order either, so we have both a delay, and no realistic way to predict when ours will be here.
Same with vive too.
I'm really really trying to be patient, but the fact that the Vive is actually out and people are getting shipments of it and the Rift "launch" was over a week ago with no one knowing when they are even shipping out... this is bad. If I didn't have one of the first preorders at the 5min mark, I'd really be tempted to cancel. I was a HUGE Oculus supporter and have praised them until this "launch". Got a DK2 when preorders for them went up and couldn't say enough good things. My hype and loyalty for Oculus has pretty much went out the window. The damage has been done. Free Shipping is nice, but I'd rather pay double what shipping was going to cost to just have the damn thing at this point.
I ordered a Vive the day preorders went up and have an April shipping for that too, and have now leaned more toward that device than the Rift. I love the Oculus store and think it's a very neat and cool way to interface with the storefront and be in a virtual space, but man, they botched this almost to the point of unrepair for me. Like I said, I'm trying to be patient, I'm trying to have self control, but now seeing the Vive out there with people bringing it home and having fun with it.... damn, I'm kinda jealous. This whole thread had the potential of being on fire and having so many good discussions, but the "launch" was so terribly handled that it basically salted the earth for most people on the Rift; myself included.
I'm not canceling my order, I'm keeping both devices, but dang, I'm really soured on Oculus at the moment. I'm keeping very low expectations for Oculus from now on.
You do know that Vive is having their own issues with shipping. Also, Oculus has been shipping Rifts out since last Wednesday. Both headsets are now shipping. Both are having their issues.
Adr1ft works great for me. GTx 980, i7 5930K 16 gigs of ram.Look at this; Adr1ft performance. There are lots of spots where the frame drops and makes you sick.
980Ti + i7 2700K 4.5ghzs + Windows 10 + 16GB Ram
Do you guys think it's because my CPU is not matching Oculus' standard? CPU It's only at 29% usage in the picture.
I'm not using a CV1, I have a DK2.
How is it running for you?
I have encountered my first boss in Chronos () and at first sight it was really daunting and put some tension in me. A Souls game would feel almost overwhelming in VR.giant cyclops
I have died several times right now (one hit kill). Is the challenge as straight forward as it seems or?...
Project Cars bought from the Oculus store has no play on desktop mode.
Ahh.. I had my 'Dark Souls persistence' on but I got nowhere...
Often very true for Souls.You need to sleep on it. Always works for Dark Souls.
I know.![]()
Im just gonna go to sleep and hope i dream.Nothing for anyone today? Come on, man... I just want to stop trying to weigh options in theory and finally try one of these damn things.
Nothing for anyone today? Come on, man... I just want to stop trying to weigh options in theory and finally try one of these damn things.
Hours vary for when they start to process. They did some Australia orders a couple of hours ago. I hope that isn't all for tonight. Maybe after midnight.
My GPU only has a mini HDMI output, I have bought an adapter. Does anybody know if this will be a problem?
My GPU only has a mini HDMI output, I have bought an adapter. Does anybody know if this will be a problem?
Shouldn't be.
Yesterday was rough for preorders if you weren't in Australia.
Australia is actually past the six minute mark. Everywhere else saw no movement on preorders.
We are officially into the third week of the three week window.
That's pretty disappointing to hear. It sounds like we can't even correctly judge the progress on orders since they keep jumping around and focusing on individual regions.
That seems to be the way they're handling it. At first they were handling even Canada/US separately but now they seem to be lumped together. Then there seem to be people they have completely skipped between the start of preorders and five minute mark.
I may go mad trying to make sense of it all. Better to just say it's going to come when it comes at this point.
In Chronos..
Has anyone found the Krell Kite Shield? I can't find it anywhere. I've seen people using it before the second boss in streams.
Defeated the first boss in Chronos. Game has provided a handful of memorable moments so far. One of my favorites is hinted at in trailers but just extra nice to see in person as it is very convincing. It is whenyou shrink in size and you go fight wind-up soldier-toys in a bookshelf while giant full-size troopers walk in the room outside.
The impressions in the thread got me hyped, but watching trailers last night (for Chronos) deflated that some. Really highlights how hard marketing VR is going to be, because I believe folks are really enjoying it but viewing trailers makes it look really ho hum.
I really hate it because every bit of bad news I get about this launch makes me consider the competition that much more.
Seems the vive is having launch issues itself, unless you meant PS VR.
In Chronos..
Has anyone found the Krell Kite Shield? I can't find it anywhere. I've seen people using it before the second boss in streams.
I imagine PSVR will have stock issues as well. Though the overall distribution will be a lot smoother since it will be through retail storefronts.
They've got months to build and stockpile products. It should not be an issue for them.
Other than the Australian updates below, there was quite simply nothing going on last night. Here's a recap of where we're at in shipping in the regions:
US/Canada - 05:17 in the US and 05:15 in Canada.
Europe - 06:03 from the UK.
Australia/NZ - 06:27 from Melbourne.
Asia - LOL:LOL 残念 /u/Aftershok
Oculus claimed to have a stockpile as well. It's always a problem in the first week or two of an anticipated product. Preorders will be filled for most and there will be short delays for the rest. Standard console style launch I would imagine.
The lens thing was admitted to be an April Fool's prank.
Hm, wonder what it actually is then? From the little official communication we got, that prank didn't seem too far off the mark (just not the lens, I guess?).
A component shortage.
I do find the way they can only process one country at a time a little odd as well. There might be some truth to processing issues.