Here we go, posting this from my Rift within VirtualDesktop.
Spent two hours in the rift, tried Henry, Lucky's Tale, Chronos, Dreamdeck.
I had the DK2 previously, the halo effect is pretty bad, it was really surprising since DK2 didn't seem to have this at all.
I was also having a constant juddering every 20 seconds or so. It was really bothering me, I tried to search for it, turns out f.lux is the cause for this. I just uninstalled it and voila. No more issues.
Other than this it's an amazing piece of tech. Some demos are really impressive. Chronos was freaking me out and I haven't encountered any enemy yet. Lucky's Tale is delightful and fun. Can't wait to go back into it. Can't wait to get my hands on the touch controller too.
Really excited about all that is to come. See you guys later, I'm going back!