SPOILER ALERT: This post and the thread as a whole will include spoilers for the Christmas specials (Tennant's final episodes) and spoilers about the current series. Proceed with caution.
If Moffat says it's Series 1, who I am to argue? It's Series 1. Or 5, or 31, or Fnarg. Or even 'New Series'. Whatever.Steven Moffat said:It's either Series 31 of Doctor Who or Series 1 of Matt Smith's Doctor. It's not Series 5. The reason is that Series 31 sounds epic and awe-inspiring, Series 1 sounds exciting, but Series 5 sounds boring, like an aging brand, and it's inaccurate.
On New Year's Day, both David Tennant and Russel T. Davies bowed out of the series with The End of Time. This was to make way for the new Doctor, Matt Smith, and the new executive producer/lead writer, Steven Moffat - a man who has already written several acclaimed Doctor Who episodes, including:
"The Curse of Fatal Death" (Comic Relief Episode, 1999)
"The Empty Child" / "The Doctor Dances" (2005)
"The Girl in the Fireplace" (2006)
"Blink" (2007)
"Time Crash" (Children in Need Mini-Episode, 2007)
"Silence in the Library" / "Forest of the Dead" (2008)
In summary, the confirmed writers for Series 1 are (with parenthesis indicating number of episodes written):
Steven Moffat (6), Mark Gatiss (1), Gareth Roberts (1), Richard Curtis (1), Toby Whithouse (1), Chris Chibnall (2) and Simon Nye (1).
Directing duties for:
Adam Smith, Andrew Gunn, Ashley Way and Jonny Campbell.
The good folks at GallifreyBase have put together a rough episode list (spoilers and inaccuracy ahoy!): http://lh5.ggpht.com/_8H3NvF7Sa_Q/SxQ1K3oxXQI/AAAAAAAAAaM/AgsJ9kUuUvE/spoilerchart.JPG
Confirmed Episode Titles as of 4th March:
Episode One - The Eleventh Hour - GAF Consensus: An exceptional start, if not Moffat's best ever.
Episode Two - The Beast Below - GAF Consensus: Keeps standards high, but leaves us wanting in some areas.
Episode Three - Victory of the Daleks - GAF Consensus: The first non-Moffat episode, and it shows. Disappointing.
Episode Four - The Time of Angels
Episode Five - Flesh and Stone - GAF Consensus: A brilliant two--parter, inexplicably described as "not the greatest thing ever" by some.
Episode Six - Vampires in Venice - GAF Consensus: Witty, charming and good fun. Shows Who can be written well by people who aren't Steven Moffat. Isabella can't act though.
Episode Seven - Amy's Choice - GAF Consensus: Pretty well-liked, yeah. But who, really, is the Dream Lord?
Episode Eight - The Hungry Earth
Episode Nine - Cold Blood - GAF Consensus: An uneven two-parter with a lot of surprises - some good, some bad.
Episode Ten - Vincent and The Doctor - GAF Consensus - OHMYGOD SO SAAAAAAAAAAD! And yet so happy.
Episode Eleven - The Lodger - GAF Consensus - Nice, clean fun. Genuinely humorous. And not nearly as bad as Love and Monsters. Phew.
Episode Twelve - The
Episode Thirteen - The Big Bang
It's odd that a series that is itself a relaunch of an old series should be relaunched, but that's exactly what happened. Sort of. For some, the departure of RTD as lead writer and executive producer and the arrival of Steven Moffat was a relief. Others, however, were sceptical of this "12 year old with a crackling voice" and his ability to fill David Tennant's shoes.
With that in mind, here I have DoctorWho's views. The user, obviously.
DoctorWho said:The beauty of Doctor Who is that the conceit of the character being able to regenerate gives the series itself a continuous opportunity to evolve. This is one of the primary reasons that the show continued to be as successful as it was during its initial run. With people tiring of RTD's "cheese" the transition to a new Head Writer and to new branding for the series will keep the series fresh in the minds of the audience.
To help you make your mind up, here's the official BBC preview of Series One:
And here are the tenth doctor's final moments:
The trailer for Series One: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpbmMhNe6aA&feature=player_embedded
We have a new logo (above), a new Doctor, a new assistant, a new TARDIS, a new, well, everything. Let me take you through it.

The Eleventh Doctor - Matt Smith
Here is Matt Smith in his brand spanking new Doctor outfit. Far removed from Tennant's outfit and even further removed from Eccleston's outfit, it's kind of... old school. Then again, a lot of things in Moffat's series seem to be re-imaginings of 'old school' Doctor Who. I must confess, I've seen little of the original Doctor Who and so am not qualified to comment. I can say that I don't hate the new outfit, despite previously proclaiming the bow tie was "a step too far". Expect Smith to be one of the quirkier Doctors. Well, more than Eccleston. It would appear he even has a catchphrase:

New Companion (Amy Pond) - Karen Gillan
Or assistant, if you prefer. Ah yes, Karen Gillan, the new red-haired companion. I do believe that one (over)enthusiastic GAFfer proclaimed he would "fuck that 'til my dick snapped off". Charming. People wonder why Sally Sparrow was scared off. Just how she comes into contact with Smith's Doctor is, understandably, under wraps. Pictures seem to suggest that it isn't long after the regeneration. Personally, I think that previous companions have been inconsistent (Donna being the best, Martha the worst) but - judging from images alone - think that Gillan will prove a success. As always, in Moffat we trust.

New Tardis - It's All Shiny
That's Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space to you. Yep, another new thing. Who woulda thunk it? A result of Tennant smashing up the old Tardis during his regeneration, the Tardis (or TARDIS) now has a nice retro look. Reports also suggest the interior has changed - as would make sense. There's a blurry picture of a little bit of the inside knocking around on the internet, but I don't honestly think it's that interesting. It's very likely that the Tardis will now have multiple floors. This is really just representative of the change (we hope) Moffat is bringing to the series.
Oh, and I almost forgot:

New Sonic Screwdriver
FnordChan said:This calls for a captioning contest.
My thanks to:
DoctorWho, smarties00, Wes, infiniteloop, Burai, Linkzg, APZonerunner.
I'll update the OP with important information as it becomes available. I'll do my best to keep it relatively spoiler free though.