Wasn't getting at anything. Was just trying to make the point that being +86 doesn't mean anything or help you in your losses. It's not a very meaningful stat.
I used bad wording. Tried to save it the end but was typing between half of Fifa club match and didn't bother going back to it.
There is less points, but certain things no longer need scouted. If you scouted their OVR, then sure, your boned. Not sure what throw power costs, but the price of most the stat scouts are also way down from last year. But basically you have to be way more choosey about who you reallllly want to learn about.
I think I like it this way. People are going to be making gambles in the first round if they don't play it right.
Point differential is pretty good indicator though, yeah it can get skewed but it shouldnt be dismissed.
As for CB's earlier post about stinking, and having to change things up in year 2, how much of the stink is because you don't play the game as much you did in the past? I'm a volume guy, I need to play often. Used to play scrimmages with everyone, don't do that as much anymore, definitely had an impact.