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Official Madden '15 PS4 League Thread: We Know DOTA


in a dota match, this terrorblade on my team literally said he uses his mouse to click abilities....no wonder he's just standing there as a fight goes on.


in a dota match, this terrorblade on my team literally said he uses his mouse to click abilities....no wonder he's just standing there as a fight goes on.

This Dragon Knight I just played with dove a tier 2 for no reason. The team somehow managed to get him out of it, get a kill, and get him back past the tier 1, but he just stood there while the tower and creeps finished him off. He then proceeds to all chat "gg useless team." Terrible day of DotA.


intangibles, motherfucker
This Dragon Knight I just played with dove a tier 2 for no reason. The team somehow managed to get him out of it, get a kill, and get him back past the tier 1, but he just stood there while the tower and creeps finished him off. He then proceeds to all chat "gg useless team." Terrible day of DotA.

stop playing by yourself! Solves half the problem


Just opened 3 legendary weapon engrams. nothing.

But I did hit rank 2 vanguard. So picked up armor in my slots I didn't have legendary in. Up to 26 now.

The whole game my friends were saying we were gonna lose and with the way our QB was playing I almost wanted to side with them. but I kept saying, it's Clemson, they're gonna blow it. :D


A different shader on the armor, but otherwise the same armor. Took an in-game screenshot.

Still think it looks a little better when not still, but yeah, that's mostly what it actually looks like. Not quite as flat.


A different shader on the armor, but otherwise the same armor. Took an in-game screenshot.

Still think it looks a little better when not still, but yeah, that's mostly what it actually looks like. Not quite as flat.

That actually looks pretty nice.


Can you really call it choosing if you are horribly addicted?
Well I like to ignore the addiction and pretend that I have a choice.

Hey McNeily, your racist team is super dirty.

Bakers hit was legit! Files thought it was picked. As did Baker! It was a legit block! Tell the refs they're dirty for calling that Maclin ball a catch even though he was out of bounds and only his right leg touched the ground.

Oh and Phee and Drizz my boy Jelani Jenkins is a stud getting that safety. I played football with that guy!


intangibles, motherfucker
Well I like to ignore the addiction and pretend that I have a choice.

Bakers hit was legit! Files thought it was picked. As did Baker! It was a legit block! Tell the refs they're dirty for calling that Maclin ball a catch even though he was out of bounds and only his right leg touched the ground.

Oh and Phee and Drizz my boy Jelani Jenkins is a stud getting that safety. I played football with that guy!

1 knee equals two feet bro!


Roughly 7 hours, and that was with Luke dropping a few hints, lol. Great fun though!

whoa. didn't expect that from destiny. even if it's 4 hours, that's a really long ass raid considering it's only 6 people.
Its one thing when it requires 40 people organized.....


whoa. didn't expect that from destiny. even if it's 4 hours, that's a really long ass raid considering it's only 6 people.
Its one thing when it requires 40 people organized.....

It's not really that long because of a lot of encounters. Figuring out the best strategy and executing it still takes a long ass time. 40 people in WoW allowed for a lot of scrubs to be carried, all 6 people need to be flawless in this.

So it really is like an MMO raid? How many bosses? I just got max lvl in FF but I played WoW back in the day.

2 bosses, 2 non combat encounters.
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