Played a few Dota matches solo ranked today. won 3 of 4. The last one was a captains mode and the kid that grabbed captain right away, listened to absolutely no one. Drafted and banned like it was a pro match. He picked CM, visage, then batrider. Everyone was pissed that he wasn't picking the people they were comfortable with. Then he took night stalker and ursa.
He took bat rider solo top (dire), and immediately died like 3 times as he was adamant of having ursa in a tri lane bottom. We just started playing like he didn't exist and if anything positive came from him, it was like a happy accident. Ended up getting the win somehow sincr team fights were pretty awful.
Made it feel nice to overcome the other team and your own captain though.
All said, I prefer all-pick if going solo ranked. Had the best experiences there.
Sure, there has been frustrating solo ranked games, but I think people generally do want to win more and it seems like a better time than unranked games solo at this point.