Reading through the patch now, some random thoughts as I go.
-I've been saying they needed to make changes to All Pick, at least for ranked, so I'm glad they're addressing it. Not sure if the gold dropoff is enough, but I your early starting items are usually so tight that just a few seconds/gold lost can make a difference.
-my Ursa cries at the Roshan changes.
-definite nerfs to Alch, should see him less frequently as a support. I had no idea it used to get stronger while in mid air.
-multiple Beastmaser hawks/boars at once? That seems kind of crazy.
-the Brew ult reduction is really sizeable. I wonder if he'll show up more, I always thought he was underrated to begin with.
-glad Broodmother got beaten down. I don't think she was overpowered, but just incredibly annoying to play against.
-Death Prophet with one of the highest win rates around so they...buff her? I think the extra 15 seconds on ult is probably worth the bigger silence sphere.
-lots of Earth Spirit changes, but it seems like he still should be effective in the right hands.
-buffs to the type of Invoker I play as and nerfs to the type of Invoker I frequently play against, nice.
-that Lion Agh's change is potential nuts. 850 damage to multiple heroes? Combine it with DS's vacuum...good god.
I wonder if the ally has to stand still after you cast it on them for it to work. Otherwise it is kind of crazy.