...or Burmecia got sacked "for Freya". Garnet begins the game being literally stolen by the womanizer Zidane, who then proceeds to grab her ass at random points in the story. Also, Beatrix existed solely for Steiner and built all her character development around his presence. Quistis existed only for the world to see how great a leader Squall was. Let's also not forget how FF8 was LITERALLY a 40-hour witch hunt! Oh I almost forgot Yuna, the woman with no agency whatsoever, bending helplessly to the wants of male-driven Yu Yevon and Tidus' irresistible charm, the only thing to sway her from her duty...before Tidus takes the limelight entirely. Yunalesca was a revered female summoner who just so happened to be an undead villain in disguise, what a waste. Or how Tifa literally fell to her knees and just couldnt go on when her lover caught mako poisoning, she existed solely to go into his mind and get sliced by Sephiroth, empowering the male lead to do awesome shit or whatever.
The Beatrix comparison is particularly nuts, to be honest. I mean:
"Beatrix existed solely for Steiner and built all her character development around his presence," just isn't true at all. Beatrix is shown to be terribly dedicated to her duty and clearly doesn't like Steiner very much at all initially. She's not even interested in talking to him - which tells you a great deal about both him and her. She's in command of the main Alexandrian army, and Steiner's knights are a much smaller unit. They're shown throughout the intro to be incompetent, with Steiner a well-meaning but none too successful commander of a band of idiots who vaguely represent each previous FF entry based on their numbering. Beatrix's troops, meanwhile, are incredibly adept and trusted to guard the queen herself.
A lot of this is more subtle storytelling, but it's all important: her characterisation isn't for Steiner, but it's for HER. This characterisation is also what sets her up to be a particularly formidable foe at the end of the fist disc and then again later on.
Through a combination of writing, dialogue and even combat the game teaches you that she is some serious shit, she's powerful, she's dedicated to her country and her position, etc. It's not top-level character work, but it's very strong for a member of the supporting cast.
The most important stuff for Beatrix doesn't happen in Steiner's presence, either: It always happens for her when she's alone with the Queen, more or less (so, two women! shocker) as the Queen's actions are increasingly questionable to her and her incredible loyalty slowly begins to waver. When it breaks it is in Steiner's presence, but that's not the point, and he again isn't the important inflection point of that scene and her decision to change sides - it's all about the Queen, Garnet and herself (three women! dun dun dunnnnn) and the others present, like Steiner and Zidane, are tertiary to the whole thing because it's already been proven Beatrix can kick their asses.
Beatrix doesn't change paths because she's in love with Steiner, but because her sworn oath is to protect
both Garnet AND Brahne, but when one is trying to kill the other she is forced to take a side. The game cleverly keeps Garnet out of the equation for Beatrix until then, too - she's never around when you fight her prior.
That's all about her, and the character built up for her. Her decision is the one that matters. This groundwork is laid early on, with cutscenes featuring just Brahne and Beatrix aboard the Red Rose that are nothing but the two of them; words and character motivation bouncing off each other. Steiner is never a consideration.
Sure enough the Beatrix and Steiner love affair is some pretty cliche stuff, but by the time you reach the point where that begins to pan out with Eiko's stolen letter she's already been well-established as a strong character in her own right.
Incidentally, the woman with the best arc in FF15 is arguably Aranea, and her arc is identical to Beatrix's pre-Steiner except - like so much of FF15 - her wavering and doubting is left off-screen (though we do get her briefly discussing it in ambient dungeon dialogue) - but the arc itself is still pretty decent. No doubt it would've been better still if we'd had some stuff like cut-away scenes where Aranea appears alongside Loqi or Ardyn or even the Emperor and begins to figure out in front of us she's on the wrong side before she confesses as much to the bros. Luna, meanwhile... gosh - Luna has less an arc and more of a straight line, and it's a straight line that goes straight into the grave. That, incidentally, is also what makes her so much worse than Aerith, who like Beatrix is well-defined in advance.
The points about Quistis and stuff are similarly mad but I'd be here all day if I went in and addressed all of them. I just wanted to address one really in-depth to prove how utterly insane this string of points is.