-Plasma Reus-
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This Is Absolutely ridiculous First the Idea of a Design Being called "An endemic" Is crazy as crap. an endemic is a Virus that is killing people Not A character Design. not only that but the picture you posted as to how you would like it to be changed does nothing it just gives her pants."We should be offended." By what ? an Artist has the right to draw & create what ever they want to create. who gives a crap if you are Triggered ? it's there Design & how they wanted her to look. you have no right to demand someone change there art work or there creative vision to suit you. the Only "privileged" person i see is you because you are simply bitching on the computer about something that does not affect you. this kinda crap only leads to more Censorship because people like you can't handle seeing a nipple when everyone has them. ya men ewww that's a funny thing to say since you are playing a game with a all men fucking group or did you not even play the damn Game ?
You want a game about Aranea ? Might i Suggest you play FF13 or FF13 lighting Returns then. odds are she will be in the game at some point because they are adding in a lot of free stuff to expand the story so stop bitching. i don't even think you bring up the part about iris being a demon hunter
Oh, and
I don't know what all the fuss is about with Cindy. As far as I can see, she is an accurate depiction of the 'average female mechanic', which term resulted in this googled image:
she is a sexualized image only for male titillation similar to Megan fox. Do you want FF games to have female character writing on the level of Michael bay?
She is still the breast... I mean the best.
I don't think that more presence of boob window valkyrie is going to help matters
absolutely the worst character design I've seen in a long time
Re: the comment I posted above (which I have to fight hard not to leave a scathing reply), is there a thing where (some, obviously, not all) straight male gamers feel threatened by the idea that a game might not primarily aimed at them? Is that why they get so angry when people complain about female characters? Or is it more something something ethics in gaming?
Luna role in Kingsglaive and XV:
sounds like this in action:Is this male fragility in action?
Oh, and
Re: the comment I posted above (which I have to fight hard not to leave a scathing reply), is there a thing where (some, obviously, not all) straight male gamers feel threatened by the idea that a game might not primarily aimed at them? Is that why they get so angry when people complain about female characters? Or is it more something something ethics in gaming?
Thanks for putting in so much work. Japanese triple A games really need to stop dropping the ball so hard when it comes to women.
Thanks for putting in so much work. Japanese triple A games really need to stop dropping the ball so hard when it comes to women.
I don't know what all the fuss is about with Cindy. As far as I can see, she is an accurate depiction of the 'average female mechanic', which term resulted in this googled image:
I don't think anyone has mentioned her belly button jewelry that would never get caught on any machinery and ripped out as she's leaning over a car.
I gave that the side eye when I saw it. I never wear rings, earrings, etc... around horses because if it can get caught on something, it will. I know people who have lost fingers and earlobes.
As dumb as Cidny's design is for a mechanic, this particular thing is a weak criticism. I work on various oil platforms and there's a lot of people who wear rings and even those earrings that stretch your ears, despite knowing fully well how that shit has gone wrong for people in the past. People just don't care about that stuff, they assume nothing is going to happen to them.
Having recently finished XV I have to say Aranea and Iris are great characters and they were definitely robbed with how little screen time they got. Aranea really feels like she should have just been a permanent party member, insteadThe fact that Irisshe gets regulated to the sidelines and we don't see her in the world of ruin at all.Hell Cindy may have an absolutely awful design and the camera work done when she was on screen was disgusting, but her personality was still good andbecomes a badass monk demon slayer and we never get to see it is criminal!we didn't even get to see her in the world of ruin either!
True but it seems that even when there is one it always has something like Cindy in it. The Ni No Kuni 2 trailer had pointless impossible boob jiggleConsidering how few and far between 'AAA japanese games' are in general, that sounds like an ask.
True but it seems that even when there is one it always has something like Cindy in it. The Ni No Kuni 2 trailer had pointless impossible boob jiggle
three out of 4 of Persona 5's female characters are wearing skintight suits and don't get me started on these poses
Nier Automata has this character:
It's like damn can't we get a game without at least one example of this shit? ಠ_ಠ
True but it seems that even when there is one it always has something like Cindy in it. The Ni No Kuni 2 trailer had pointless impossible boob jiggle
three out of 4 of Persona 5's female characters are wearing skintight suits and don't get me started on these poses
Nier Automata has this character:[/IMG]
It's like damn can't we get a game without at least one example of this shit? ಠ_ಠ
Zelda and Ni-oh do look great in that regard. Hopefully they don't pull any surprises in that regard. Hyrule Warriors was a travesty.Zelda and Ni-Oh (surprisingly) look great for making good female character designs and animations. The latter has Team Ninja but I can't help but feel they're trying to be more classy in general going by the trailers. Zelda has generally been nice about imbuing it's characters with some form of dignity all around so it's not unreasonable to expect that from the newest game.
Cindy's honestly a non character, all of her quests start and end with "think you can help me out" and then she's nowhere to be found during emotional moments. She doesn't even have a special way of talking, they just told the VA to put on the most offensively stereotypically southern accent possible.If her outfit wasn't as comically sexualized and the camera would stop staring at her ass and breasts for a second, Cindy would actually be a great (female) character. She's got spunk, has a special and endearing way to talk, she's very capable and she's actually a helpful, well implemented side character. She would have been an awesome Cid, iconic even, as the first female Cid in the series. But they even took that away from her in the English version...
Ftfy. There's also the issue that character writing is WAY more often than not severely undermined by pointless titillation.Men love sexist designs, or atleast the designers who're mostly comprised of men designing designs for other men do. As long as the characters are great i can excuse it and enjoy it for what it is.
Yea FFXV is really a full whammy in terms of how terribly it handles women.I hate infinitely more when women are mishandled in games on a wider basis as severely weak willed and shown to be constantly incompetent(Luna in Kingsglaive), without purpose(Luna in FF15) and generally there as props without purpose besides sexual titillation such as Cindy. I also hate when they are just plain underutilized(Areana and Iris)
It's a shame that when everything else has great believable animation something that looks completely out of place and takes the viewer, (especially those who aren't the perceived target audience), out of the trailer. In the same way that the shot of Quiet from the 2014 trailer from MGSV which is full of great imagery and editing looks completely out of place with everything else. As an animator I can tell that there are very few instances where boob jiggle legitimately enhances a shot or motion especially when it looks like that.As far as Ni no Kuni 2 goes to be fair, the boob jiggle pretty subtle and doesn't affect much.
It'd be great if the special default for three out of the 4 female characters wasn't "teenager girl in some variation of a skin tight suit."Persona 5 does have multiple costumes you can use for each character, and they are generally in their school outfits, those are their 'special' outfits.
Who look like women. Edi from ME3 is also a robot but this is no less cringeworthyAlso, Yorha and A2 are robos
Zelda and Ni-oh do look great in that regard. Hopefully they don't pull any surprises in that regard. Hyrule Warriors was a travesty.
True but it seems that even when there is one it always has something like Cindy in it. The Ni No Kuni 2 trailer had pointless impossible boob jiggle
It's like damn can't we get a game without at least one example of this shit? ಠ_ಠ
She doesn's have exposed thighs though, her final design varies from her original concept design.
Gotta make sure that midriff is open for slashing though.
I mean, i guess?
Just based on the design of the world, and the concept, not everything is going to be practical according to real world standards...the guys are running around with open shirts fighting monsters after all.
It doesn't gel to ask for practicality, even if modesty is what your actually asking for
The fact that you have a high tolerance to it due to being exposed to so much of it, otherwise known as normalization, and thus are defending it with "welll as long as she's a good character" does make you pretty sexist.I honestly don't have an issue with sexualization in particular as a concept, unless there is nothing else to the character to balance that out, or it becomes an overwhelming issue that goes too far.
I hope that does not make me myself a sexist or against women, that's just how i feel in many cases.
I may have different standards cause my tolerance is somewhat high as an avid consumer of Japanese media, but when it gets to 'that point' for me, its generally when its something really really bad that even i can't rationalize or overlook.
I mostly have a problem with the half assed attempt at her armor. It just makes no sense and doesn't fit into the world at all for me. I found it very jarring. If she was trying to dress in clothing I have no problem with her showing skin like the others. But the armor is just weird and revealing for no reason. It just feels like bad design to me. Why wear a cage over your face with a giant opening over your chest? It's just nonsensical.
This is a fantasy not based on practicality
The fact that you have a high tolerance to it due to being exposed to so much of it, otherwise known as normalization, and thus are defending it with "welll as long as she's a good character" does make you pretty sexist.