We now know, at least for a minute, when you will be able to buy the Oppo OnePlus One. According to the companys official forums, they now have a better grasp on which units need to be the focus of production and have scheduled later in June as the time that general availability will increase.
As expected, the initial push is to get 100 units out to the winners of their Smash the Past contest, followed by the fulfillment of the first batch of 16GB Silk White models. Once early June rolls around, a larger batch of 64GB Sandstone Black units should be available before we hit that later June mark for general availability.
OnePlus realized over the last couple of weeks that people are much more interested in the $349 64GB Sandstone Black unit over the $299 16GB Silk White model and have had to adjust their schedule accordingly. Why the 64GB is still the last out the door is beyond me, but Im not a production guy. Im just a blogger.
Here is the official updated word from OnePlus:
Ready now 100 for phone smashers
Mid to late May Larger batch 16GB Silk White for the first batch of invites
Early June Larger batch 64GB Sandstone Black
Later in June Increased general availability, people who want it should be able to get an invite without much trouble in June