Have this girl that I was talking to on Tinder, the conversation was kind of stalling a bit. So I decided to ask her for coffee on a whim, to which she seemed super excited and promptly agreed for this Wednesday (my suggestion), whereafter I give her my number and she gives me hers. She says she gets off work at 5 pm so we decide to meet at 5.20 pm in the city. Four hours before I text her to confirm the time, she responds that she recently received a reserve time slot for a mandatory part of the driving test process that she has to attend. I know it's difficult to get slots for this thing so I totally believe her. Weird that I had to text her first though. Anyway, she offers to reschedule the next day, and we agree to the same time of day.
Two hours before she texts me "feels terrible about it" but has to stay late at work and can't make it, this time with no rescheduling offer. At this point I deliberately wait about an hour before texting her back and say "That's okay! I trust you will make it up to me
". This was around 4 pm yesterday and no response yet, and she just now was active on Tinder again, after being inactive for about three days.
This is a lost cause, right? She didn't want to meet me in the first place and simply accepted to be nice. Well, nice in her head at least, blowing me off at the first instance is by far the more "nice" thing to do. I mean if she texts me with a rescheduling offer that's nice, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm definitely not texting her first about it.