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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond


...their rating? What's that?

This girl wants to meet up Wednesday and gave me her FB too. I declined the FB for now as I try to keep that private. I literally started talking to her yesterday for half an hour and proposed that I was more open to meeting for a casual chat over adding her on FB right away.

The only problem is...she's very religious lol. So much so that it seems like it'd be a deal-breaker, since she also seems very opinionated about..everything. Still, I wouldn't mind a chat.

I'm also suspicious to know if she's real or not.

There was this one girl who was eager to talk to me but I made her send a picture holding up a drawing to prove that she was real. I feel terrible about making her do that after she sent it, but I've also run into my share of fake profiles who were also eager to reply back.

Generally, a Google Reverse Image Search does wonders for spotting fake profiles. I used to flag profiles on POF constantly before I gave up because the tide of bots were unstoppable. You'd be surprised at how many fake profiles with photos of Asian models there are...


Started taking selfies at the bus stop today since my bus was late. I think this is a new low for me, lmao.

Rate me, GAF. Good pic? Girl-GAF opinions more than welcome haha.

Sadly I was dumb and filtered it when I took it, so I don't have the unfiltered version. Did my best to make the filter look better in Photoshop haha.


I think it's funny when a girl says she's looking for a long term relationship and not hookups yet her profile is almost empty and she's showing cleavage in all her pictures.


So one of my matches didn't respond to my initial messages but she shared a moment which was a picture of her underwear drawer with the caption "what to wear...". So I send her another message commenting on how her underwear is a lot more attractive than mine. We then ended up having a short conversation about underwear and swapped snapchat usernames. Her snapchat username is a variation of mucking bins.

Urban Dictionary said:
mucking bin
the act of eating a girl out. Commonly used phrase by hockey players.

I feel like I'm being trolled. :/


it's easy to get numbers at a bar. if anything actually comes out of those numbers is questionable.

I agree and I don't. It's easy to get a number once you get going at a bar. It's harder to have the courage to go up to someone to start the conversation. It's the opposite online where it's easy to hit on a bunch of strangers from your keyboard or device but harder to fight for their attention to get going in the first place.

So 3 dates in with this 1 girl and I don't feel it can go anywhere. I think I'mma drop her which is gonna be hard because she's really into me. I have a date lined up tomorrow with someone else, which I don't think will go anywhere based on how short and infrequently she responds to my text, but we'll see. I have another date Wednesday which is a make up for when I cancelled on her this past Friday lol. This one actually seems enthusiastic about the date so hopefully that goes well. There's this other girl on Tinder that gave me her number a few messages in and we're trying to set up a date. She wants to do Thursday, but that would be 3 dates in the 3 days and that's a bit much for me, plus I want to hang out with my boys lol so I'm going to try to push for the weekend.

Discoid: I'm being super nitpicky when I'm saying this mind you lol, but I don't like that shirt if you're going to expose a little chest hair. It should be a sexy dress shirt if you're going to do that.

Astral: You obviously got muscles which is encouraged to display. But yeah, I would smile or have a better backdrop. Also, crop the lower half of the shirt as it being wider than the upper half is throwing me off for some reason.

Again, I'm just being super nit picky here!
OK, so this chick I started talking to yesterday messaged me today with her number out of nowhere (she sent me her FB yesterday and I rejected out of wanting to be a little more cautious, offered trading numbers which she rejected with a similar excuse). I guess she changed her mind and says it'd be nice for me to message her during her mundane work hours tomorow.

She is down to meet up Wednesday and even initiated where to meet up..unfortunately the location is about 1 1/2 hours from me, and I'm not too invested to go all the way down for a random date. So I'm trying to bargain somewhere closer/midway for us both.

I'm going to have to text her tomorrow... Just nervous about giving out information, but I guess it's good.

The only HUGE issue is that...she's a super serious Christian, and her "message me if..." blatantly says "message me if you believe in God/Bible"...which I don't! But she hasn't once mentioned her faith in the conversation.

What the hell am I getting myself into


OK, so this chick I started talking to yesterday messaged me today with her number out of nowhere (she sent me her FB yesterday and I rejected out of wanting to be a little more cautious, offered trading numbers which she rejected with a similar excuse). I guess she changed her mind and says it'd be nice for me to message her during her mundane work hours tomorow.

She is down to meet up Wednesday and even initiated where to meet up..unfortunately the location is about 1 1/2 hours from me, and I'm not too invested to go all the way down for a random date. So I'm trying to bargain somewhere closer/midway for us both.

I'm going to have to text her tomorrow... Just nervous about giving out information, but I guess it's good.

The only HUGE issue is that...she's a super serious Christian, and her "message me if..." blatantly says "message me if you believe in God/Bible"...which I don't! But she hasn't once mentioned her faith in the conversation.

What the hell am I getting myself into

You'd be super surprised at how much the religious stuff doesn't matter when the girl actually likes you. I know a lot of super religious girls that fell hard for some guys who were absolutely not religious.

They had pretty bad breakups though.


I think it's funny when a girl says she's looking for a long term relationship and not hookups yet her profile is almost empty and she's showing cleavage in all her pictures.
I didnt know cleavage means dtf, I guess you have to be covered head to toe to be percieved as girlfriend material....

Anyway, some guy just messaged me asking if I wanted to be an escort....1200/1800 a night :/

I dont know what to make of that.

Also went on a date yesterday the guy had been texting me for a really long time like over two weeks. After the date I dropped him off at his car and we didnt kiss or anything since there was no way we could (i stopped in the middle of the parking lot) and I said "did you want to hang out again?" And he said "yeah definitely" and I said "ok when you are available just let me know" to which he replied "I can take whatever day off I want just let me know what works" so I left him and I havent heard from him yet, should I text and say hi?


I didnt know cleavage means dtf, I guess you have to be covered head to toe to be percieved as girlfriend material....

Anyway, some guy just messaged me asking if I wanted to be an escort....1200/1800 a night :/

I dont know what to make of that.

Also went on a date yesterday the guy had been texting me for a really long time like over two weeks. After the date I dropped him off at his car and we didnt kiss or anything since there was no way we could (i stopped in the middle of the parking lot) and I said "did you want to hang out again?" And he said "yeah definitely" and I said "ok when you are available just let me know" to which he replied "I can take whatever day off I want just let me know what works" so I left him and I havent heard from him yet, should I text and say hi?

Sounds like a power move. If the date went well then he's probably waiting to see if you were actually interested.

I feel like maybe it didn't go that well though if you didn't kiss. His answers to your questions don't really mean anything because he coulda just been put on the spot and said nice things as to avoid having to basically say he wasn't interested in you.

Why was there no way you could kiss? That doesn't make sense to me.


Sounds like a power move. If the date went well then he's probably waiting to see if you were actually interested.

I feel like maybe it didn't go that well though if you didn't kiss. His answers to your questions don't really mean anything because he coulda just been put on the spot and said nice things as to avoid having to basically say he wasn't interested in you.

Why was there no way you could kiss? That doesn't make sense to me.
Well he sort of made the motions towards a kiss but I dont like leaning over and kissing in a truck with a huge bench seat so I sort of didnt move in lol, there were people starting to come up behind me and I didnt have anywhere to park to get out and give a legit kiss. I feel like he might not be into me, when I was telling him a hilarious story he wasnt smiling and was like looking around and shit. Also some dog tried to pee on my bag on the date, it was funny.


Well he sort of made the motions towards a kiss but I dont like leaning over and kissing in a truck with a huge bench seat so I sort of didnt move in lol, there were people starting to come up behind me and I didnt have anywhere to park to get out and give a legit kiss. I feel like he might not be into me, when I was telling him a hilarious story he wasnt smiling and was like looking around and shit. Also some dog tried to pee on my bag on the date, it was funny.

Well what I would do is make the next conversation a request to do something. If it's been like a day or so just say "hey (name) want to get together this friday to do (event)"

If he responds then I guess he's interested. If not then you would know he wasn't.


Well what I would do is make the next conversation a request to do something. If it's been like a day or so just say "hey (name) want to get together this friday to do (event)"

If he responds then I guess he's interested. If not then you would know he wasn't.
Yeah I guess so, I mean I wont be surprised if he flakes but it will be annoyingly dissappointing considering that has been happening more than it should. I wish I knew why.


you can't put a price on sparks
Spill the beans

Holy fuck he responded, did hell freeze over?

Sounds like he just likes you.

But maybe he has a sense of humor that isn't very aligned with yours for whatever reason, which is why he wasn't laughing earlier.


I didnt know cleavage means dtf, I guess you have to be covered head to toe to be percieved as girlfriend material....

Some cleavage here and there is fine but when there's cleavage in all the pictures and the profile is almost empty, I get the impression that the girl is not looking for anything serious, yeah. How am I supposed to be interested in you as a person if you're putting your boobs at the forefront and seemingly let them define you?


Some cleavage here and there is fine but when there's cleavage in all the pictures and the profile is almost empty, I get the impression that the girl is not looking for anything serious, yeah. How am I supposed to be interested in you as a person if you're putting your boobs at the forefront and seemingly let them define you?
Maybe they dont know how to attract guys other than having their assets revealed. Guys do the same thing by showing their gym selfies.


Sounds like he just likes you.

But maybe he has a sense of humor that isn't very aligned with yours for whatever reason, which is why he wasn't laughing earlier.
Yeah that may be true but it was a story about me scaring my sister! I think my laughing made him feel awkward I dont know.


you can't put a price on sparks
Yeah that may be true but it was a story about me scaring my sister! I think my laughing made him feel awkward I dont know.

Maybe he can't relate to scaring a sister because he doesn't like scaring people or thinks its not funny to play pranks on people. Or maybe he was distracted by something else going on. Who knows.

I think it matters more if you like him


IAlso went on a date yesterday the guy had been texting me for a really long time like over two weeks. After the date I dropped him off at his car and we didnt kiss or anything since there was no way we could (i stopped in the middle of the parking lot) and I said "did you want to hang out again?" And he said "yeah definitely" and I said "ok when you are available just let me know" to which he replied "I can take whatever day off I want just let me know what works" so I left him and I havent heard from him yet, should I text and say hi?

What took it two weeks before yall finally went out?


Maybe he can't relate to scaring a sister because he doesn't like scaring people or thinks its not funny to play pranks on people. Or maybe he was distracted by something else going on. Who knows.

I think it matters more if you like him
Well he was a foster child so he doesnt have any siblings so I guess its hard to relate. Stories of me being a shit are hit and miss for some people lol.

I like him enough, I still dont really know what kind of a personality he has and I dont know a whole lot about his life yet so I dont know if I will still like him after I find out all that, who knows.

What took it two weeks before yall finally went out?
I was working and in Seattle. When I was away in Seattle I thought for sure he would never respond to me because he would have become bored or found someone better but he still spoke with me and set up a date so I must be doing something right.


Well he was a foster child so he doesnt have any siblings so I guess its hard to relate. Stories of me being a shit are hit and miss for some people lol.

I like him enough, I still dont really know what kind of a personality he has and I dont know a whole lot about his life yet so I dont know if I will still like him after I find out all that, who knows.

I was working and in Seattle. When I was away in Seattle I thought for sure he would never respond to me because he would have become bored or found someone better but he still spoke with me and set up a date so I must be doing something right.

My first date with my current gf from OkCupid lasted for 12 hours and we never managed to kiss (it never felt right). Also, there was no way in hell I was going to text her first after the date (yes, it's a stupid power play but it's the only way I'd know if she was actually interested)

You're doing everything right. You'll be fine. :p


It's already snowing in what is technically still summer in my city. This is putting a damper in my third date idea :/


My first date with my current gf from OkCupid lasted for 12 hours and we never managed to kiss (it never felt right). Also, there was no way in hell I was going to text her first after the date (yes, it's a stupid power play but it's the only way I'd know if she was actually interested)

You're doing everything right. You'll be fine. :p
Thanks that is actually reassuring! :')


So I just started this whole Tinder craziness within the last 5 days. I got 3 matches. All 3 out of my league. The first one was either a bot, prostitute, or escort. Didn't look like it from the picture but her message stating she charges $125/hr kind of gave me the vibe. Needless to say this was disappointing. $125 seems extremely high. Idk what the going rate for a prostitute is but damn this economy (I'm not using this app just for sex btw). The second girl which matched up with me yesterday, again a shocker, but I have no idea if she's real and she's 66 miles away so that's not happening even if she is real. I just got another one 2 hours ago from a girl who definitely looks real. 9 miles. I swiped her first then she must have swiped me a half hour to an hour later. You ever get the feeling they just might have swiped the wrong way? Regardless, I haven't messaged her yet but if she's real and actually likes me that's incredible.


Oh wow

I always hear you tell us that people always say to you that you look angry however i never had a picture to see for myself if it were true

So does anyone else have comments about my pic? I wanna know what's wrong with me. It'd sure explain why I only got 1 match on Tinder in the almost month that I was on it.


you can't put a price on sparks
So does anyone else have comments about my pic? I wanna know what's wrong with me. It'd sure explain why I only got 1 match on Tinder in the almost month that I was on it.

You're not framing in thirds very well

Your face is silhouetted

You take the picture from a low angle making you seem more monstrous. A more appealing and neutral angle would be from straight or a little bit higher angle. Also it makes your head look smaller in reference to the rest of your body which makes it a bit more goofy (relates to the framing in thirds issue)

Crossing arms makes you look angrier than you have to.

A flex motion would be better and maybe a different shirt would also help. Perhaps something that is more form revealing like a sleeveless t shirt


You're not framing in thirds very well

Your face is silhouetted

You take the picture from a low angle making you seem more monstrous. A more appealing and neutral angle would be from straight or a little bit higher angle. Also it makes your head look smaller in reference to the rest of your body which makes it a bit more goofy (relates to the framing in thirds issue)

Crossing arms makes you look angrier than you have to.

A flex motion would be better and maybe a different shirt would also help. Perhaps something that is more form revealing like a sleeveless t shirt

Excellent criticisms. After I posted it I noticed the silhouette problem. Something just looked odd. The angle is pretty bad too. I get a lot of shit for crossing my arms but it's just so comfortable. As for the shirt, I'm an idiot for even taking the pic in that angle because that shirt is a v-neck. You can't tell from that angle and so I can't show off my chest.


you can't put a price on sparks
Excellent criticisms. After I posted it I noticed the silhouette problem. Something just looked odd. The angle is pretty bad too. I get a lot of shit for crossing my arms but it's just so comfortable. As for the shirt, I'm an idiot for even taking the pic in that angle because that shirt is a v-neck. You can't tell from that angle and so I can't show off my chest.

It's okay to cross your arms that's why I didnt specifically say "don't". You can cross your arms in a less threatening way and make it seem less like you want to hurt me.

There's a guy who took a picture crossing his arms in a sleeveless shirt while showing off his muscles a couple pages ago. Mimic his IMO.

I'm no good at taking pictures and I don't really smile either, but its not like I have muscles so its not like I can take one of those pictures unless the chicks like hair lulz


So does anyone else have comments about my pic? I wanna know what's wrong with me. It'd sure explain why I only got 1 match on Tinder in the almost month that I was on it.

If you look at the camera, you should pretend that the camera is your girlfriend and take the appropriate facial expression. In your picture, you look like you're about to kick the crap out of your girlfriend. Most women are not into that stuff.

If you look away from the camera then it's fine if to look more serious.


I had a bad feeling about tonight and it was totally warranted. This was the dullest, most boring date I've ever been on. First off, she looked nothing like her pics. Second, she bumped the date an hr earlier than I wanted to and third, she switched where the date would be (next door in a coffee shop instead of a bar). This girl was dull, doesn't have her life together, was not dress for a date, must've used old pics as she looked out of shape, and could not hold a conversation. I think I rather have a crazy attitude than this boring date.


So I just started this whole Tinder craziness within the last 5 days. I got 3 matches. All 3 out of my league. The first one was either a bot, prostitute, or escort. Didn't look like it from the picture but her message stating she charges $125/hr kind of gave me the vibe. Needless to say this was disappointing. $125 seems extremely high. Idk what the going rate for a prostitute is but damn this economy (I'm not using this app just for sex btw). The second girl which matched up with me yesterday, again a shocker, but I have no idea if she's real and she's 66 miles away so that's not happening even if she is real. I just got another one 2 hours ago from a girl who definitely looks real. 9 miles. I swiped her first then she must have swiped me a half hour to an hour later. You ever get the feeling they just might have swiped the wrong way? Regardless, I haven't messaged her yet but if she's real and actually likes me that's incredible.

That's no way to think, man! Fair enough on the first two being fake/irrelevant but ya never know with the third. Don't get caught up in "out of my league" thoughts.

I got six matches today which is definitely new for me, lol. I followed the advice given here and right swiped like a madman. Definitely helped, lol, though it's kind of a double edged sword. 4/6 are obese (and one in particular was seven years older than me haha) which I'm not really into, but there's two people I'll try talking to tomorrow. One of them has a kinda witty About Me so I'll try her first. The other has no About Me at all and only has a mutual interest in Harry Potter, haha.

I mean I think I look at least moderately attractive in my profile, lol. Dunno what more I can do. If anyone has any tips, advice, or criticism (posted a pic on the previous page) I'd be happy to read it. :)

Oh man he just asked for a second date! I wonder if he will last till then.



That's no way to think, man! Fair enough on the first two being fake/irrelevant but ya never know with the third. Don't get caught up in "out of my league" thoughts.

I got six matches today which is definitely new for me, lol. I followed the advice given here and right swiped like a madman. Definitely helped, lol, though it's kind of a double edged sword. 4/6 are obese (and one in particular was seven years older than me haha) which I'm not really into, but there's two people I'll try talking to tomorrow. One of them has a kinda witty About Me so I'll try her first. The other has no About Me at all and only has a mutual interest in Harry Potter, haha.

I mean I think I look at least moderately attractive in my profile, lol. Dunno what more I can do. If anyone has any tips, advice, or criticism (posted a pic on the previous page) I'd be happy to read it. :)
I'm definitely a picky asshole, unfortunately. But 2 hours of feeling like I'm going to regret not sending her a message, and literally right after I made my post here, I said "fuck it" and I messaged her. Still no response. I just checked and it says she hasn't been active in 7 hours so still no response. It's 1:30 in the morning so I don't expect to hear anything any time soon. This waiting period kind of sucks. I'm guessing if they "unmatch", uninstall/delete their Tinder account, they would disappear from my match list? Please tell me that's true. She's still on there but I just want to be sure. The first girl (escort chick) is no longer there.
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