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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond

Well, again, i was mostly just notating how she didn't really read my message and didn't respond to it correctly -- it's basically the same as the one-word replies i've gotten before where there will never be a second reply. They are basically just blowing me off.

I ended up sending a message and ignored what I had previously said, so if she responds she responds.

Ah right okay. I think I understand now. Yeah girls can sometimes do that. Not really put enough energy in to their replies. It's cool though that you went with our advice and messaged her anyway. Let us know if she does respond. That's what this thread is for after all, to help each other out. Glad I started posting in here actually. Online dating can be a pretty lonely endeavour (especially on the nights where you get no responses) so it's cool we can talk and help each other out here.


What do you guys think of women who write in their profile something like "I'm only interested in men over 6 feet tall."? I sometime send them a message such as "I only date women with DD boobs." That hasn't gotten me a date yet haha.


i don't send messages to those people.

BUT, if i were to, I would just ask something that interests you personally so you can at least use that as a platform to start a conversation if they bite.

Yeah, it seems like they put the very minimal effort into their profiles, though I'm guessing they still won't have problems racking up the messages lol.

I'll probably get flamed for this but after applying so much time and energy into unique and individual messages and getting no responses I go with a generic one liner of something along the lines of "Hey. Would you be interested in talking? Loved your photos and would love to get to know you better. Let me know." It sounds like something that generic wouldn't work but believe me it does. It helps that I have a pretty good profile too (seriously sometimes I get messages from girls just complementing me on my profile). The tactic is that because my profile is so good girls will always view it after receiving a message from me so that's how I get responses. I let my profile do the talking.

The general advice though is the opposite of what I've said. You're supposed to comment on something interesting in their profile to get the conversation going (POF states this in the guides on the site). TBH though I prefer just the generic one liner. If they like your photo and profile and are romantically interested they'll respond.

Hope this helps man. Be prepared though to get rejected a lot on POF. The attractive girls on that site get hundreds of messages a day so you really have to get lucky in finding a girl who'll talk to you for any length of time. Put the energy and time in though and you'll get results. Good luck!

Yeah, my first thought was if they put the least amount of effort, then I probably shouldn't put the most effort into sending something witty. Really though, I'm just using this until I get past this rough stretch of my schedule, don't have much time to go out at the moment. If I get nothing out of POF, I'm not really going to worry over it, just giving myself as many options as possible.


What do you guys think of women who write in their profile something like "I'm only interested in men over 6 feet tall."? I sometime send them a message such as "I only date women with DD boobs." That hasn't gotten me a date yet haha.
LMAO! That's gutsy but hilarious at the same time since it makes you sound like a pervert. Standards/preferences son. Everybody has them. It's dumb but they're there. The messed up part is when a woman asks how tall a dude is and if he's shorter than her, she turns him down by playing the old "I don't date guys shorter than me" card.

There's an episode of The Comedy Button that I listened to where the same exact thing I just mentioned happened to Anthony and the rest of the guys said that's a completely dumb excuse not to date a guy. There were all pretty supportive. As a tall guy at over 6 feet and change (6'3), I never had to deal with that stuff, but you shorter guys have my sympathy.

So I was going to class yesterday when I overheard a conversation that went something like this:

Girl 1: So you are using Tinder?
Girl 2: Yeah, I am.
Girl 1: But don't you a boyfriend?
Girl 2: Yeah, but I was curious about it. I keep swiping No to every guy.

At this point, I knocked on the door and went back to class but it's funny how girls that are taken are using Tinder. It makes no sense to be honest. I guess they're looking to stroke their egos and make sure they still "got it."

And on a similar note, I got into a conversation about Tinder with a dude in the hallway after I overheard a girl asking if he isn't bagging girls on Tinder and interjected. We proceeded to have a good conversation about it and swapped Tinder stories about our one time hook up and successes and failure. It was cool. You know Tinder is popular when college students are talking about like it's daily gossip.


So I was going to class yesterday when I overheard a conversation that went something like this:

Girl 1: So you are using Tinder?
Girl 2: Yeah, I am.
Girl 1: But don't you a boyfriend?
Girl 2: Yeah, but I was curious about it. I keep swiping No to every guy.

At this point, I knocked on the door and went back to class but it's funny how girls that are taken are using Tinder. It makes no sense to be honest. I guess they're looking to stroke their egos and make sure they still "got it."

I've seen wedding photos of them in their wedding dresses talking about loving their husbands on Tinder. Just weird.
ok so i made an okcupid account the other day and found a few people I would like to message. How do you guys go about writing the message up?


ok so i made an okcupid account the other day and found a few people I would like to message. How do you guys go about writing the message up?

depends on the girl. Here are a couple of obvious tips..

- don't make it wordy/lengthy. She's got literally hundreds of other messages to get through, there's no reason she's going to take the time to read yours.
- don't make it perverted/vain. How many people do you think compliment her on a daily basis trying to get some tail? (hint: a lot)
- make it relate to her profile; it shows you actually did something other than ogle over her pictures.
- make it witty/smart; personality is our second weapon through online dating (pictures being the stupid first) so try and get your foot in the door with a good line.

short, sweet, and to the point. That's what landed me my girlfriend who I met through OkCupid.

Funky Papa

So the date is going swimingly. She's dead cute, fun and we are laughing like idiots all night. I'm going in for the kill and then she bursts: "but I'm not really looking forward any kind of relationship. I just got out of a bad breakup and I just want cool people to talk with".

Oh Jesus fucking Christ, take me with you now.
I need to vent and this seems the most appropriate thread to do it in.

Okay I already know I should walk away as she seems like a mentalist but anyways I met this girl who works behind a bar, we got talking whilst she was working and when I told her I was leaving she gave me her number.

We text back and forth and eventually she asked if I wanted to go out for drinks which I said yes to, we made plans to go out last Tuesday. Tuesday came around and I heard nothing from her all day, I sent her a text asking what was happening and she replies saying she was ill and could we go out on the following Thursday instead which I said yes to. Seeing as I had taken the Wednesday off work I went out anyways.

I text her Wednesday morning asking if she was feeling any better and got no reply for hours. Within seconds of me putting a photo on Instagram of me and my (female) cousin together (who I bumped into on the Tuesday night) she's liked it and sent a text saying "Kind of! errrm I don't think us hanging out together is good..looks like you had fun with someone else hope you enjoyed your date!", I explained she's my cousin and she apologised saying she's sorry she gets jealous and insecure.

Thursday comes round and once again she goes quiet, instead of asking what's happening I go to the bar I'm supposed to meet her at and wait 10 mins, no sign of her. I text her saying I don't care about her bailing again but she could at least have the decency to tell me she wasn't coming. She replies saying she was baby sitting and didn't know what time we were meeting, I don't reply. A few hours later she just sends :( which again I don't reply to. I get a text late Friday night saying she feels like I'm mad at her which I reply saying I was pissed off at the time but I'm not mad at her.

She replies saying "let me make it up to you Wednesday!" Which I don't reply to. I then get a text saying I take that as a no then. I tell her if we she wants to do something we'll do something, Im told I could be more enthusiastic and if I'm not interested just say, so she's not wasting her time (the irony), anyways I stupidly say yes to going out again. Can you guess what comes next?

Late Tuesday night she sends a text saying she knows I'm going to hate her but she has to cancel again she's feeling ill. I reply with "Can we just leave it now then please" She replies saying if that's what I really what but it's not what she wants at all. I reply telling her I'm not getting my hopes up again just to be let down and if I'm just someone to talk to when bored or a fall back to seriously just leave it. She replied saying she's likes me and she can't force me to see her or talk but its what she really wants. I don't reply cause I'm still pissed off and I know I'll say something I regret.

I Wake up this morning to two messages from her sent last night, one saying "Meet me tomorrow before I go to work?" since I didn't reply it was followed up with "Oh okay then". I've replied saying I still want to go for drinks and asked what time she starts work, guess what, no reply. I'm not one of these people who expect an instant reply but when I can see you've read the message and you're off liking stuff on Instagram it does annoy me, especially after what's happened.

Sorry for the long post I just needed to get it off my chest. Yes I know how much of a mug I am!


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
So the date is going swimingly. She's dead cute, fun and we are laughing like idiots all night. I'm going in for the kill and then she bursts: "but I'm not really looking forward any kind of relationship. I just got out of a bad breakup and I just want cool people to talk with".

Oh Jesus fucking Christ, take me with you now.

is going?




get out nowwwwwwww.

if this is what's going on at the beginning, imagine what she has in store for you next.


Where do I start again? I've made attempts but I've been reluctant to get in another relationship or be intimate in over four years.

Living at home and it feels like the area I'm in far south of civilization is lacking. Not enough social venues or people around my age ~27. The women I see on OkCupid or PoF either demand too much, write too little, all of the above, maybe have children.

I'll create a profile but hesitate out of fear of being out there. I've done OkCupid, Craigslist in the distant past and obviously nothing's stuck. Maybe a dozen women. Experiences are a lottery.

Now, I kind of feel like it's a distraction. I want to make something of a connection with someone but writing a profile and looking through the limited bucket of finds nearby feels like time wasted.

I'm just venting. Oi.


Mr Solo Dolo: I feel your annoyance. I was dealing with that with this one girl who was so wishy washy about meeting. I just stop replying just for her to do the same thing and want to hang out still and blah blah blah. I just dropped it and said it wasn't worth it. Do the same!
She ended up replying and we went for a drink before she started work. She apologised and tbf to her she did sound sick.

She said she'd text me later but it she doesn't I'm not really bothered and won't pursue it, nice girl but not worth the hassle or effort.


Where do I start again? I've made attempts but I've been reluctant to get in another relationship or be intimate in over four years.

Living at home and it feels like the area I'm in far south of civilization is lacking. Not enough social venues or people around my age ~27. The women I see on OkCupid or PoF either demand too much, write too little, all of the above, maybe have children.

I'll create a profile but hesitate out of fear of being out there. I've done OkCupid, Craigslist in the distant past and obviously nothing's stuck. Maybe a dozen women. Experiences are a lottery.

Now, I kind of feel like it's a distraction. I want to make something of a connection with someone but writing a profile and looking through the limited bucket of finds nearby feels like time wasted.

I'm just venting. Oi.

I'm still living at home and I'm 26. It definitely is more difficult trying to meet girls and then explaining why you're living at home (always comes up with the "do you have any roommates" questions) and them being either turned off, or understanding and then also trying to meet up at a girl's place instead of yours if you're trying to hookup.

But basically you just have to put yourself out there. Change begins with the first step and you have to want it if you're going to do it.


I'm still living at home and I'm 26. It definitely is more difficult trying to meet girls and then explaining why you're living at home (always comes up with the "do you have any roommates" questions) and them being either turned off, or understanding and then also trying to meet up at a girl's place instead of yours if you're trying to hookup.

But basically you just have to put yourself out there. Change begins with the first step and you have to want it if you're going to do it.

So just wanted to say, I've been lurking this thread just reading different experiences. Certainly been a learning experience.

Anyway, regarding the living at home thing, I kinda feel this way also. I just graduated from Uni, 23 yrs old and looking for a job so those might be turn-offs for most girls..

Add to that I guess, I'm not really well-versed in the dating scene ever since I broke up with my ex 8 or 9 months ago.. By not well-versed, I mean I dated this girl for 5 years so I practically have no experience whatsoever with this "dating" thing.

Anyway, I'm just rambling now.. I guess I'll post my acct here for people to critique if I do start an OKC or Tinder acct.


I can't date a girl who's out of school and still lives at home. It would be so weird.

I have and I understand it because I'm in the same situation. I guess it's not for everyone and I can understand why some people would be turned off, but you have to consider the circumstances of some folks.

I find it fascinating the emphasis Americans put on the stigma of still living at home compared to other countries, but that's the way it is and so I have to play that game with dates.
Mr Solo Dolo: A girl did the exact same thing to me a few years back. She was super interested, texting me constantly and responding. On our first date we both got drunk and she jumped on me. Kissing me everywhere. Then she got on top of me in a crowded bar. Then the second date comes round and she seems less interested. Then all of my attempts at getting a third date completely fail. She canceled on me and stood me up something like three times. She went from surefire future girlfriend to one of those girls that rejects me upon our first conversation.

Weeks pass and I finally find out why. While she was dating me she met someone else who she preferred. The last text I ever received from her was "I'm seeing my new boyfriend tonight so therefore can't see you".

Seriously weeks and weeks of confusion and not knowing what happened and she finally reveals the heartbreaking reason as to why she lost interest. It's funny. It has been years now and I'm still gutted about it. I wouldn't mess girls around so it hurts when they mess me around.

Anyway best thing to do Mr Solo Dolo is cut off contact and find someone else. If she's canceling on you constantly now imagine what a relationship would be like. I think you need someone more consistent and reliable. Hope this helps. Good luck man.



She's not fully interested, likely has someone else she's seeing and it hasn't been consistent enough for her to fully ditch you. She would have been much more interested if you lied that your cousin was your new girlfriend, the ego hit would have gotten to her (she sounds like the petty jealous type). Move on, dude. Any person who doesn't respect your time, be it man or woman, doesn't deserve your attention.

She's not fully interested, likely has someone else she's seeing and it hasn't been consistent enough for her to fully ditch you. She would have been much more interested if you lied that your cousin was your new girlfriend, the ego hit would have gotten to her (she sounds like the petty jealous type). Move on, dude. Any person who doesn't respect your time, be it man or woman, doesn't deserve your attention.

Excellent post and advice. If we were together in the same room I'd start slow clapping right now.


So I just had my first date off tinder in NYC last night. Was super awkward. The girl was much fatter than in her pictures and was eating like 3x as much as me. And I thought were would just be meeting for a quick drink. 2 hours of hell


What do you guys think of women who write in their profile something like "I'm only interested in men over 6 feet tall."? I sometime send them a message such as "I only date women with DD boobs." That hasn't gotten me a date yet haha.


So I just had my first date off tinder in NYC last night. Was super awkward. The girl was much fatter than in her pictures and was eating like 3x as much as me. And I thought were would just be meeting for a quick drink. 2 hours of hell
Did you pay?


So I just had my first date off tinder in NYC last night. Was super awkward. The girl was much fatter than in her pictures and was eating like 3x as much as me. And I thought were would just be meeting for a quick drink. 2 hours of hell

Did you hit it though?


I'm still living at home and I'm 26. It definitely is more difficult trying to meet girls and then explaining why you're living at home (always comes up with the "do you have any roommates" questions) and them being either turned off, or understanding and then also trying to meet up at a girl's place instead of yours if you're trying to hookup.

But basically you just have to put yourself out there. Change begins with the first step and you have to want it if you're going to do it.
I know that feel bro being 26 and living at home myself. I totally agree you own up to it if it comes up. I usually avoid bringing up that I live at home until they bring it up but mention that I have my own bed room that's brimming with personality and put a positive spin on it. The only problem is that I sleep on a bunk bed (top bunk) that used to be vacated by my older brother before he moved in with his now wife as a remnant of when my brothers and I used to share one bed room.

I have nothing to be ashamed of given how hard it is living on your own in this day and age; especially here in NYC where rent in most places is getting increasingly more pricier by the year unless you live with roommates. My mother is totally cool with letting me bring girls over to the house since she knows I'm not going to introduce them to her unless it's something serious (I've yet to do that). However, things are going to be more awkward once her husband arrives from the Dominican Republic as he got his visa approved. But all the more reason to kick off my freelancing art career once I graduate after this semester, work my ass off, and start saving up money until I'm financially stable enough to fly the nest. Living at home is the incubator for getting on your feet and figuring stuff out without the stress of worrying about paying rent the next day and living paycheck to paycheck.

But yeah man, I agree that girls that mid 20s girls that live with roommates usually look down upon it or laugh whereas girls that still live with their parents are pretty cool and understand. Different strokes for different girls.

As for updates on my end, I deleted the Ecuadorian girl's number/texts since I realized that if I was still interested in her, I would've contacted her a second time weeks ago; she never contacted me again so I think I'm going to unfollow her on Instagram to deal the final blow. I think I'm also going to do the same with Veterinarian girl too since she never replied to my text last week and as well as with the Israeli girl. The Indian girl who got back on Monday hasn't replied to my text that I sent on Tuesday so I'll try again tomorrow before I move on.

On the positive side of good news, I've been talking to a couple of girls on Tinder. One entirely in Spanish who's big into the arts, a 20 year old, and a girl who I suggested we hang out with but said she was busy this weekend to which I told her to keep me posted.

However, the best news of all is that I'm hanging out with the Australian girl on Saturday night after 2 weeks of constantly communicating. I proposed we meet up at 6PM since I'm gonna go to an event with some friends from 3-5. However, she asked she asked if could meet at 9PM "so can show [her] more about the [she] lives in :)" to which I agreed. Why Saturday night is something that made me ask questions about her intentions in my mind. If past experience taught me anything, it's to say yes to a date that's on a Saturday night and have fun because if it's what I think it is then...


I have and I understand it because I'm in the same situation. I guess it's not for everyone and I can understand why some people would be turned off, but you have to consider the circumstances of some folks.

I find it fascinating the emphasis Americans put on the stigma of still living at home compared to other countries, but that's the way it is and so I have to play that game with dates.

I'm not American.

I don't think I've met a financially capable person able to take care of their self when they live at home.
So I just had my first date off tinder in NYC last night. Was super awkward. The girl was much fatter than in her pictures and was eating like 3x as much as me. And I thought were would just be meeting for a quick drink. 2 hours of hell

Oh man I feel for you. Similar thing happened to me. A couple of times actually. The first time I had no recollection of any of the phone numbers from girls I had acquired on the previous night due to the alcohol so called "Jenny" who I presumed would be attractive and then arrived on the date to see that I was actually going on a date with well, someone who was huge. I coped via three double Vodka and Cokes and got out of there within forty five minutes.

The second time "Victoria" posted some genuinely attractive photos of herself on POF that she'd obviously hand picked to hide her well, size. She added me on Facebook and I looked at her photo grid and realised the girl had intentionally tried to hide her true self on POF. I lost interest quite rapidly after that so we never actually ended up going on a date. I like girls to take care of themselves and monitor their weight.

I know that comes across as shallow but as someone who has applied vast amounts of energy to monitor my own weight and stay slim over the last few years I appreciate the girls I'm romantically interested in doing the same. Oh well man. There's always next time. She comes across as somewhat dishonest if her photos were truly that deceptive. I'd say keep going with your search though. Girls being dishonest with their photos is fortunately quite rare. There's always next time.


I've been reading this thread (hello everyone, not dead!), but too tired [mentally] to comment.

I will say though, that I don't see the problem in saying "I like men taller than me." Would it really be that odd?

I mean, a guy could just write "I like women with smaller waists than me," or "I like women with bigger chest sizes than me." Or, "I like women with a body shape like Nicki Minaj / Zoe Saldana / Adele etc."

It doesn't seem that offensive to me. Physical attraction is important?

You might be right, but in this case it is hard to see for me considering length is not something that is really important for me. A smaller girl would be attractive, one the same size would be, and a taller one too. But I think it is all personal taste.
It does seem a bit arbitrary though. Say (for instance) you are 170 cm, then a 171 cm guy would suffice, but a 169 wouldn't.
I don't know if people would appreciate it if I wrote on a website: You have to be between 50 and 55 kg.


So, phone sex chick came over tonight. We started watching Mom's Night Out, per her request.

We didn't finish the movie. =D


I've been reading this thread (hello everyone, not dead!), but too tired [mentally] to comment.

I will say though, that I don't see the problem in saying "I like men taller than me." Would it really be that odd?

I mean, a guy could just write "I like women with smaller waists than me," or "I like women with bigger chest sizes than me." Or, "I like women with a body shape like Nicki Minaj / Zoe Saldana / Adele etc."

It doesn't seem that offensive to me. Physical attraction is important?

You can feel however you want bsb. It's not odd. Offended-GAF just likes to jump on anything in most OT threads.

Being attracted to taller men is commonplace.


I don't think height is a big deal to me, but I think 6'1 would be my limit haha. I'm 5'11 so dating a girl who's waaay taller than me would be a bit of a turn off.

Not a deal breaker but not really my thing either. 5'8 would probably be ideal if I had to give a number but I've liked girls that were way shorter than that.


I don't care about breast size, or if you have a little extra meat on you (in fact I prefer it) but I will not date someone taller than me.


Attraction is very important, though I can see why some people might be upset when someone writes "I only date [___]" It can hurt one's self-esteem. Even though I, for example, wouldn't be interested in an obese girl, I wouldn't write it down.


I'd take slimness over weight. I also feel weird in the Nicki Manaj threads on here, lol. Feel like I'm the only person who doesn't care for dat ass.

Attraction is very important, though I can see why some people might be upset when someone writes "I only date [___]" It can hurt one's self-esteem. Even though I, for example, wouldn't be interested in an obese girl, I wouldn't write it down.

I agree.

Funky Papa

So... a 19yo is accosting me pretty hard.

I don't even know what to say to her. Hell, I don't even know what I'm thinking of myself for accepting her request.

She was talking about how she was finally being introduced to her new class today. I'm like wut.

I'm not sure if I should feel aroused or just walk into the closest police station.

Edit: This is probably not much of a difference for most of the people ITT, but for a grown ass 34 years old man is a whole new world.

Edit: Ok, this is getting off topic, but I was looking at the past pages and I saw this:

Showering is one of my favorite things to do with my new girlfriend.

Also, she has this;

If any of you shower regularly with your SO, I highly recommend getting them this as a gift. Everyone wins.

What's the purpose of that particular implement? How's different from a common shower head + hand shower combination?

(and now there's a picture of my shower @ GAF)


So... a 19yo is accosting me pretty hard.

I don't even know what to say to her. Hell, I don't even know what I'm thinking of myself for accepting her request.

She was talking about how she was finally being introduced to her new class today. I'm like wut.

I'm not sure if I should feel aroused or just walk into the closest police station.

Edit: This is probably not much of a difference for most of the people ITT, but for a grown ass 34 years old man is a whole new world.

Edit: Ok, this is getting off topic, but I was looking at the past pages and I saw this:

What's the purpose of that particular implement? How's different from a common shower head + hand shower combination?

(and now there's a picture of my shower @ GAF)

So that we're both being hit by water at the same time? D: there were no sexual connotations if that's what you're asking.

Funky Papa

So that we're both being hit by water at the same time? D: there were no sexual connotations if that's what you're asking.

Oh, not at all. I just didn't quite see how it was different to the usual combination. I recently had my apartment redone and I've been curious about plumbing and stuff.



you can't put a price on sparks
speaking of height, i'm 5'9", so i'm not really short, but i'm not tall either. the only girl i went out with this past string of effort also stated 5'9".

she towered over me, she was easily 6'1" (she was wearing flats). it was sort of awkward i think only because she blatantly lied about her height. i don't really have a problem with it, i guess, but once they wear high heels it could be weird.
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