Characters I really enjoy playing and pick often regardless of team composition: Zarya, Pharah, Junkrat
My favorite character that isn't always useful in every team: Zenyatta
Characters I like and am great at, but I feel like I shouldn't just pick them all the time: Lucio, Reinhardt
Characters I pick specifically only to counter certain characters or get some cheap kills: Winston, Genji, Bastion
Characters I like a lot but never get to use because someone is already using them: Reaper, Widow, Tracer
Characters I should use more often because I'm apparently great at them: Roadhog, S76, McCree
I'll play them once in a while to change things up: Symmetra, Torbjorn, Mercy
Characters I don't like much, which of course means I have found great legendary skins for all of them: Mei, D-Va, Hanzo