I really like Genji but he's really tough to play. Up close he loses to McCree and Reaper. While a well timed parry will win the encounters, not all of them are that stupid, and a single fan the hammer or a couple of reapers shotgun blasts can take you down. At the same time, Genji himself doesn't have the damage output to kill these targets quickly. A smart reaper will just float away to the nearest heal station, it can be a long and arduous ordeal.
In that regard I feel that Genji actually loses a lot of encounters head to head. Stealth and mobility are his biggest merits but sometimes I feel like while I am surviving forever, I am not having the same impact that Reaper or McCree or Pharah have on the game, these characters are tank killers, output a tonne of damage and are capable of single handedly clearing the objective with their ult...